Monday, May 23, 2016

The Test 50: Closing Lines

This week on The Test, Cunningham teaches us how to finish strong. She administers a quiz on the closing lines of seven famous novels, and then she delivers a rousingly inspirational peroration in the waning moments of the podcast.

Stacey and I prefer to start like balls of fire and then fizzle out. This is how we teach novels, and this is how we perform on this episode.

In a few weeks, we'll have completed a year's worth of the show. Not sure if we'll finish the year strong, or fizzle out, but hopefully you'll come along for the ride.


  1. Wife is not remotely interested in the After the Thrones show, or the fact that I listen to two GoT podcasts. Just another set of disappointments for her...

  2. We watched AtT for the first time tonight. It's funny to see the Grantland writers talk and nerd out together.
