Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Professor Truck!

I just finished recording and mixing a new song-- "Circumscribed"-- and I learned so much during the process that I've decided to award myself an honorary doctorate. If Bill Cosby can have one, then so can I. So from here on out, I'll go by Professor Truck. 

I've made a list of some of the reasons why I've graduated from Greasetruck to Professor Truck (also, Grease Truck is a drone band from Canada and I don't want to share a name with a drone band . . . especially if they're from Ontario). I must warn you, though, the next section gets a little technical and nerdy. You can hear it all in my new song, which started off as my usual silliness but eventually became an epic rock adventure. Mainly, I'd like to say that I really enjoy recording audio as a hobby and highly recommend it. There's never been a better time in history to screw around with this stuff.

Here's why I deserve my honorary doctorate:

Professor Truck knows how to use envelope filters, both for panning and gain.

Professor Truck used a noise gate to get rid of a hum on an overly distorted track.

Professor Truck knows how to use an arpeggiator!

Professor Truck made a template of loops, subtly changed the meter in places, and then recorded over the looped template with live guitar.

Professor Truck uses drum fills.

Professor Truck updated his mastering software.

Professor Truck listened to his mix on headphones and monitor speakers, so you should be able to crank it without distortion.

Professor Truck can play the microbass.

Professor Truck used a send and a bus for the vocals, and then added separate EQ and reverb.


  1. "Dude is garbage, and I'm over here in the kitchen cooking turkey necks!?" is my new favorite diss phrase of all time.

    For those not in the know, that's what Vince Young said about Fitzpatrick. Since Fitz lives in my town, I'll ask him about Vince. He's got five kids that play all kinds of sports, so I see him all over town.

  2. I think it's six kids by now. I didn't know that anyone actually ate turkey necks.

  3. I give it 3.5 jell-o pudding pops out of 5.

  4. I like the song. A little reminiscent of "Turn Me Loose" by Loverboy, who also happens to be Canadian (not a coincidence), but good stuff.

    Dave, I think you need to let loose with your vocals. They are relegated to mumbly background. Belt those lyrics out! (I do love your return to Pitchshifter, though!) Gimme some Ian Astbury or Roger Daltrey or Glenn Danzig.

  5. I eat turkey necks. They're one of my favorite parts of Thanksgiving.

  6. Turkey necks are awesome but if you made 35 million career you should not be cooking them yourself.

  7. If you have $35M in career earnings you should be enjoying chicken heads not turkey necks.

  8. www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=chickenhead
    1. a female who likes cock 2. a female who likes giving head, bobbing up and down like a chicken 3. a dance move.

    You mean definition 3, right?

  9. Professor Truck picked up where your precious Echo left off.

  10. Florida-LSU got pretty interesting. Down 2-1 in the 8th with 1 out, LSU had runners on 1st and 3rd. Gators threw the runner out at home on a gutsy throw by the first baseman, who caught a grounder.

    Gators still not out of danger. College baseball is neat.

  11. ok, profressor truck also takes criticism well. new mix, tried to let loose with the vocals a bit more . . . but my voice is ragged . . . maybe we should get the band back together

  12. And you're sitting around complaining about no more Echo albums.

  13. Phil Jackson firing will make Knicks fans happy...until they realize it means they will still have a ball-hog alpha dog past his prime who is detrimental to the development of their best young player. Still happily divorced from that team.

  14. Gotta bring Isiah back, right?

  15. Florida-LSU was stressful. LSU had runners at first and 3rd with nobody out in both the 7th and 8th. They got zero runs out of those two situations.

    Florida's pitching staff was unreal and they had just enough timely hitting to squeak games out. I stayed up past my bedtime last night but it was well worth it.

  16. clips just traded chris paul to the rockets. hoo boy.

  17. Dave, I am digging your song. The guitar reminds me of "Fashion" by Bowie.

    But yeah, we should get the band back together. I need to get back to Jersey.

  18. just redid the vocals again, i am done, and ready to get to work on a few others. greasetruck studio awaits your voice . . .

  19. you two wanna get a room, maybe?


  20. On a related note, I just was given two free tickets to see Lionel Richie tomorrow night.
    Fee Tines a Mady!

  21. Nice. Sexual Healing is my favorite tho.

    Have boarded the Bittermilk train after a long hiatus. Tequila and the smoked honey...yes.

  22. I thought this song was titled "Circumcised."

  23. Sexual Healing was Marvin Gaye.

  24. Attempted humor Whit. Failed.

  25. Sorry, Danimal. Should've figured.
