Sunday, June 12, 2016

G:TB Hat Trick

Gordie Howe passed away earlier this week. Mr. Hockey played professional hockey until he was 52, making him the oldest man to play in regularly in any major U.S. sport. He's arguably the most complete player in the history of sports, with a combination of skill and toughness that might be unmatched.

They say that a Gordie Howe Hat Trick was a goal, an assist, and a fight in the same game. People in the know suggest that such a thing really wasn't all that frequent, but only because nobody wanted to fight Gordie Howe since he was so damn tough.

The notion of that kind of trifecta got me thinking, though. We're multi-faceted here at G:TB. Like an onion (or an ogre), we've got layers. I put it to you, good people of Gheorghedom: what is a G:TB hat trick?

Is it a Wrenball post, Muppet filler, and zjurisprudence?

Or perhaps a Test podcast post, a Bills/Browns preview, and a moderately-informed political rant?

Maybe you go for chick rock, soccer, and Gheorghemas?

We've got a catchphrase, but we need a pithy descriptor. Who's Gordie Howe enough to give us one?


  1. Three non-recurring features.

  2. who's the first 'christian' pol to declare the attack in orlando somehow related to 'god's will'? awful, terrible, deflating madness.

  3. 50 dead and another 53 wounded. Unfuckingreal. What the hell is wrong with people?

  4. So much awfulness and tragedy in real life.
    The world needs more muppet filler--or at least I do.
    And I'm counting on you GTB.

  5. i'm getting on a plane. someone give the lady what she wants.

  6. I'm at a bday party, virtually a weekly event. Why, parents? Why?

    Pouring one out for our Orlando neighbors.

  7. zwoman took zkids to her parents house ... along with all my fishing shit which was in the trunk of the car. Dagger. So I power washed my stoop instead. Not nearly as relaxing.

  8. Something has to be done about mass shootings. I don't know what to do but this stuff cannot stand. What type of society can't assure minimal levels of public safety?

  9. A friend is dealing with some tough stuff and this Orlando thing had her super down. I pointed her to GTB and in particular the video in today's post. Instantly uplifted. Amazingly good vibe.

    That Bert and Ernie's sexual persuasion has been speculated upon makes the video that much more important today. Can't believe I type that about a muppet gangsta rap video and mean it.

  10. A Trump sign sprouted up on the lawn across the street. I'm beside myself.

  11. you should build a wall around your house.

    if you're in the mood for something lighter, check out the highlights of last night's brazil/peru match. dynamic changes in the rules of soccer: you can finally use your hands!

    although i can't blame the refs . . . that goal looked good from most angles, and blatantly ridiculous from one.

  12. Why are foreign soccer fans so angry and riotous? I guess I understand rioting after a championship, at least in theory, but not for an early playoff game.

  13. Max Scherzer has struck out 9 batters. He's pitched 3.1 innings.

  14. This is no slight on Mayhuge, but I'm not sure when or why it became acceptable to refer to a third of an inning as ".1" and two thirds as ".2".


  15. I prefer 6/9 to two thirds.

  16. Cleveland will lose simply because their jerseys are so ugly.

  17. You could hit Lebron over the head with a folding chair and you wouldn't get called for a foul.

  18. american soccer fans are also angry and riotous. i'm a nightmare on the sidelines, though i really try to control myself. alex's team made the travel play-offs and we were up in west orange tonight playing a much better team on a field full of rocks, which neutralized their skills, and we beat them 2-1. i coach all the kids on alex's team in middle school, and i knew the sideline ref from coaching ian's team, and i was doing everything you're not supposed to do-- yelling at the main ref, coaching kids from the sideline, pleasantly chatting with the sideline ref, but also kind of working him for calls, acting indignant, etc. etc. i think it's the lack of scoring that gets everyone wored up, i've never seen layers swarm the refs like this copa america.

  19. i don't think lebron feels/registers a lot of the contact, so it's hard to call.

  20. Paul Pierce just said this:

    "Well, what Draymond gives them defensively, they're making up for it offensively. So if this is gonna be a shoot-out, and with the score being 61-61, I like the favorite to go to the Warriors."

    He speaks with the same uncomfortableness he wears on his nervous face.

  21. And Jalen just dropped lyrics from Scenario into a highlight clip.

  22. Jalen is great at dropping old school lyrics into highlights/commentary.

    Richard Jefferson and Mo Williams on the court together in the NBA Finals in the year of our lord 2016. Wow.

  23. Hey Steve Javie - you're on TV in the NBA Finals. Absolutely no reason for the button-down collar on your seemingly silk pink dress shirt. It's a good shirt/tie pairing, but the buttons on the collar make you look like the assistant manager of a strip club.

  24. Kevin Love: 1 of 5 from the field, 2 points and 3 rebounds in 27 minutes. Way to spit the bit. Cavs' GM LeBron is gonna have a hard time trading him this offseason.

  25. I have to get up at 6 am and drive 68 miles (I might take the long way to pick up an extra mile) for a meeting tomorrow morning. I hope this game turns into a real blowout soon.

  26. as you wish, z. that second half really didn't deliver on the first half's promise. i do feel like we're getting braveheart lebron for the rest of this series.
