Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Wayback Wednesday

I have it on good authority that several Gheorghies loved this tune as kids (Hi, Danimal!), and since it's Shaun Cassidy's 58th birthday today, it seems fitting that we celebrate it.


  1. I feel like the unbuttoned logoless baseball jersey coupled with satin bellbottoms and flowing feathered mane makes Shaun Cassidy a direct spiritually dooshy ancestor to Justin Beiber.

  2. "Justin Beiber" was on Atlanta last night. Urkel too!

  3. bieber is urkel. urkel is bieber.

  4. Thank you, TR, for catching my spelling error. I know I can always count on you to fact-check all things Bieber. You are one heckuva Belieber. Not a Beleiber.

  5. In other worldwide news,

  6. i want to read that article, but i know i'll have arachnophobic dreams, so i'm not going to.

    also, never got to compliment danimal on a great post. great post. (aside from the random "johnson" joke . . . you can't be making a joke like that in a post about arnold palmer!)

  7. Hell you can't.

    "A golfing girl grabbed my wood / It cost her several strokes
    Driver, hole, putts / I love them golf term jokes"

    Random Idiots, "Title IX"

  8. i love that song . . . i take back my comment, every golf essay should have a schlong joke.

    ian slotted in another weak footed goal today, to tie the game-- we came back and won 3-2. it's absurd. he has ten minutes of total playing time in two games with the big kids, and two huge goals. the jersey went down past his knees.

  9. I did not notice your typo, Zman. My use of quotes was a reference to the episode, not to you. You'll get it if you see the episode.

    I am on hour 12 of a 15+ hour day. Mega-project due next week. Stupid OPEC is not helping me right now. I need to call up some distant cousins and give them a hard time.

  10. Brilliant move by Theo to re-up now, before the playoffs start. He signed a 5-yr, $18.5 MM deal after the '11 season. He just did another 5-yr deal. Is he in the $6 mm/yr ballpark now?

  11. So the little joint near Rice U where Mrs. Buckles used to work...the one I refer to in yesterday's post, The Gingerman which is deserved of its own post and a wet dream for you beer enthusiasts, the World of Beer before there was a World of Beer, is where I am currently situated for an early nightcap. It's the place that doesn't change.

    And we need to get Shlara a sign that gets on Gameday this Sat.

  12. I think nudity will definitely get her noticed.

  13. more so than Dabo Wabo fer sher

  14. Screw you guys. That's gold!

  15. Remember to pronounce Clempson with a P like the local townies.

  16. I'm sure everyone will be celebrating National Drink Beer Day today. Enjoy a tasty one or two.
