Friday, May 19, 2017

The Perils of Male Groupthink

Men, it must be said, are the perpetrators of nearly all of history's great atrocities. More specifically, groups of men, thinking as one, are responsible for some heinous shit. The catalogue is too long to give a full reading here, but it spans the spectrum from war to famine to genocide to fraternity hazing. (Not all atrocities exist on the same scale.)

We have President* Trump because the (mostly) men of the Republican Party couldn't see past the confines of their party to call a stop to something that represented a clear and present danger to the future of our country.

Man, to put it bluntly, are fucking morons. And bros are men evolved to their most moronic.

Case in point, the ubiquitous news this week of the rise of the RompHim, a romper for dudebros that, despite my incredulity, seems to actually exist. And not only does it exist, but Reebok is in the process of copying it.

Feast your eyes on these doucheweasels:

We did some immensely stupid, and in some cases grossly misogynistic stuff as younger men. We had a Naked Party, which was mostly harmless, except to our egos. We had a Scale Party, which was harmless in our eyes, and egregiously offensive to our female friends. In retrospect, we were assholes, and I apologize on our behalf.

I look at the fuckmonkeys in the picture above, and I see the worst in modern male culture. I see entitlement, and preening self-satisfaction with a joke that's gotten big enough to get mass laughs.

And I think, there but the grace of God and the span of 25 years go I.

Men. What a bunch of dicks.


  1. What a bunch of dicks that they seem to be rubbing on each other.

  2. That's a picture from a Mo Chi chapter, right?

  3. Saw this the other day. Imagining the campuses of Hampden-Sydney, UVa, and the like are filled with romper-donning douche bags. Probably at the end of the life cycle in fact. Very sad.

  4. They are clearly wearing those ironically. I would've done the same thing. Like most of the rest of you asshats, my primary focus in college was on how to do ridiculous things to make friends laugh. A bit lower on the priority list was securing female companionship. And far far lower was studying.

    I would wear that for a bit as a joke at a party now. Assuming I knew almost everybody there. And assuming it presented my junk well.

  5. The album cover of James' Laid in 1993 featured at least one band member in a romper.

  6. zwoman showed me these things last night and I drew pretty much the same conclusions as rob and TR. And I would add that this is classic peacocking, the guy in the fake fur coat confirms the peacockery.

  7. And I love that no one asked "What's a romper?"


  8. California botulism outbreak tied to gas station nacho cheese sauce

    Come on.

  9. Getting a large tattoo on the back of my neck this afternoon. Because Im an idiot who doesn't always consider the pain I'm going to be in due to tattoos.

  10. 2.5 hours of tattooing is not an easy way to spend your afternoon. Of course, I immediately scheduled a follow up appt in three weeks. Because, I'm an idiot.

  11. i've never seen an nba playoff game like this

  12. You needed these dude rompers to confirm that men are stupid?

  13. Rompers aren't new. Mechanics have been wearing them for years.

  14. i'm a man, shlara. it takes us longer to figure stuff out.

  15. we need to reproduce that photo at this year's obft.

  16. My 7 y/o just got tripped badly from behind in a soccer game. He got up and casually stepped on the kid's ankle as he hopped over him. Not sure I'm upset about him doing that.

  17. future vinny jones. there's a lot of money in being vinny jones.

  18. I like it, TR. I've landed some well placed elbows during basketball games in my years. Probably not the most sportsman like thing but sometimes aren't the times to be a sportsman.

  19. my son attempted two absurd dives in the box today, both unsuccessful. he also tried to flip a chip over a giant 11 year old goalie, after beating three people inside the 18. didn't work. he could have just drove a shot to the corner. 0 - 0 tie.
