Thursday, March 10, 2016

Wu Goo

Ghostface Killah's discography spans almost two decades and it's peppered with tracks about selling coke and crack, so it should come as no surprise that he's entering the legal marijuana game with some sort of vape-able oils. It's called Wu Goo, natch, and he made an infomercial/song to promote the stuff. It is, predictably, genius.


  1. "Fuck walking, you gonna start skipping." "This shit gonna fuck you up." "If you wanna fuck, this shit right here the shit."


  2. Everything about this video is awesome.

  3. Backyard growin back there baby.

  4. this shit's gonna fuck you up . . . a medicinal effect!

  5. What's up, gheorghies? Been quiet lately too quiet. So why don't we do what often sparks sidebars and report the eats and drinks of the eve?

  6. 4 years $18 MM for CJ Anderson?

    zwoman made some Asian pork noodle dish from blue apron. It made my bowels move. After I put zson to bed I have a glass of makers mark with my name on it.

  7. about to crack a limbo ipa from vermont's own long trail brewery.

  8. Four GOP presidential candidates are debating the merits of free trade? Milton Friedman is spinning in his grave.

  9. Sipping on a Hoppy Birthday from Alpine Beer Co. Delish.

  10. Had a chicken fajita with a Sierra Nevada, followed by a glass of Cab from Argentina.

  11. Cruz is putting on a masterful show.

  12. Kasich can't pronounce rapprochement.

  13. I had a lame dinner. I'm polishing off the last bottle of a 6-pk of Abita Grapefruit Harvest IPA. I had high hopes for it as both an Abita fan and a fan of grapefruit-heavy IPAs, but it's just not that good. Bummer. And this comes from a guy whose favorite daydrinking-at-the-beach beer is Abita Purple Haze.

  14. I should clarify that I bought the 6-pk two months ago. It gets back-burnered whenever I get something I like.

    I've been digging the Sweetwater 420 Extra Pale Ale a lot recently. Glad it's found its way up north.

  15. Goose Gossage will never be Ghoose Ghossaghe--he simply isn't Gheorghe enough.
