Thursday, November 24, 2016

Happy Thanksgiving, Alternatively Titled: Ain't No Such Thing As Halfway Cooks

Happy Tgives! Are you stressed out because you have to make a side dish and have no idea where to start? Don't worry, Prodigy from Mobb Deep has you covered! He learned a bunch of cool recipes while in prison, so many that he wrote a cookbook called Commissary Kitchen. Here's how to make a dish using only stuff found at your corner bodega:

Despite Prodigy's assertions to the contrary, all that mayo and salt doesn't look particularly healthy. But who cares, it's Thanksgiving! Indulge.


  1. I got zbird in zoven by 7:35. Hopefully this will avoid the familial issues I had last year when zbird was a late bloomer and took an extra 90 minutes to pop.

  2. Being hosted is the bomb. Been on my ass all a.m. Just starting a Maron podcast on Lorne Michaels stories. Will wait til 10 to start my first Bloody.

  3. Ditto on being hosted. Cheers to the other TJ. Just a matter of time til Union Jack is tapped here in Teaneck. Happy Thanksgiving all!

  4. You're in the Neck! Do the right thing and get a courtesy slice at Victor's on your way out of town.

  5. my host/brother-in-law has several six packs of sculpin. i always liked that guy. could've done without my mother-in-law flossing her teeth at the dinner table last night, but whatevs.

  6. Rob could write a book of stories about his mother in law. Every other holiday something weird pops up about her.

    Going over to my sisters today. Will out in my 4-5 hours and then right back to my couch.

  7. De la soul in the Macy's parade!

  8. There is a fair amount of 40+ y/o chubby gay men at our hotel, and I appear to be their cup of tea. Would be nicer for my ego if the cougars w/ enhanced chassis felt the same way. They do not.

    Hosting is fun, but making the staples the right way (stuffing, brined turkey, potatoes, real gravy, etc) is a shit-ton of work. After a subpar 3-mile run this morning, my biggest debate this morning is deciding when to start boozing. I fared well this morning, despite margaritas, sangria and Jamesons y/day.

  9. z3 Star Bagels for breakie today. Victor's on the list!

    While I still think Sculpin is delish, I'm kind of off it after the big sellout and mass production. Any jersey peeps had anything from Carton? Seems to be well reviewed.

  10. Look at TR. Giving a chubby to some chubbies. At 40+ ya gotta take the complement anywhere you can get it.

  11. mr kq is a full on artisan hipster.

  12. I'm drinking everyone's favorite, Bud Light. Started w a Bloody, on deck is a Jameson and Nog.

  13. Got the glasses. Wore them out. No wingtips though.

  14. tactical error. started the day with a double ipa because i got distracted and misread the label. gonna need to fight through.

  15. So am late to the party as always....kapaernick didn't vote? Huh.

    Had the Jameson and Nog. Solid.

    And you Washington fans have been quiet this year amidst a nice showing thus far. Cautious optimism? Who wins today? I'm thinking of taking the Team from Maryland.

  16. now my mother in law is reading her facebook feed aloud. and loudly, 'cause she's mostly deaf. may need to break into the whiskey early.

  17. Two margaritas consumed. Both delicious. I have a 6-pk of Coronas and a bottle of Jame-o in the room for later. Gave a couple bucks to the acoustic duo playing poolside and they did Dylan's original version of All Along the Watchtower for us. So life is good. Sucks that our kids have no living grandparents to see, but they have a pool and a beach, and plenty of distance from the crazy relatives that are still alive.

  18. Save for a little bit of turkey neck I'm not eating any turkey today. Saving room for better things. I will take home some dark meat turkey for sandwiches though.

  19. I was in nearly the same boat as your kids, TR. Only one living grandparent from a very early age and she never came down from St. Louis for the holidays. My Thanksgiving was always just my immediate family. I could handle one of those these days. Going to be 20+ people at my sisters house.

    Totally unrelated, the Lions have sneaky good uniforms. Their helmets are trash though.

  20. It's just me, Jess, and Shannon at the compound. It is glorious. I don't plan to leave the house until Monday.

  21. Heading out for sandlot footbaw with whippersnapper nephews. #prayforme #permanentqb

  22. Mr kq, if you want to get a little grimy get a slice at Jerry's. That's my old neck of the Neck.

  23. zin-laws have the thermostat locked in at seventy-seven degrees. I brought shorts in anticipation.

  24. Food wins in the 2nd round. Night night.

  25. I'm thankful for Fox's DJ us open replay before the afternoon game which prominently features gratuitous shots of Ms. Gretzky. That and white wine. Lots of white wine.

  26. Thankful for GTB today.
    Cue the Norman Dale: "I love you guys."

    A Heineken and gearing up for the game. Cheers.

  27. my sister in ma just changed the channel to 'life is beautiful'. i'm not sure these people are even american.

  28. Trumpet national anthem is fire

  29. I believe the phrase is "hot fiyah", not fire.

  30. Been a while since these 2 teams were both relevant concurrently, 10 years? I dig it..

  31. My kids got into it on the beach. Tackling over a Nerf football turned into punching, which turned into the 7 y/o chucking a rick at the 9 y/o's head...and glancing it off his cheek.

    Our kids are in the bummingdome until further notice, and I'm back into whiskey. Good times!

  32. TR is correct, it's hot fiyah. Nothing like a Holocaust dramedy to celebrate that for which we are thankful.

  33. T-Day gettin' cray. Now blasting Christopher Cross.

  34. This football team frustrates me endlessly

  35. TR is definitely drunk if he's liking my Instagram posts

  36. Is there any other kind of TJ action though?

  37. Fair point. I'm getting some hot TJ action in a couple weeks. Excite bike.

  38. we've entered the 'everyone's had just a little too much to drink and real feelings are coming out' phase of the evening. my brother in law is close to knifing my mother in law. solidarity.

  39. Oh boy. Bad times in Pennsylvania.

    On my way back to my couch. Can't wait.

  40. zsister-in-law and father-in-law pledged to never speak to each other ever again. That was the end of the evening for us.

  41. Oof. I've never seen a Thanksgiving incident like that. Not that my family(ies) don't differ like that. We just all refuse to talk about divisive shit. Easier to just pretend.

    I'm done though. On my couch. Stoned and sobering up with water. Just enough to start drinking again around 9 so I can drunkenly do round 2 at 11.

  42. That sounds juicy. Good times.

  43. Wait...was that a daughter-father blowout, Z?

  44. Trying to guess the topic...she dating a guy he doesn't approve of? Did he neglect her growing up? Is she a middle child?

  45. She is definitely not dating a guy he doesn't approve of.

  46. It happens every tgives with these two. Yes father daughter. No she just got engaged to her girlfriend. He is fine with that. No idea why this happens every year.

  47. subtext!

    i think she's a big nikki haley fan, and he hates indians.

  48. TR and family ate at a good, but overpriced buffet. I compensated by eating the hell out of it. The loser is me.

    On a related note, pecan pie is so fucking delicious. I was very late to the party on that dessert. A classic version with a dollop of whipped cream is solid.

  49. Pecan pie is the best pie. Not even close.

  50. zfil is old and sick and always cold so he asked zwoman to turn up the heat. She said no because it was already 77 degrees in the apartment. He got pissed. Then zson drew him a picture of a tree and he said "thank goodness someone around here loves me. Why didn't either of you girls ever draw me a tree?" zsil exploded in rage, lobbed a few f-bombs and was generally belligerent. zfil fired back with venom and vitriol. Pledges to never speak were made. Another thanksgiving in the books.

    Obviously there's a lot more here than tree drawings and thermostats. No idea what but definitely more.

  51. What? Oh god. I want to come to a ZGiving.

  52. Leave it to Zman to seamlessly transition from family angst to a muff joke.

  53. Kanye's meltdown and tour cancellation freed up some money. Which I repurposed for a pair of Jordan 3s this morning. Merry Christmas to me.

  54. zson announced that he already has a lot of toys, more than he needs, and he'd rather be bad than get more toys from Santa. God help me.

  55. Smart kid. Yes, the true blue 3s.

  56. just made a milkshake from apple pie, vanilla ice cream, apple cider, and brandy. it is not terrible.

  57. Apple cider and rum is the shit.

  58. Who (besides car service drivers) drives Lincolns? I see the ads everywhere, but I have never known anybody who pulled the trigger on an SUV or other vehicle from Lincoln.

  59. The troll at the end of my block has a Lincoln sedan. A guy I used to work with bought an MKZ. Most Lincoln guys are over 60 and own a handgun.

  60. Rick Barry's (latest) wife played at W&M. I did not know that.

  61. I now know this because Rick's youngest kid plays at Florida. He shoots his free throws underhanded like his old man.

  62. canyon barry's mom not only played at w&m, she remains the all-time leading scorer in tribe history. canyon played at charleston, and marls and i crossed paths with rick two years ago after the tribe smoked the cougars in the first round of the caa tourney.

  63. I'm sure Rick was accomodating and pleasant. Per his reputation. Tough second half for Florida. I like this team though.

  64. RIP Fidel Castro. I wonder what he and Florence Henderson are talking about?

  65. My wife and SIL told a loud, drunk Trump supporter to go fuck honsekf last night at a local bar. I am quite proud if them.

    In a related story, we won't be going back to Copperwood Tavern anytime soon.

  66. swansea/palace match was bonnnnkers

  67. I can't remember the words to Frosty the Snowman. I only remember Frosty the Kappa. Very awkward at zin-laws' house.

  68. Little Havana is going off today here in Miami. Our Uber driver said we should go to "Calle Ocho" (8th St). I said we'd think about it. Not sure my kids are ready for that in-person history story.

  69. Spent the afternoon at the Orlando Science Center. Stopped off at Pig Floyd's for food and beer. Then to Gaylord Palms where I'll ditch my family at 8 to watch Florida-FSU in the sports bar.

  70. Calle Ocho is dope. Worth walking around and eating/drinking at a few of the local joints. Tough to find better Cuban food other than, you know, Cuba.

  71. I had my first roasted turkey leg today, a meal that seems to only exist at Florida amusement parks. It seems fun, in a Flintstones kinda way, but is super gross. I think the key is slathering it in good BBQ sauce. I did not do that.

  72. And Va Tech football games Tr.

  73. Turkey legs are terrible. Way too many ligaments and such.

    The entire Florida basketball team just walked by us in the lobby of the Gaylord Palms.

  74. Just met Mark Few. Chatted with him for 4-5 minutes. He's sitting at the bar watching college football. That was unexpected. And very cool.

  75. nice. you ask him how he likes rick barry?

  76. I didn't but I'm close enough to over hear his conversation with a Florida staffer. He is definitely not a fan.

  77. check your email, mark. need you to weigh in on something.

  78. He's also not much of a Calipari fan.

  79. Danny Kanell got some real bad advice from his stylist.

  80. Kanell is about the coverage he gets from the choices. And he gets a lot of it, on social media anyway.

  81. Kanell has made a large bit of his career by being a social media personality. Watching Florida's offense over the past 6-7 years has aged me significantly. If they could even manage to be slightly above average it would be ok. Nope. Just hot garbage year after year. Ugh.
