Monday, May 08, 2017

Your Week of Zen

"The Mexicans say the Pacific has no memory. That's where I want to live the rest of my life. A warm place with no memory."

So said Andy Dufresne in The Shawshank Redemption, talking about Zihuatenejo, a small, theretofore fishing village on Mexico's southwestern coast. Andy and Red wound up there (spoiler alert, but if you need a spoiler alert for Shawshank, maybe we've misjudged you), warm and amnesiac in the passing of their days. This week, Whitney and I will wind up there, too.

Bit of a different reason.

We're headed to Mexico's Pacific Coast for the wedding of two friends, not to escape from justice or anything else. But it'll be warm. And we'll forget a lot of stuff. So I can't wait. We're gonna get busy living, 'cause the alternative ain't much fun.

Try to keep the lights on here while we're gone.


  1. God dammit. A good friend had a wedding in St.Maarten last weekend and a colleague had a wedding in Santa Monica. Now you.

    Meanwhile, it was scarf weather here in NJ and won't be over 69 degrees for another 9 days.

  2. Is it ever really scarf weather, namby-pamby?

  3. Sorry. Had an extra helping of Testostero's for breakfast.

  4. Beach wedding season apparently. We got lucky this weekend as the temp dipped from lows 90s to low 80s for the wedding. Made standing on the beach in a tux much more bearable.

    Kind of jealous of Rob and Clarence though. Never been to Mexico and I could use a kid less day or two right now.

  5. That's cool guys...good times. Anyone the Danimal may know?

    Highlight of wkd - boy's baseball team won their World Series. Here's the setup...Semifinal game Sat a.m...Bottom of 5th (which is the end of the game), tie game, 2 outs, 2 strikes, man on first...Declan battling with foul after foul after foul until he blasts one to left center and ends with a walk-off triple to win it and advance us to the championship. Of course I don't have it on video. And on our stale subject of horrible awful fucking parents...I heard Saturday night that there was a parent of a kid on the opposite team who was sitting behind home plate trying to distract my kid. Every time the pitch neared the plate, he'd let out a "whoop". Am trying to get his phone #. I mean, wow. Six, seven, and eight year old kids...RUFKM.

  6. You do know her, Danimal... little Vicky.

  7. Seriously getting fired up for this trip. I find I'm so excited I can barely sit still or hold a thought in my head. I think it is the excitement only a free man can feel, a free man at the start of a long journey whose conclusion is uncertain. I hope I can make it across the border. I hope to see my friend, and shake her hand. I hope the Pacific is as blue as it has been in my dreams. I hope.

  8. Awesome...I'm sure that won't be any fun at all.

  9. Rob - I've met your compadre Waldo, muy Bueno! And Mexico with Clarence? What could go wrong.

  10. waldo and i will be hanging out this evening. he's a good man. bad influence, though. kinda like clarence.

  11. I'm about socialized out. Wife had a bunch of friends and family over for dinner tonight to wrap up wedding weekend. It was only acceptable to me because we ate crawfish, crabs, clams, kielbasa, corn, potatoes and crab rice. I'm full. And totally over human interaction.

  12. big sports night in the nation's capital on wednesday. caps/pens game 7. wiz/celtics game 5, and a little nats/o's as an appetizer.

  13. our president* just demonstrated his courage by firing the director of the fbi by letter, and let him find out via television report. we're edging closer to a constitutional crisis, kids.

  14. mark, your opinion of mcilwain's culpability as the shark humper? that him?

  15. Octopus is still delicious. I wish I figured this out sooner.

    Will this Comey news make its way into the class notes?

  16. I'd like to start a petition to remove the word "unmask" from the English language
    It's a goofy word. And so over-used.
    Enough already.

  17. Can we get rid of "loge" as well? Sounds gross and has minimal applicability.

  18. we need something. someone get on that. postcount!
