Sunday, November 06, 2016

Drunk Music Lessons

Friday night, my wife and I met some friends at a local brewpub to have a couple of week-ending pops and listen to a neighbor play old-time rock and roll. (For what it's worth, Loudoun County, Virginia is a beer lover's paradise right now - I can walk to no fewer than six brewpubs making their own stuff, and there are another thirteen within easy driving distance.)

We had to leave to pick up our youngest at gymnastics, but she hadn't eaten anything, so we headed back into town to grab some killer street tacos and another beer. It was a beautiful night, and our town has a festive First Friday scene each month, so we finished our evening getting dessert and a manhattan at a restaurant bar. Daddy was feeling good.

When we arrived back at the house, the kidlet wanted to talk about music, so I obliged. She wanted me to hear Panic! At the Disco's cover of Bohemian Rhapsody, which is pretty good. But she needed to hear the original, and she definitely needed to hear Freddy Mercury's voice.

After that lesson, we spent a good hour wandering around YouTube so I could share some of the favorites of my youth. I focused on progressive/alternative stuff, the foundation of my high school catalog, but somehow I figured she needed to hear some early Springsteen, too. I'm working on the next lesson now, so I'll try to focus. Feeling pretty good about my Dadding, though, notwithstanding the fact that I was drunkenly hanging out with my kid.

In no particular order, here's the show:


  1. Mark, I think "Big. Time." Is acceptable, but the Cheeto Jesus official style manual has "Bigly" as the preferred term.

  2. to your other latenight point, even alabama fans think their dominance is becoming boring. at least alabama fans removed from the epicenter of tide fervor. or, if we're being precise, me.

  3. The only good thing about Alabama's win yesterday is that, according to Rece Davis on College Game Day, when Alabama wins the AL-LSU game in a presidential election year, the D nominee wins.

  4. Adding to the Dadding through music theme, I bought tickets to Kanye for my stepdaughter and I earlier this week. Pumped.

  5. my other kid's getting kanye tickets for christmas, but dad's not going. letting her and a friend have their first parent-free concert experience. all the dope smoking.

  6. I'm too big of a Kanye fan to do that. If one of us wasn't going, it wasn't going to be me. Plus, the show's in Orlando so somebody has to drive.

  7. Bortles cannot put a spiral on the ball. Half of his passes look like the NASA symbol.

  8. new goalie on my travel team let an easy one roll between his legs today in a tight game. we lost 3-2, to give up first place in our division. poor kid.

  9. play the new japandroids single for him. it's bitchin'. a blend of titus andronicus, social d-style storytelling and gaslight anthem. i dig it.

  10. I guess being a Bama fan is like being a Yankee fan. My children are aaaaaaaaaaawful today. I can't believe anyone has more than one on purpose.

  11. One of rob's crew ran onto the field at Lambeau. Damn squirrels.

  12. zkids are so bad tonight that zwoman lobbed an f-bomb at 2.5-year-old zdaughter. Jimeny crickets!

  13. they gotta learn to swear at some point, z. might as well start 'em young. ask clarence about the time my 18 month-old executed a perfectly timed 'goddammit' at a dinner party.

  14. At a silent auction a month ago, I paid $100 for the right to have a kid lead the high school football onto the field for a home kid, carrying a flag while doing so, and then be the tee boy.

    My 9 y/o was very fired up, especially when he got a jersey to wear. He led the team onto the field and was with them when the team huddled together in the end zone to get pumped up. I heard the team captain drop the F bomb at least a dozen times as he barked at the rest of the team, along with my son. My kid played it down, but I think he loved every single F bomb.

  15. zson hisses "goddammit" under his breath through clenched teeth (just like me) when confounded with a difficult Lego issue.

  16. Whaaaa??? David Koresh happy about that I'm sure.

    On the Freddy Mercury, your guy from Mr. Robot will be playing him in an upcoming movie.

  17. danimal's Koresh komment made me chuckle quite a bit

    yes, im a terrible person

  18. Day 1 of zbathroom remodel begins today. All the materials were housed in my garage today, including my fancy asswash toilet which is resting squarely on the "this end up" side of the box. So it goes.

  19. hopefully z this is the terlet you speak of

  20. is it the toto, z? 'cause we're all up on that here:

  21. Yes, it's the Toto.

  22. When the trump-barbarians start burning shit down they are coming for the folks with the fancy lad asswashin' terlets first.

  23. So "Bill Belichick" wrote Donald Trump a "letter" of endorsement...

  24. Richard Sherman blew up Dan Carpenter, so Carpenter isn't allowed to make the PAT on the next play. That makes sense.

  25. Cmon. This was a fun game until the last three seconds of the first half, which is taking twenty minutes.

  26. Such a Billsy end of the half.

  27. Signaling first down is now an unsportsmanlike conduct penalty?
