Monday, May 30, 2016

The Test 51: Dave Does a Song Quiz?

This week on The Test, after weeks of fanfare, I finally unveil my thematic song quiz to the ladies. Things do not go as well as planned, but Rob and Whit will enjoy the culminating song and the overarching theme. Definitely a shout out to room 306.

Listen to the seven clips and see if you can puzzle out the answer. Stacey does. Cunningham not so much. As a bonus, I secretly reveal my plans for the show next season.


  1. I'm not complaining about it b/c the sun has now creeped out, but holy shit, the weather folks sure did spit the bit with the forecast. They said 100% chance of rain for the late morning, but I'll now be able to bring my free weights back out onto my front yard, where I usually keep them.

  2. I know you guys are tired of hearing me talk about JJ Redick's podcast....but I think you will like this week's episode. He talks to this guy named Jensen Karp--a white dude that was a talented battle rapper in LA in the 90s. It's fascinating.

  3. Amazing to see Thunder winning, given Russ is shooting 5-of-14 from the field, and KD is 4-of-an-absurdly-low-5.

    Steph appeared to limp off the court w/ a bad left knee. Announcers not saying anything.

  4. I noticed Steph get up gingerly as well, TR. Much like Game 6, OKC has been the better team so far but Golden State keeps staying within striking distance.

  5. That trey he just heaved up says he may be okay. Would love to see KD take over on offense.

  6. is kevin durant 6' 9'' or 6' 11''?

  7. There can be only one answer to that.

  8. he rounds down two inches just for the number?

  9. You round up two inches to get to 69 inches.

  10. i am precisely 69.69 inches.
