Sunday, June 05, 2016

The Test . . . Season Two!

Believe it or not, Stacey, Cunningham and I have been recording The Test for a year now . . . we did a trial episode in Stacey's classroom last June (which never aired because of poor sound quality) and have produced an episode a week since then. We are very proud of us. You should be very proud of us too.

Season Two features some new recording equipment-- I sold my other stuff on eBay and bought one of these:

Instead of recording through USB microphones and adapters into my old MacBook Pro, I'm following the advice of the internet and recording into a fairly cheap digital recorder. This is ostensibly easier because the piece of gear is designed purely for sound recording, but I must warn you, if you don't press the record button, it doesn't work (which happened the other night . . . luckily the two episodes we DID record were the good ones, and the one that we didn't record wasn't all that wonderful).

Anyway, Stacey starts off season two with a meta-bang, and administers a test on tests. I perform quite well (though, ironically, I know the least about the thing I should know the most about) and-- season two plot twist-- so does Cunningham. There's also some new intermission music. Give it a shot, see how you do, and welcome to season two!


  1. Djokovic giggled on the crossover up 5-2 in the fourth. Onions.

  2. is that some sort of euphemism?

  3. Then Murray broke him. French onion dip.

  4. Someone could write a thousand words about how good Djokovic has been the last five years.

  5. two days after losing, 17-4, to uva in the first game of the ncaa regionals, the tribe beat the cavs, 5-4, to eliminate the defending national champs. fuck and yes.

  6. Congrats. That is way cool junior.

  7. Now we're losing to ECU by 4 runs. And 4 of ECU's 8 runs have been unearned. Defense wins championships.

  8. My kids and I are watching Battlebots. I was like, meh, until Sam Pomder appeared as the MC looking strong to very strong.

  9. Good for you Christan Ponder!

  10. Van Gundy waxing poetic about the Warriors' hand action on the ball. Gross.

  11. Can we sub out the Cavs for the Thunder for the next 4 games?

  12. Also, Veep tonight >>>> the game

  13. Al Swearengen deserves better.

  14. What's the appropriate reaction when you are on a treadmill at the gym and the guy next to you is doing side-running/shuffling facing you and staring at the side of your face for 8-10 minutes? Shouldn't people just run facing forward or am I missing some new craze?

  15. Filemon Vela gettin' in on the hot Trump action!

  16. I'll do the sideways thing on the stair master, but only for 30-40 seconds on one side, before switching to the other. I'm all about the 1-minute high intensity, 1 minute low on the stair master. it's often awkward for the ladies stair mastering next to me. I prefer to think they enjoy my musk, profuse sweating and elevated panting.

    Sideways on the treadmill is weird for extended time. So is backward.

  17. I've got a disc of Random Idiots tracks in the DVD changer of my van. The recording device pictured in this post may have made some of the tracks sound better. I've got a Zoom unit like that and it's great.

  18. I was so hungover yesterday thanks to a beer combination of Fiddlehead's 2nd Fiddle, Hill Farmstead's Mary, Hill Farmstead's Edward, Hill Farmstead's Solitude & Society #3, Kent Falls Brewing's Buckwheat Grisette, Fiddlehead's Rarefied Air, Hill Farmstead's Mary again, and Sixpoint's The Puff. WEnd beer drinking humble brag. Thankfully my wife let me sit on the couch all day and fester.

    Silver lining, while laying on the couch all day, was watching the Collegiate 7's tournament and listening to Highcheese.

    Funny side note, probably for only me, my son had a play date with three other kids at our house and they all watched about an hour of rugby. His one friend is from Wales and was basically explaining how to play rugby to my son and the other kids. Not bad for 6-8 year olds.

  19. You mean 6-9 year olds, right?

  20. My kids watched that for a bit as well. It's non-stop action, so easy for kids to watch.

    Heartbreaking loss for Kutztown!!!

  21. holy shit, mark, z - check out the new low top converse all stars:

  22. Rootsy, you're supposed to say which tracks you like best. Everyone wants to know. (Dave and I)

  23. Guys, VEEP this week was so good, I watched it again tonight.
    And, the deleted scenes are excellent
    Selina/JLD is my hero.
