Sunday, August 28, 2016

Last Day of Summer Music Joint

School starts in my neck of the woods tomorrow. My kids have mixed emotions, in the sense that the little one is very excited to kick off 7th grade, and the older one claims to hate school (which is likely her way of expressing a bit of nervousness about her first year in high school).

They've also got increasingly mixed musical tastes (which is likely my way of expressing the need to segue to a the topic of this blog post - I'm sure you'll agree that it was a smooth transition). My high-schooler has been listening to a ton of Childish Gambino and Frank Ocean of late, while her sister is squarely in a Twenty One Pilots/Panic at the Disco phase.

Me, I've been trying to bridge the gap. And Banks and Steelz is a perfect solution. The collaboration between Interpol frontman Paul Banks and RZA dropped a single in May (which featured GTB fave Ghostface Killah), and released a studio album on Friday. The record had been in the works since 2013.

The first single, 'Giant', is, to put it simply, badass.

I'm looking forward to digging into the whole record. And uniting the warring factions in my household.


  1. wow-- lot of catching up to do here-- we had an awful internet connection at the beach. i think i got the gist though: i need to see "the revenant," i need to tell my wife to stop reading "in a dark dark wood," shitting in japan is delightful, and i'm never going to osaka (for humidity reasons).

  2. anyone listen to new de la soul album?

  3. I held myself to 3-4 drinks y/day and was able to sneak in a 4-mile run this morning. There was a palmetto bug outside our condo door that must've been 4".

    Critter sightings so far: two gators, two deer, millipede, and an armadillo (I think).

  4. I've listened to half the album and it's ok. But I haven't had the opportunity to sit and really hear it. You can listen to jimi but you don't hear jimi.

    You're supposed to read Cod, although I bet you already did, not see The Revenant.

  5. And thanks for the heads up Mark. I will check this album out.

  6. i read "cod" a long time ago, along with "salt" and "banana" and "longitude" and a bunch of other single minded history books that were all the rage in the late '90's and early aughts . . . i love those books.

  7. Fifteen minutes until a horde of zin-laws descend upon zhome for zmother-in-law's 70th birthday party. I am soooooo excited!

  8. Aaaaaaaand the AC just broke down.

  9. i just changed out the innards of my toilet. i'm a low-functioning human man.

  10. Holy City Brewery makes a tasty Overly Friendly IPA.

  11. Two consecutive comments from two different people perfectly illustrating why home ownership is kind of bullshit.

  12. ...and it's 6.9% alcohol content. Winner winner chicken dinner.

  13. Ballast Point Grunion is responsible for me making it through this party. I'm like Bob fucking Vila with this AC.

  14. LB Luke Rhodes survived the latest cut-down w/ the Bucs. Fellow LB Jeremiah George did not. Seems like a good dude. Hoping he can have a brief run.

    Mark - on a scale of 1-10, how devastated are you that DT Ishmaa'ily Kitchen was cut? That is not a name. That's a text string that appears after you sneeze w/ your fingers on a keyboard.

  15. I think there's a crack/kitchen/Raekwon joke to be made here but I can't figure it out.

    My kids are engaged in a rock fight using wooden blocks instead of rocks. I fear for my walls.

  16. home ownership is dramatically overrated. i'm starting to work on my wife about downsizing when the kids are out of the house. early returns not good for me.

  17. I'm ready to downsize today. zdaughter is treating a bunch of cheese as if it's play dough. Can't wait to start cleaning.

  18. I have no problems w/ Kaepernick's move, but he should be aware of three things:

    1) Ask Mahmoud Abdul-Raouf how that went for him
    2) It's gonna make cutting him (and his 2-for-6 for 14 yds performing ass) that much less painful for the 49ers
    3) Teams will avoid signing him more than they avoid signing steroid-using wife beaters

  19. i've got a post brewing on this topic, so this is a bit of a spoiler alert. not commenting specifically on kaepernick's comments now, but i have a problem with the conflation of nationalism and sports as embodied by the playing of the anthem before games. our entertainment shouldn't be some kind of litmus test for our patriotism.

  20. TR- I'm as a devastated as one can be when a player you didn't know existed is cut from your NFL team of choice. Which is to say, very.

    As for the downsizing, I fully plan on selling my house and buying a high rise condo/apartment on the beach when my kids are gone. A friend of mine who's married and doesn't have or want kids did it last year and holy shit that's the move to make around here.

  21. I blame George Steinbrenner, that fucking eagle that almost took Jeter's head off, and Ronan Tynan for this patriotism test that goes on a sporting events these days...oh, and Lee Greenwood. Fuck that guy.

  22. Ask David Cross about Lee Greenwood and patriotism. He sees eye to eye with Marls.

  23. So my one takeaway on the issue was this: fellow NFLer Justin "Man Who Fart In Church Sit In Own" Pugh tweeted something lunkheaded as a rebuttal of Kaepernick. He said that not standing for it was disrespectful to those who fought and sacrificed for this country. Except, didn't they do so for our freedom? Freedom of choice, speech, expression? Because if we are uniformly bound to saluting the flag because of their sacrifice, didn't their sacrifice basically eliminate a certain freedom? I know, these things make more sense if you put your brain on a shelf.

    (Also, isn't mandatory anthem standing a little fascist sounding? Sorry.)

    Sweet freedom!
