Tuesday, April 04, 2017

The Brand

I ain't the best GTB poster of late, but when a Muppet Mashup appears on the internet, you god damn know I'm posting it here. Enjoy.


  1. why u guys no love the teej?

  2. happy 50th teej! you don't look a day older than 48 . . .

    didn't any of you ding-dongs finish s-town yet?

  3. so i just looked at the stats-- apparently "the test" gets downloaded over three hundred times a day and has over a hundred thousand downloads. who is listening and where are my groupies?

  4. 100,000 listens. How many of us at GTB are among them? Confession time, people.

  5. I did, Dave. Binged thru it faster than Tyler goes thru nipple-piercing needles.

  6. Those numbers are so improbable.

  7. hi gheorghies.
    have downloaded zero tests. have listened to a couple. kinda long.

  8. Deadspin copying me...


  9. i just bumped into a huge s-town spoiler, and now i'm angry.

  10. I just subscribed to S-Town because I'll need some new podcast material with the sports dry season approaching.

  11. Cot dam I need this!


  12. I have had some airplane time recently. I enjoy mindless films on planes b/c the screen quality is always bad and I don't feel like thinking much. I watched Bad Moms recently. Was funny, but would be cooler if women said things like "we should punch her in the tits" more often in real life. I started Miss Peregrine's Home and the movie where Zach Effron needs a wedding date. Both were turrible. I also channeled my inner Harry Potter nerd and watched Fantastic Beasts. It was not good, and Eddie Redmayne is creepy. Magnificent Seven is another "meh" film. Everything is decent, except the concept of Chris Pratt as a jaded, drunken sharpshooting cowboy. Bad casting there. I like him more as the fat dumb guy who fell a lot in Parks & Rec.

  13. i take it back tr, read comments in reverse

  14. According to twitter, Rob is a fried chicken hater. I always knew I didn't like him.

  15. "You wanted it more than me!"

    "No Damone, you take that back."

    "Alright, alright. I take it back."

  16. Properly prepared fried chicken is perfect.

  17. Rob's missing gall bladder may enter into his opinion of fried chicken.

  18. hi g's.
    someone had backstage passes to snoop dogg deal here in augusta....pics & video and post forthcoming. good shit.

  19. https://youtu.be/D5S_slbev2s

  20. Homemade buttermilk brined fried chicken thighs are anything but overrated. I'll fight you on this, Rob.

  21. Mark, if you're going to fight Rob about his stance on fried chicken, you're going to have to take a number behind a certain colonel, a dancing man, a really strong sailor, a church, and a poultry genius who hates gay people and who won't work on Sundays. It's gonna be a while.

  22. The really strong sailor and I will team up. We've been tight for years.

    Unrelated: As someone who grew up in a house with hardwood floors and stairs, I feel Dustin Johnson's pain. Missed a game and a couple practices my junior year after slipping on the stairs while wearing socks and bruised my tailbone.

  23. on a slightly saltier note, i had a perfect fried fish sandwich at the misconduct tavern in philly. i think i fried fish sandwich can be more magical than fried chicken.

  24. Expanding on what Dave said, GTB chroniclee Barry Manilow has come out of the closet at age 73. Not as revelatory as Rock Hudson or Russ Francis, but cheers to courage.
