Monday, December 05, 2016

Gheorghemas Gift Guide

This isn't a Gheorghemas post, but if it were, it'd fit perfectly on day number two. You'll understand soon enough. Honestly, I'm kinda pissed at my kids for not showing me this until last night.

Please enjoy this commercial interlude for an actual, real product. If you like this one, the makers have numerous other adverts to satisfy your interests.

I wonder if these guys know about Toto. The synergy there could be world-changing.


  1. I do not have a squatty potty but I have a Toto (which will be installed this week) and a little step stool for my kids to stand on when they wash their hands. Perhaps I can use these two items together for some amazing pooping.

  2. Ben Carson "has no expertise in housing policy, but he did spend part of his childhood in public housing, said a close friend, Armstrong Williams, and he was raised by a dauntless mother with a grammar-school education."

    I bet he also stayed at a Holiday Inn Express.

  3. Did Che and Jost write this thing?

  4. I saw the founders of the squatty potty on Shark Tank a couple of years ago. Watching the presentation I thought, along with my wife - no way these two clowns get a this for real?
    They're going to do about $20M in sales this year. So yeah, they're for real.

  5. from the link z provided, re: carson:

    He has no expertise in housing policy, but he did spend part of his childhood in public housing, said a close friend, Armstrong Williams, and he was raised by a dauntless mother with a grammar-school education.

    the clown show rolls on.

  6. I like this part:

    The announcement was delayed as Mr. Carson, who once had planned to learn to play the organ in retirement, gave himself several days to mull it over.

    This learning to play the organ is difficult, maybe I'll run HUD instead.

  7. I like this part:

    "He has no expertise in housing policy, but he did spend part of his childhood in public housing, said a close friend, Armstrong Williams, and he was raised by a dauntless mother with a grammar-school education."

  8. I learned to play the organ in my teen years.

  9. Turns out you guys REALLY like that part.

  10. “How stupid are the people of the country to believe this crap?” Mr. Trump asked at a rally in Iowa.

    According to Armstrong Williams, “These guys have been friends, like brothers, forever." Or at least since they met at the first primary debate last year.

  11. I've never even attended a briss, let alone performed one, but I'm circumcised so I've decided to accept Trump's offer to make me Mohel-in-Chief. But I also played Defender a lot in the 1980's so I'm still mulling the offer to be Secretary of Defense.

  12. seriously, though, that one passage...

  13. I have to go to London next week for work and I'll have some time to kill. Anyone have suggestions?

  14. See a soccer match - Championship League plays mid-week:

    Impersonate Dignan and throw a pint off a bar balcony

    Or go to Diagon Alley and do some shopping. Say hi to Hagrid for me.

    I am drunk on scotch. Jets are a factory of sadness tonight.

  15. Begby threw the pint. Dignan lives in Boston, used to be Diggler, killed Matt Damon to avenge Martin Sheen.

  16. Begbie was an ass. Hope he hasn't changed his ways for T2.

  17. if you're on the company dime, go to hawksmoor and get some bone marrow with your steak.

  18. Zman--go to the Tate Modern museum--they have a cafe on the top floor that has a lovely view of the city. You can enjoy some wine.

    Also--when is someone going to create a competing airplane wifi service. I appreciate go-go, but it's WAAAAY too expensive

  19. I tried to read Porno (the basis for T2) but I couldn't get traction and didn't finish. Maybe I'll read that on the plane. Skagboys was much better, so good that I was bummed when it ended.


  21. Sat next to this guy as he was getting ready to write this article. He asked me if I flew a lot and if so whether I used wifi. He asked what would be interesting to learn about wifi. I wanted to know that the hell goes into outfitting a plane and why we as passengers get hijacked w the costs. He took me through it as you can read in the link. It costs upwards of a million bucks to outfit an aircraft. That I was not expecting. He sent me the article prior. Shlara...if you can get your employer to furnish you with a platinum boingo is one of the perks.

  22. Thanks Danimal!
    And you clearly are a platinum traveler if you're sitting next to the Points Guy!

  23. Funny enough we were in the back of the bus.

  24. Back of the bus, forty of us, life as a shorty shouldn't be so rough.

  25. Z and Squeaky (Zeaky), how was the Hold Steady show?

    Dave, how was the bar stroll?

  26. Great show and great venue, especially after we found the sonic sweet spot to stand in where all the levels sounded perfect. Very weird crowd. Lots of bored wives/girlfriends/battleaxes/old ladies.

  27. RIP Rashaan Salaam. Does Michael Jack still have his jersey?

  28. Guys, you have to read this--it's bizarre and baffling and clearly, I'm officially an old person b/c I just don't get it
