Sunday, June 26, 2016

Stacey Can Name That Comic in One Note

Stacey professes to have an uncanny ability to recognize stand-up comics by their voice alone, and I put that claim to the test this week on The Test. She performs admirably.  Cunningam also decides that she has this uncanny ability, but you'll have to be the judge on she fares.

Enjoy the clips and see how fast you can name the comic and the theme. Stacey is tough to stump.


  1. i've been chasing a mail truck at work for the past two years. on friday, i found out that i caught it. i have no idea what i'm going to do now, but the next year is gonna be interesting.

  2. Twitter tells me that one of the Tribe hoopsters is playing pro in Romania this season...sounds like something GTB will follow

  3. wife and i had a day drinking excursion in our little town. walked home to find the fence on our back 40 closed. so instead of walking around, i climbed it and jumped over. it's about 8 feet high. i might've broken both ankles. life is good.
