Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Fashion is Dumb, Ripped

Ezekiel Elliott had a pretty good night on April 28. The former Ohio State running back was the fourth overall choice, going to the Dallas Cowboys, where he's likely to tear shit up behind one of the league's best offensive lines.

While Zeke's draft outcome was terrific, his haberdashery was, well, check this out:

On the one hand, if I had abs like that, I might never wear a shirt. On the other...dude.


  1. Yeah, that was a head scratcher. I will welcome it if a 330 lb offensive lineman chooses to do it next year though.

  2. As I commented on draft day, Zeke's lineup was aggressive. It almost looked like a strip of glued-on velvet.

  3. My favorite thing about last night's Thunder-Spurs game was OKC's absolute refusal to back down in the 4th quarter. Westbrook was possessed and dominant. Which was especially great considering that nearly everybody who commented on the game beforeh said the only way the Thunder could win was if he took a back seat to Durant again like he did in game 4. None of us know shit.

    Billy Donovan has been very good in this series. He's effectively used Waiters and seems to be the first coach to get through to him since he came into the league. He's also smartly bailed on Ibaka (who is so soft now, a shell of what he once was which is really weird for a young guy who hasn't had any major injuries) in favor of a Adams-Kanter front court that is giving San Antonio major issues.

  4. I survived a visit from Clarence. If he wasn't using my phone to read the lyrics, I'd have video of him crashing a band practice with a spirited rendition of "Cheap Sunglasses". Good times.

  5. I believe today is Dan's birthday. I'm sure he'll celebrate at the TPC this weekend. Happy birthday, dude.

  6. That it is Mark, and thank you. Will be heading over tomorrow for most of the day and Saturday w/wife and a couple of neighbors for what usually turns into the day of being over served. The birthday (46th) makes me feel old but not as old as my 20-year work anniversary which is also this week. Whaaaa?

  7. Speaking of 20th anniveraries, tomorrow is the 20th anniversary of the day Zman and I had our commencement from William & Mary.

    That means tonight is the 20th anniversary of me telling my mother this at a family dinner in town: "So, they're letting me walk, but I'm not REALLY graduating. Remember that whole 'getting kicked out of ROTC' thing? Well, they denied me one Kinesiology credit, so I have to take a train down to the 'Burg in a few weeks and flail around in a swimming pool while an old gym teacher watches me."

    It was a perfect ending to a wildly disappointing experience my parents had with my W&M tenure.

  8. Happy birthday, Danny Boy.

    Rootsy is a great host. Grapefruit sculpins, cheesy westerns, several entertaining bars, and a music studio visit.

    Now go out and get yourself some big black frames.

  9. max scherzer celebrated danimal in style. today is also my mother's birthday. she says 'sup, danimal.

  10. Turns out octopus is delicious. Not as delicious as a cheesy western but still quite tasty.
