Friday, July 28, 2017

Friday Filler - The Bar is Crying

Below is the view out of my office looking due North. The building at the bottom left is The Ritz. No, it's not a 5-star hotel. It's a bar. A staple here in Jax Beach, it is quite popular with the locals. Surfers, boaters, Ferrari driving lawyers and everything in between frequent the joint. With my vantage point and ADD, I see most of the patrons that walk through the doors between 4 & 5. A trio of old ladies just walked in for example. Kinda early isn't it ladies!? If only my window opened.

After last week being abroad, hopped up on jet lag and too many pints the intent has been to lay (or is it "lie") low for 10 days or so. No drink. Meaningful exercise. Then Friday hits. A nice productive week has me thirstier than normal.  I struggle with wanting to stay clean and taking the elevator down the 6 floors to a mere 20 strides away from the real cold ones.  The struggle is real. I'm trying. I'm tryin real hard.
Enjoy the weekend folks.


  1. i appreciate you, danimal

  2. it is time. time for a cold, lite, American beer shunned by most here.

  3. very much like the plaintive channeling of Jules' (Samuel L. Jackson) speech to Pumpkin (Tim Roth) in Pulp Fiction, at the end of this post.

  4. I fight that fight every day. Just boarded my train from Hoboken. I have two Ommegang Nirvana IPA bottles in my briefcase. And I'm dehydrated from working out.

  5. My wife's best friend lives in your area, Dan. Her husband is an artist and art teacher in town. He was also a long time bartender at The Ritz and owned a surf shop in the hood. Until about a year ago he still held on to his Saturday night shift because the money was so good.

    I've been to the Ritz a handful of times. Always a good time.

  6. I remember you mentioning your wife having a connection there. Great spot....its sister bar 1 block away, Brix, is also a fave. Would love to own them....they print cash.
