Wednesday, March 02, 2016

Let Us Celebrate the Face-swapping of Dave and Stacey

Today, which is the second day of March, let us celebrate three things. Let us celebrate Dr. Seuss, as it is his birthday, let us celebrate Dave-- as it is also my birthday, and let us celebrate face-swapping apps.

Face-swapping apps are all the rage in our school right now, and most of the combinations are surreal and hideous.

Except for one.

And Zman, this ain't no humblebrag . . . this is full-on bragging. When you combine my face with my colleague (and podcasting partner) Stacey's hair and head, you get Brad Pitt.

The only person who doesn't buy this wholeheartedly is my wife, who apparently isn't onboard about celebrating all things Dave. I think she's just jealous, and doesn't want to admit that if I had long chestnut colored hair and a slightly longer skull, most of the available women on the planet would be vying for my undivided attention. She's probably also aware that my self-esteem is already high enough, and doesn't need further elevation.

Anyway, if you don't see it, that's your problem, and I don't want to hear about it on my birthday. What I would like you to do on this very special day of celebration is give The Test a listen, subscribe on iTunes and give us a good rating. Thanks!

And I'm growing my hair out. I think by OBFT XXV, I might look hot.


  1. ...and sweaty.

    I see more Brad Delp than Braf Pitt.

  2. stacey's hair is kinda hot. shame to see it marred like that.

  3. Who does the mustache belong to? That isn't Dave's is it?

  4. you guys all sound like my wife. as soon as my hair grows in, i'll be seeing you at the oscars

  5. Happy Birthday, Dave.

    I'm seeing more Kato than Pitt. But maybe some Chris Cornell.

  6. Happy birthday Dave.

    It kinda makes you look like Kip Winger.

  7. Marls - care to comment on sexual misconduct allegations levied against FIU women's basketball coach Marlin Chinn?

  8. I'm scared to about what they have on Marlin Chinn, let alone all the unknown stuff that's been on Marlin Chinn.

  9. mayhugh, hit me up so i have your new email address (so we can talk john wick 2)

  10. Coming your way, TJ.

    Was at a wedding this weekend and stepped out for air and the smokers outside were arguing about whether Keanu was a good actor. I chimed in and i could see the faces of the crowd go from really excited that I was so enthusiastic about the topic to really weirded out in about 20 seconds.

  11. Keanu's acting is indefensible but he plays a time-traveling high school aged FBI agent posing as burnout surfer on a speeding bus really well. Anything else is a bit off-putting.

  12. he's also great in "the matrix" and "much ado about nothing." in both of these films, he has very few lines, and mainly has to look perplexed and somber.

  13. found out today that Bill S. Preston, Esq. directed Ice Cube's "Who's the Mack" video

  14. Keanu can't really emote, which I would imagine is fairly integral to acting, but he's endearing when he owns his bad acting and really goes for it. That is why John Wick was so genius - the motivation for his sadness/revenge is so thin that his inability to effectively show anguish furthers the subversive elements of the story. Irrespective of whether or not he knew Wick was total camp, his performance catered to it.

  15. I'm kinda seeing Dax Shepard with a blowout, but I'll see clearer after post tennis match IPA's this eve.

  16. The Fabulous Freebirds are being inducted into the Hall of Fame! Great news.

  17. Love their contributions to the Summer School and Cocktail soundtracks.

  18. Showtime's documentary on Off the Wall is worth your time.

  19. Not sure how many of you have seen the news, but ex-CEO of Chesapeake Energy (and 19% owner of the OKC Thunder) Aubrey McClendon died in a very suspicious car accident this morning. It looks like suicide, with him driving into an overpass support at a high rate of speed. He was 56.

    He was booted from his CEO position three years ago. He was indited by the DOJ yesterday, and the PE firm that was backing him announced they were suspending all involvement w/ him early this morning. He died shortly thereafter in his Chevy Tahoe after the collision. He was not wearing a seat belt.

    He had a wife and three kids. Awful all the way around.

  20. Hilary email heat turned up a few notches yesterday.

    Who makes the decision to have Donnie Douche on a news panel? And who keeps extending Mika's contracts?

  21. actually, it's america that's saddled with the l's, danimal

  22. Lounge in the jacuzzi smoke Ls while you do me.
