Thursday, May 19, 2016

Beautiful Little Trees

Open Culture bills itself as "the best free cultural and educational media on the web". As we are somewhat culturally deficient and long past our prime educatin' years, most of us don't generally spend a lot of time on the site.

Which is a shame, because Stanford professor Dan Colman and his team do a pretty incredible job of curating online classes, public domain books, music, and videos, and any number of other edifying materials. If you were so inclined, you could audit Aesthetics and the Philosophy of Art from James Grant at Oxford, or American Immigrant Experience from Carl Mason at Cal. You could dig into MIT lecturer Richard Schmalensee's Energy Decisions, Markets and Policies (TR might want to consider this one) or Stephen Pinker, Larry Summers and Michio Kaku's Great Big Ideas. You get the point.

If online courses aren't your bag, you can peruse thousands of free eBooks, mostly classics from the likes of Hemingway, Kubrick, David Foster Wallace, and Gabriel Garcia Marquez. Kids can get their learn on, too, with hundreds of K-12 courseware. There's art from The Met, music from Bach (and the Grateful Dead), and thousands of free movies.

And as of now, the world can watch all ten seasons of Bob Ross' epic The Joy of Painting series. Open Culture isn't hosting Ross' work, which originally aired on Northern Virginia's public television station, WNVC, but did let the world know that the collection is now available on YouTube.

A mere 90 seconds into this, the first-ever episode, Ross lets loose with "the almighty palette knife". The man loved his work. And we him.


  1. The guy sitting in front of you who reclines seat and is snoring before taking off. He's my favorite.

  2. This sounds like Ready Player One.

  3. Bob Ross is the best. I loved him and his happy little trees. You can tell he was a real stickman.

  4. excellent stickman reference, TR. but was he a bigger stickman than Burgess Meredith?

  5. Love me some Bob Ross. I watched the entirety of his documentary on PBS, and you should too.

  6. "These little son-of-a-guns hide in your brush, you just have to push them out."

    "This is your world. Your creation."

  7. When my younger son turned seven we bought him and easel, paints, and a t-shirt that says "I paint happy trees like Bob Ross". He's more into dance and pencil drawing now, but the shirt is still in regular rotation.

  8. Tree scents is dominant can't be covered with incense.

  9. down goes figjam! down goes figjam!

  10. well, not 'down', per se, but maybe 'to court as an interested party goes figjam!'

  11. The day before Trump put Judge Diane Sykes on his short list for Justice Scalia's seat, Judge Richard Posner agreed with her opinion in a case on which he was also impaneled, but took the time to write a concurrence so that he could describe her writing as "littered with stale, opaque, confusing jargon." He added that "There is no need for jargon, stale or fresh. Everything judges do can be explained in straightforward language—and should be."

  12. I would injure one of you badly for Bob Ross's hair.

    No way was Ross a stick man on the level of Burgess Meredith. Or Matt Dillon for that matter. Good to know I'm not the only GTBer using the term "stickman" regularly these days.

  13. Matt Dillon...still a total hottie

  14. I have a new copier being installed in our shop today. One of our delivery guys asked to use the restroom as soon as he got here. He the proceeded to destroy it far worse than anything I ever saw in three years living in Unit M. And that's saying something.

  15. dillon, not the restroom-destroying repairman

  16. I can actually replicate Ross' Afro...if you give me a year.

    I think Rappapprt is doing a schtick w/ Simmons, but it's very funny and he has no fucks to give.

    And the ultimate stickman debate is Jeter vs Leo.

  17. Not Wilt? Between your two choices I'll take Leo.

  18. If Rappaport is doing schtick, I don't care. It's thoroughly enjoyable.

  19. A comedian (I forget which one) once said that Bob Ross' voice was like a human Quaalude, and that person was right.

    Flying pet peeve - person reclining their seat without giving the person behind them notice. I have had a really hard time explaining to more petite passengers seated in front of me that their seat was not going back any more because it was on my knees, and no further attempts to ram it back were going to be fruitful.

  20. Jeter > Leo, for sure
    Leo is getting creepier as he ages...


    mrs. poleinski suggested we give this lover a tumor in his head

  22. Mark, I take it you're happy with the Vogel hire?

  23. Extremely. I wanted Orlando to can Skiles and hire Vogel the moment I found out Indiana was firing him.

    Skiles just made it easier. Fuck Skiles, by the way.

  24. Has the back story on Skiles come out? Is there at least a link to what's (hopefully) a salacious story?

  25. I'm sure she has an army of stylists and make-up folks behind her, but Vanna White does not appear to have lost her fastball.

    I bet the net worths of her and Sajak would make us all cry.

  26. Sajak is friendly with LeBatard and is a semi-frequent guest on his show. I'd like to get drunk with Pat.

    There's not really anything juicy on Skiles, TR. He basically nagged the Devos family (Magic owners) through text and phone calls to give him the coaching job. Then he confided to Adrian Griffin (asst coach) in January that he thought he'd made a mistake. Griffin went to the GM, Rob Hennigan, about it and Hennigan met with Skiles. Skiles backtracked and said he didn't really feel that way. Then he pushed to have Tobias Harris traded for two vets he'd coached before (Jennings and Ilyasova) who both had expiring contracts. Hennigan agreed and then months later Skiles bailed.

    The organization is better off without Skiles. And Vogel will be the at least the second best coach in Magic history the moment he coaches his first game. I'm excited about his history of developing young players as well.

  27. Vanna is the pride of Myrtle Beach, SC. I read a great interview w Sajak a long time ago somewhere...he's a pretty cool dude. I'd definitely party w him.

    From the Danimal travel files....never under any circumstance travel with me if it includes airplanes. Now ya know.

  28. hello gheorghies--

    just watched "charlie work" again

  29. We're really getting after it today.

  30. i watched some of the bob ross video-- that's an amazing first episode. are his paintings any good? they look good to me. meta-sentence over at my place

  31. the quality of bob ross paintings is an internet black hole. he was only 52 when he died.

  32. is that comment a poem of some sort?

  33. Congrats to Shlara for earning a few more letters. Well done and impressive. Kudos to you and the teej, and Mrs. Teej for going back to school well well well into adulthood. It is very admirable.

  34. shlara is by far the most accomplished gheorghie. just glad she chooses to slum with us on occasion.

  35. Hey congrats Shlara! What degree did you finish? Or did I miss it in earlier comments...anyhow, hope you celebrated well!!

  36. Thanks Gheorghies!
    I'm just late to the advanced degree game--most of you guys have JDs or MBAs
    And now I have a legit claim to Big East hoops, which is kinda cool.

  37. i'm well into adulthood and i go to school every day.

  38. I'm trading in/buying a car this morning. I was up without an alarm at 8 am. Adulthood is highly overrated.

  39. the new run the jewels single has a lyric that goes "flame your crew faster than trump fucks his youngest daughter". killer mike, no filter, no holds barred.

  40. I'd like to be excited about this Raptors-Cavs game but nooooope.

  41. Getting rowdy at my first ever arena football league game, or afl as I now call it. 52-27 Sharks lead the Portland Steel. 6 min left in the 3rd. Over/under I'm guessing is 110 or so.

  42. Seems that way doesn't it, TR?

    AFL is sneaky fun in person. My old man and I used to hit up an Orlando Predators game or two very year when I was in junior high and high school.

  43. I ran a beer mile this afternoon. Four laps around the block the Texas Tavern is on, with a 12 oz. beer preceding each lap. Haven't run a mile in who knows how long, and haven't had four beers in a day since Clarence came to visit.

    Finished in 9:20, and didn't puke, probably because I resisted the allure of the Cheesy Western. Pretty respectable performance, if I do say so myself.

  44. The Albany Firebirds were perennial arena league stalwarts, and I went to many games.

  45. LeBron is a world class flopper.

  46. I really hope that the Albany Firebirds had a Pontiac firebird mascot. I'm sure that's not the case but a man can dream.

  47. A friend from the Albany/Troy area calls the area Troylet.

    The beer mile intrigues me. Do you do one after each qtr, or before? If after, it's only the last three qtrs that suck. There should be a charity event that gets guys to do something stupid like this for a good cause.

  48. Is tonight the last night we get Larry David on SNL as Bernie? Because that's a bummer.

  49. You chug the beer, then run 1/4 mile. Aside from the 1/8 mile of burping each lap it wasn't that bad. And I really didn't feel the brunt until I finished, and tacked on a get bent IPA.
