Monday, April 17, 2017

Filler Recognize Filler

In the first season of The Wire (unquestionably the best television series ever aired), the producers introduce the character of Proposition Joe in the context of an East Baltimore vs. West Baltimore streetball game. Today, Sports Illustrated gives us a long-overdue oral history of that scene.

There's some amazing nuance to the story, and it's evocative of the role that Baltimore itself played in the series. If you've got a few minutes, there are worse ways to fill your time, if you can get past's kludgey and slow-loading site.


  1. Enterprise was all out of whatever my travel folks gave me so I got a V6 Camaro. It's awful in many ways but 335 horsepower and sprints to 60 in under 6 seconds are redemptive. You could do worse for $30k.

  2. This is a fun distraction:

  3. This Thursday

    The Pavilion at the downtown mall in Charlottesville, VA
    7:00 pm

    Pink Talking Fish
    (band who plays only Pink Floyd, Talking Heads, Phish)
    Jefferson Theater 300 yards away
    10 pm same night

    Who's with me?????

  4. So much activity here today!

    I can't imagine owning this Camaro. It's simultaneously too big and too small; the blind spots extend for 180 degrees behind the driver; I have no idea where the car's four corners begin or end; the interior is made entirely of hard shiny plastic; the trunk is preposterously shaped and the lid to the trunk is configured in the stupidest configuration in the history of car trunk lids; the tires are leaking air at an alarming rate; the radio has shitty reception and the speakers sound like they're made of cardboard. I could go on. On the plus side, I have laid a patch at every stoplight and fishtailed through most right turns with stupefying ease and control. The small flat-bottomed steering wheel is a delight.

    If they could put this powertrain in a halfway decent body they'd really have something.

  5. The odds of Pink Talking Fish being anything short of awesome is 0%. Jealous.

  6. This Bill O'Reilly news makes me pretty sad.

  7. I would go with you but Charlottesville is a tough commute for me this week.

  8. The hot chocolate Bill O'Reilly news? Or the wild boar Bill O'Reilly news?

  9. Bill Simmons was super-braggy about his Celtics' chances against the Bulls. Eat it, Simbo.
