Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Escapism Just When We Need It

I had a busy start to my workday on Friday so it wasn't until around 11 am that I was able to check the news. I was dumbstruck to learn that the United States launched a missile strike on Syria. This was the culmination of my worst fears. A game show host who has never answered to a boss, let alone a shareholder, and who has relished the power to hire and fire people on a whim was given the power to take lives at will. And he exercised that power 76 days after receiving it. I hope he doesn't grow to love this newfound ability or turn it into a prime-time reality show.

Speaking of television, I couldn't be more grateful for the upcoming slate of new programming to distract me from reality. If you're looking for something new to add to your rotation, I suggest you check out Fargo.

Season 1 was excellent, featuring Billy Bob Thornton, Bob Odenkirk, and Martin Freeman in a revised version of the Coen brothers movie of the same name. Season 2 was even better--it's a prequel to Season 1, picking up on a story a minor character mentions in passing a few times. The direction and cinematography are superb, so good that it made me wish I smoked pot. Throwing Kirsten Dunst, Nick Offerman, and Ted Danson into the mix certainly helps too. And Bruce Campbell's cameo kills.

Season 3 starts on April 19 so you still have time to binge the first two seasons. And you probably don't even need to--it's an anthology series so each season can be viewed alone even though the stories overlap.

Ewan McGregor playing two different characters, one of whom drives a 1974 Corvette, in a gritty caper story? I'm in.


  1. Fargo is great. And I agree that as good as season 1 was, season 2 is even better. Just told my Dad on Sunday that he and my Mom need to start watching it.

  2. A lot of Johnson Amendment news lately.

  3. Irish influence on the media I guess?

  4. Have never seen the show Fargo, but if Season 2's focal point ('minor character from the movie') is Mike Yanagita, I am IN.

    No spoilers, but Better Call Saul took its methodical, show-your-work cinematic approach to new heights in the season 3 premiere.

  5. i hope the entertainment industry has a lot of escapist content in the pipeline

  6. Aren't we at risk for another writers' strike? That would be turrrible.

  7. I just did cryotherapy for the first time. Pretty neat. Not too cold.

  8. j geils' blood runs cold. r.i.p.

  9. New post up. Moose outside should've told ya.
