Saturday, March 19, 2016

The Test 41: Zombies (and Zombeavers)

This week on The Test, Stacey and special guest Liz collaborate on a phenomenal and comprehensive zombie quiz. Cunningham ambitiously predicts an A+, but then realizes she is woefully unprepared. The two of us struggle (heroically) to come up with the correct answers. While we certainly don't earn high marks, we figure out a few. Apparently, we know a little more about zombies in film and TV than we think (but not much more).

As a bonus, Stacey gets scolded by The Voice of God for her hubris.

Spoiler: Zombeavers is not one of the answers.


  1. just catching up on the end of that northern iowa/texas game. bonkers. my first real memory of the tourney is u.s. reed's half court heave to beat louisville. you can see it here: bonus short shorts, crying cheerleaders, and eddie sutton with a robust perm.

  2. Zman--did Zwoman live in Antartica in the 90s?
    Or on a commune where they don't have TV or newspapers?

    And, Phillip and Elizabeth are coming in strong in S4 of The Americans.
    Also, I'm VERY concerned for Martha...

  3. gheorgies, flying to the dominican republic tomorrow morning, back on thursday night. i trust the lights will still be on here.

  4. Wichita might pull this out but at some point I'm going to miss Ron Baker. I really enjoy watching him move without the ball. Never stops working.

  5. zwoman has some weird holes in her cultural literacy. She can explain how Betty Draper is supposed to invoke Betty Friedan's "Femine Mystique" and she can speak at length about Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman, Game of Thrones (show and books) and The Hunger Games but then stuff like this OJ ignorance crops up. I have no explanation other than its an endearing quirk.

  6. Note that both sides of the OJ case managed to empanel a jury that allegedly knew nothing about the case so maybe it isn't that odd?

  7. No, it's odd. Unless your wife is a teenager.

    We had a bunch of people over to the house last night so I didn't watch much basketball but I did manage to settle on to my couch in time to see the end of Northern Iowa-Texas. That was something. Shots like that, while awesome always remind me of the conference championship game I lost in high school on a 3/4 court buzzer beater though.

    I'll miss both the Wichita State guards but I'm happy for Angel Rodriguez. That dude can play.

  8. This IU UK game has the makings.

  9. Shlara, Martha is blinded by love. She's going to end up a card carrying commie. The next bystander to die is the pastor. His days are numbered.

  10. Stop. Talking. About. The. Americans.

  11. Spurs-Warriors has a lot of intrigue at the start of the game. Bogut's hurt, so the Warriors are starting a small lineup, with Draymond at center.

    Not sure if this is coincidental or responsive, but Spurs are going small and have Duncan on the bench to start. Only the 3rd time in his career he starts a game on the bench. And Kawhi is guarding Draymond.

    I can't wait for this to be a playoff series.

  12. The Americans...Stan coming out of the closet really threw me. Not sure where that story is going. The Americans.

    uConn women beat Robert Morris by 50 last night. It was 40-4 at one point in the first half.

  13. That Spurs win represented a seismic shift in the power structure in the Western Conference. Yeah, Steph shot badly, but that was in part due to Spurs' defenders being up in his shit all night.

    San Antonio may run the table at home.

  14. the warriors were playing without iguodala, bogut, and ezeli on the second night of a back to back. i'm not quite ready to pronounce them done.

  15. I think seismic shift may be overstating things. Those two teams are 1-1 against each other on the season. Both won at home.

  16. Danimal--totally agree with the shocking Stan storyline.
    I also didn't see the affair between Paige & Pastor Tim coming--totally surprised me.

  17. hey, you two - pipe down. some of us haven't watched the new season yet

  18. I feel like Dan and Shlara are yanking our chain.

  19. That did occur to me after I hit publish. I'm a dummy.

  20. This Notre Dame Steven F Austin game is fun. Both teams are probably going to hit 80 within the flow of their offenses.

  21. Mike Brey is starting look like Jack Nicholson in About Schmidt

  22. This game is highly entertaining.

  23. Just completed a 776 piece (7 too many) Mega Blok minion Kevin. My thumbs are raw from snapping tiny plastic pieces together. TR's sons must be future rocket scientists given the number of Lego models they've made. Shit's not easy.

  24. Great finish. Shame we won't get to see sf Austin more. Those guys are plucky.

  25. yup...they are/were good. was relieved and surprised that nd came out with the win there.

  26. Did anyone else change the channel on Texas A&M/Northern Iowa and miss the last 45 seconds of game time?
