Saturday, May 14, 2016

New Tune on Saturday

Light fare on this fine Saturday morning, with the sun finally shining in the Mid-Atlantic, if only for a few hours. A trio of our favorite bands have either dropped new records or have new ones on the way, so it's a chance for us to burnish our reputation as taste makers.

We first told you about Scotland's Frightened Rabbit on a similarly lazy Saturday. Back then, we called them the musical heir to Big Country. We're still sold on that comparison, even as their new single, 'Get Out' is a bit more poppy. It's also pretty great. Their newest compilation, 'Painting of a Panic Attack' came out on April 8.

I can't believe it's been seven years since my first and only trip to Jazz Fest. One of my most vivid memories of that trip, amongst a hazy blur, was seeing the Avett Brothers perform on the Fais Do Do stage before 3-400 folks. I doubt many people have seen them in a smaller venue since. The Avetts' new record, 'True Sadness', comes out on June 24, and they sound as good as they ever have (even as they look a little cleaned up) on the first single, a ready-made singalong called 'Ain't No Man'.

It's been four years since the last Band of Horses record, and six since the last one that was any good, so fans are eagerly awaiting the June 10 release of 'Why Are You Okay?'. If the first single, 'Casual Party' is any indication, it'll be worth waiting for.

Enjoy yourself some tunes of your own this fine Saturday, and may the sun shine upon you for as long as it lasts.


  1. uh . . . there's new radiohead album and it's really good, what is this hipster-lite crap?

  2. write your own post, fuckface.

  3. i know i'm supposed to like radiohead, but i don't.

  4. I've got my first former nd qb following me on the twitter. That's right....Everett Golson knows the dillio.

  5. i did! and that's crazy talk. the avett brothers are a jug band

  6. radiohead is the beatles of our age demographic. you don't have to like them, but you have to at least appreciate them. the bends? ok computer? those are really good ones. maybe you're nuts. you like dark side of the moon, right?

  7. I hate to interrupt your Saturday morning pissing contest gentlemen, but the Avett Brothers are most definitely not a jug band.

  8. What the hell do you know about jug bands, Scooter?

  9. My evening consisted of stuffing the kids to bed at 915, taking a sip of some leftover sizzurp my Dr. Feelgood gave me a couple months ago, putting the NBA game on at 930, and then passing out at about 931. Zero drinks and 9.5 hours sleep. Good times.

  10. TR, I watched Emmett Otter's Jug Band Christmas three times, so I consider myself an authority on Jug Bands. That and sixteen years of playing in one.

    I too fell fast asleep during the NBA game and awoke on the couch at 1:30.

  11. look, i love a good jug band as much as anyone, but it's just not in the same category as good radiohead (and there's nothing worse than bad radiohead, which is worse than a bad jug band)

  12. I know tune in Tokyo and I know bad head. I'm unfamiliar with bad radiohead.

  13. Bad jug bands are really bad. I'd say worse than bad radiohead.

  14. Rob- to follow up on your query from last night re: Jeremy Lin.

    He's certainly not in the class of Lowry/Dragic but Morey's history with him speaks to his problems with evaluating PGs. He cut Lin when he was clearly good enough to make his roster early on. Then he was desperate to get him back after Linsanity and overpaid in order to ensure getting him. He followed that with putting him in an offensive system that didn't fit him and often had him parked in the corner shooting spot up 3s. Which might be the weakest part of his offensive game.

    Is Lin a starting PG on a good NBA team? Of course not. But he can be very effective second unit PG that functions in a drive and kick setting (he was really good for Charlotte). Morey and his coaching staff couldn't even figure that out.

  15. i'm down with that. not with radiohead, though. and i've now got 8 cans of heady topper cooling in my fridge, something else dave is totally wrong about.

  16. yikes, avett brothers and heady topper. you might as well grow a curly mustache.

    on a lighter note, we just played a team (from the town where I teach) that shellacked us two weeks ago (6 - 0) and we tied them 1-1. They were dirty, kicked and tripped from behind, etc. I lost my temper, yelled at the refs and their coaches, they told me that if my players stayed on their feet and stopped "flopping" we'd be fine (as I was carrying my son off, who was in tears from being kicked in the head) and after the game, one of my players was shooting around and the ball rolled behind the goal and the head coach, instead of rolling the ball back to my player, picked up the ball and PUNTED it over the high fence, deep into the dog park. it was an awesome display poor sportsmanship.

  17. Z, if you're referring to the Chris Cornell imitator, I think it's spelled Jugs Carlesimov. Not sure where that rates on the bad jug band>bad radiohead continuum.

  18. i'm so wound up from this soccer game. i need to start coaching tennis. the other coach took a kid's ball and PUNTED it over a fence. wtf?

  19. Nice catch Rootsy. You're the resident expert on jugs.

  20. What led to the punt, Dave?

    Dealing with other youth sports parents is one of my biggest fears re: my daughter over the next few years.

  21. youth sports would be so much better if adults weren't involved

  22. That's called playing in the street. Doesn't happen much any more.

  23. the punt was done purely out of spite and anger. a grown man punted a 10 year old's ball over a fence into a dog park! i know his name-- do i get to publicly shame him?

  24. oh, hell yes. that's preposterous behavior.

  25. Yes you do. At every opportunity. What a jerk.

  26. and i admittedly lost my temper during the game and said things to the ref and the other coaches, when i was walking out on the field for the THIRD time to carry off one of my players who was crying because they got hacked from behind. NONE of their players were injured by one of ours, there were probably six stoppages because my kids got whacked and these douche-bags accused my kids of flopping, i was beside myself. and then after the game when my kids were just hanging out and shooting around this guy punted my player's ball into the dog park. i'm getting over it (with beer) but it really pissed me off.

  27. A few train wrecks today out at tpc today.

  28. I may have mentioned that a pipe broke in our home and (slowly) flooded my daughter's room. Not shockingly, dealing with the insurance company was a huge pain. After nearly two months they finally got to replacing all the flooring in our house. Yes, ALL the flooring. Only the kids room had damage but there's some sort of 'continuous flooring' rule and we benefited from it greatly.

    We received a budget nearly 3x what we spent for our original flooring and got a better install crew than we originally had.

    The moral of the story: If you can handle all the hassle, find a way to break a pipe and damage your flooring. Eventually, it pays off in a major way.

  29. i just sent a vividly descriptive email to the president of our league. i named names! this is going to get ugly, considering i work in the town where this guy lives . . .

  30. My kid has a 2.5-3 dance recital tomorrow (she'll be on stage for less than 10 minutes). Pimp C's biography arrived in the mail today so I'll be half way through it by the time the show has finished.

  31. Kanye dropping a 'Stepbrothers' reference in his verse on Pop Style is pretty fucking great if you ask me.

  32. And Bon Jovi in the Direct TV commercial not so much.

  33. I feel your pain Dave. My appetite for coaching has all but disappeared bc of the douchenozzles coaching here in Ponte Vedra. It's an epedimic.

  34. Dave - I feel your pain. The NJ travel soccer scene crosses all demographics and all levels of parental behavior - from supportive to horrendous. When I was 9, my travel team played against the predominantly Jewish Ocean Township team. After we scored one goal, the refs said it wasn't offsides, and the other team's coach pulled his players from the field. This set off the testosterone-heavy Christian dads on my team, including my 68" dad (sorry, but he wasn't an inch taller). So they started yelling at the other team, and that team's dads got offended, and about 6-9 dads on each team started walking towards each other, like some super-sad version of West Side Story. Luckily, some wives interfered before a slap-fight behind one goal ensued. We were all 4th graders at that time.

  35. I am coaching my kindergartner in tee ball. There are 8 kids on the team. 3 of them are in severe need of Adderall. Immediately. And without getting into any more detail, I am aware when such a decision is warranted.

    It was our sixth game today. One kid hit the ball off the tee and ran immediately to 3rd base. Two at-bats in a row. And this is after we practiced base running EVERY week in practice. Another kid decided three times in his one-hour game that he needed a bathroom break, dropping his glove spontaneously and running away, mid-inning.

    Coaching is tough. The upside is you make sure your kid gets a fair shake and you get some props from the parents in town for subjecting yourself to the chaos. The downside is the urge to bark at other children.

  36. Thanks again for raising our collective parenting spirits, TR.

  37. dave should out that dude by name here on gtb. he'd never be able to show his face in tens of places across the eastern seaboard.

  38. In other news, Chase is using Shaggy's Boomabstic in ads! Is it a great tune - no. But who doesn't love hearing "Mister Luva Luva"?

  39. thao and the get down stay down did a cover of missy elliott's 'get ur freak on'. it's so cool.

  40. I am over served and I ate a bunch of octopus. That is all.

  41. i should point out that almost all of our travel games go really well -- it's only twice a season that we see this kind of insanity (a few weeks ago one of the opposing parents slapped the line judge and was removed from the field). today we play scotch plains and-- win or lose-- it will be totally pleasant.

  42. here's that thao & the get down stay down missy elliott cover. it's quirky as heck: #tribepride

  43. Late to the party, but I knew with 100% certainty that Rootsy would have a comment about The Avett Brothers not being a jug band. I like that kind of consistency and reliability.

  44. The marathon dance recital has begun. I've already had to talk my Dad down from getting into it with a dance mom who has saving a full row worth of seats. Good times.

    Thank God for smart phones and wifi hot spots. It's the only thing that will get me through this afternoon.

  45. Belated shout-out to Shlara for her Death, Sex and Money podcast recommendation. Pretty crazy stuff on there. Very adult, thought-provoking stuff.

    Part of me hopes that title is a Zevon tribute.

  46. rougned odor put the wood to joey bats - you don't see punches like that connect in very many baseball brawls. and you don't see very many people take a shot like that and stay standing.

  47. I've watched the vine of that punch 69 times and it doesn't get old.

  48. dan lebatard tweeted that he thinks odor was trying to hit bautista with the throw to first. after watching the video, i think that's right. could've been really ugly.

  49. The follow-up left-handed slap is pure A-Rod. With the glove on nonetheless!
