Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Gheorghemas Carol: Play It Loud

Like most right-thinking Americans these days, I've been spending some time studying Canada. Real estate, mostly, but cultural stuff, as well. And like most fans of indie power-pop, I've been eagerly awaiting the new Japandroids record.

I love it when a plan comes together.

The first single from the Vancouver band's new record is called Near to the Wild Heart of Life, and it kicks some ass. Those of you with long musical memories and obscure tastes might hear a little bit of The Sidewinders in it - and that's a really good thing.

This lyric sticks out to me, jammed full of a young man's bravado and fantasy:

It was last call at my local
And I stalled saying goodbye
So the girl behind the bar came over
And she took me aside
She kissed me like a chorus, said
"Give ‘em hell for us
The last drink of the night, last night in town
Baby, this one is on the house"

Dig the single here. As Jason Sawyer says in the YouTube comments, "This is anthemic and catchy as all fuck." It got me all fired up.


  1. need a tech recommendation, gheorghies: anyone have a family device-charging solution that they love? we've got 4 iphones, 2 ipads, and an ongoing fight for chargers (and two kids and a dad that tend to lose chargers). ideas are welcomed.

  2. 1st world issues are a bitch. Cracker smackers.

    The cords or the cubes? Replace a few outlets with those that have a couple of USB ports and you won't need to worry about the cubes any more.

  3. both, man. both cords and cubes. what i'm looking for is a charging station sorta thing with multiple ports.

  4. I always assumed you had a little wheel that you ran in to charge everything in the house.

  5. Flags across the country at half-mast for John Glenn. He had been the last living member of the Mercury Seven. Brave men not to be confused with the Williamsburg Four.

  6. Up until last week I was not aware that John flew missions in WWII with none other than Ted Williams as his Goose.

  7. there goes my american badass post topic

  8. I am still reeling from the NY Post story this morning about the 5 y/o terminally ill boy who died in Santa'a arms. Hard to see anything else as important in my life after reading this:


  9. ta-nehisi coates' amazing, somber, pained new piece about president obama and where we go from here isn't going to cheer you up, but it's an incredible piece of writing:


  10. ‪Nooooo. RIP Dr. Jason Seaver. ‬

  11. and on the same day we use a 'canada' hashtag. i heard him on lebatard's show just a few days ago. he was drolly hilarious.

  12. Pouring some out for Mr. Thicke now. My wife suspects a booger sugar-induced heart attack b/c he has a young wife.

  13. I'm not even sure where to begin about having a serial domestic abuser and a murderer meet w/ Trump today.

    Jim Brown's only relevance today is that he kicked ass in the NFL 55 years ago and still looks a guy who can kick your ass.

  14. also, he's had dinner at dave's house

  15. reports now that thicke went out playing hockey with his son. at least he was doing something he loved.

  16. I'm all over the place today, but I'll go back to the post. Great tune. It'a what I wish Titus Andronicus sounded like more often. I had no idea those dudes were Canadian.

    My big contribution to indie rock these days is buying tix to Strand of Oaks in March in Brooklyn. Don't know a lot about them, but I dig what I know.

  17. I read the Coates/Obama piece last night without seeing Rob's recommendation. It's long, somber and really good.

    Thicke was a semi regular guest on LeBatard and he was always great. And in on the joke, which was often him. Major bummer.

  18. starting to see some questions about the veracity of the santa/dying kid story. the santa is sticking to it, but he's changed some of the details, and multiple hospitals in the area can't confirm it.

  19. for clarity, the japandroids should be called canadautomatons.

    coates piece is really good so far, but it's really long. i may not finish. what happens at the end? trump?

  20. just ordered a squatty potty for the family so i can see my kids' reaction on xmas morning. really committing to the bit.

  21. Just made a rye manhattan after another shitbag day at Mr. Slate's quarry. Rye is the only way to go.

  22. If that Santa story is a fake just to teach us a lesson about fake/real news, then that's just evil.
    And, thanks you to Rob, that Squatty Potty commercial jingle has been in my head for days.

  23. Michael Moore's open letter to the Pres-Elect makes me super sad. May he be very wrong in his prediction.

  24. And as if a gift from the North Pole, the Schweddy Balls sketch immediately comes on my telly. Mood and faith in humankind restored by juvenilia.

  25. I saw a Porsche 918 Spyder! Parked on the street like any old riffraff vehicle!!

  26. Michael Moore is the WORST

  27. A Pei Wei opened right down the street from our office the other day. Today will be my 3rd day in a row eating there.
