Wednesday, April 20, 2016


When I think of the golden age of the Big East, I don't think of Hoya Paranoia, or the Chris Mullin St. John's teams. I think of Pearl Washington.

The Pearl passed today after battling a brain tumor since last year. RIP to one of the giants of the college game.


  1. Anyone had anything from Tree House Brewing? Apparently I need to find some.

    Marls how's the Heady Topper tasting coming along?

  2. The Pearl was awesome.

    Mr KQ, Treehouse is an hour from my house. I have stood in line there a few times. They only sell beer at the brewery. So no distribution. The beer is very very good. They are building a new brewery that will double or triple their capacity which will hopefully make it easier to get some. Highly recommended.

    You should hunt down some Trillium, another MA brewery. Any of their IPAs are awesome and if you can get your hands on any Double Dry Hopped versions I'd highly recommend it.

    Last beer I'd recommend try to get a hold of is Singlecut beersmiths out of NY.

  3. Marls has been dying to taste a heady topper for years, I wonder which young lad acquiesced?

  4. Most eggcellent Squeaky, I'm on the hunt for everything you mentioned. Always a good thing when it works out to be "easier to get some". Cheers, bout that time isn't it?

  5. Marls, you need to pester Dave into bring back some Heady for you when he goes up to VT. But that would be a hairy heady topper.

  6. People really like their reefer. It's a shitshow, and it's not even 4 PM yet.

  7. heady topper is awful! pine cone in a glass. totally stupid. i have fond memories of derrick coleman, i don't think he overlapped

  8. more for us, dave, when you bring it to obft.

  9. I am enjoying a Deschutes Fresh Squeezed IPA at a great sports bar. It's a super citrusy beer made in Oregon. I love that citrus in my IPA.

    Cavs-Pistons, Isles-Panthers, Flyers-Caps on mega-sized TVs in front of me. Life is good.

  10. also dead, curt schilling's broadcasting career. good riddance.

  11. This is why Charles Barkley is a genius. Athletes don't always make good role models.

  12. That's something we can all drink to. What a dildo.

    NBA earnings update:

    Kobe's career salary: $328 MM
    Dirk's career salary: $220 MM
    Richard Jefferson's career salary: $110 MM

  13. Major controversy in Isles-Panthers game! A goal was overturned on replay, but then the zebras started re-reviewing. Preposterous.

    And I prefer the Brit pronunciation of controversy, where the accent is on the second syllable. Makes the word more fun.

  14. Minnesota Wild jerseys are great.

  15. thinking about a family trip to chicago for a few days this summer. the little one has learned that there's a nutella-only dessert restaurant there, and she wants to go. seriously. and since i've never been (also seriously), i'm willing to indulge her. open to ideas about where to stay, what to do, and what/where to eat and drink. definitely making a trip to wrigley.

  16. Eat steaks. Meet up with FOGTB DB.

  17. here's some very sketchy info on what to do in chicago:

  18. I think Paci has a close cousin who lives in Chicago. He might be a police officer. Memory a little hazy since copious amounts of beer we had that weekend.

    My wife knows a few family friends that own bars near Wriggle. Can't promise a hook up but never hurts to name drop.

  19. Rob, it's been 20 years since they lived there but Mac and Steiner could still probably give you some pointers. Also, Erin McGuire, though he spent time in places like the Playboy Mansion, and I doubt you will end up there.

  20. Name of the first person quoted in the article is classic.

  21. That's got to be a fake name, right?

  22. Chicago is great in the summer. Make the trip. I can give you a few recs based on some trips I've made there.

  23. Rob, what was the first band you ever saw in concert?

  24. My personal favorite:

  25. RIP Prince. Such a bummer, what an awful year for musicians.

  26. A bad year for musicians indeed. I wonder what Bowie, Phife and Prince are talking about.

    I saw Prince at MSG in 2011 and he put on a hell of a show, far beyond my expectations. I eagerly await all the articles about how great Prince was.

  27. Our UPS driver at my office just came in blasting Purple Rain on a bluetooth speaker.

    Any of you checked out Numero Group's Purple Snow ? Pretty cool collection.

  28. Prince was one who got away from me. Meaning he left us before I could see him live, and nobody who saw his shows ever told me it was anything less than spectacular.

  29. you gotta read wright thompson's piece on tiger woods. impossibly great reporting combined with world class storytelling.

  30. This Prince news is a major bummer.

  31. The Wright Thompson piece is very good. As is Bomani's Jones on Prince.

    MTV has cancelled their scheduled programming to show Prince videos tonight.

  32. hello gheorghies!

    prince retrospective on the pub jukebox tonight . . .
