Saturday, February 06, 2016

The Test: Not as Hip as Black Violins . . . but Almost

This week on The Test, Stacey delivers another one of her super-hip song quizzes. She confounds special guest MJ and me for a while, but we eventually come up with the answer. See if you can beat us to the punch. You're going to need to identify the artist and/or title of each clip, and then string those clues together to figure out the overarching theme. Good luck.

Also, as a bonus, listen to Stacey's warm welcome at the end of the show to next week's special guest.


  1. Rob, I believe the Georgia pig closed down

  2. Night at the museum sleepover for me tonight, along with a few hundred Cub Scouts and dads. This year, I get to bring both boys, and we get to sleep on the floor at the Liberty Science Center in Jersey City. Wife gets a night to herself. I get to test a set-inflatable pad I bought at REI.

    The good news is that my boys' 5-6 hours sleep will in no way make them puddles tmrw evening when they ask to stay up for the whole Super Bowl. I have packed my cough syrup w/ codeine already, and I can't wait until they turn the lights out at midnight, at which point 20 dads will immediately conk out and start snoring loudly, and then many kids will try their hardest to fart loudly to make others laugh. I may bring earplugs too. Good times.

  3. that's what the internets are telling me, whit. that's a bummer.

  4. Now I understand why Tiara keeps texting me to come over tonight.

  5. Dannyboy hooked me up with a rec. Captain stan's in Woodbine. It's the pi lam flower, after all.

  6. Speaking of food, I crushed some stone crabs and shrimp last night. South Florida eats are up my alley.

  7. I hope Whit makes it to Cap'n Stan's. Exceptional bbq in a cool & eclectic setting. He may end up staying.

  8. Stone Crabs are awesome. Nice choice, Whitney.

  9. I'm here, Danimal. Just ordered the Boston Butt pork sandwich (always fun to say) and some collards. Thanks, dude.

  10. we're contemplating getting a dog. you guys have any idea how expensive dog walking services are? that shit is exorbitant.

  11. I have a staunch anti dog ownership policy. Dogs are awesome to borrow but not to own. They're like sailboats in that regard.

  12. Danimal, fantastic recommendation. Truly excellent 'cue. Captain Stan kicks it. Thanks.

  13. Dogs are never a practical decision. This coming from a guy who got a Pit Bull while in college and then bought another Pit Bull six years later to accompany the first.

  14. Our neighbors across the street have some designer dog called a Cavechon (sp?). Looks a bit like a Maltese, but has the best disposition in the history of ever. We take it overnight and for a few hours at a time a couple times a month. That's more than enough. Trying to coax a dog into dropping a deuce in the rain gets old in a hurry.

  15. comprehensive ass-whipping administered by your tribe today in williamsburg. they're beating the shit out of the teams they should beat. that's a good sign. now 17-6, 9-3 on the year. we've got as good a shot as anyone else in the league at this point.

  16. got my first dog four years ago-- my parents were staunch anti-dog, but my wife always had dogs. the dog is everyone's favorite person in the house, but it is an insane commitment. i walk him every morning at 6 AM, rain, sleet, snow, ice, etc. and he's waiting to get outside when i get home. definitely makes everyone in the house less cranky, but remember, every vacation, every long weekend, or soccer tournament or whatever, you need to worry about the dog. you're basically adopting a dumb happy person that can't be left alone for long periods of time.

  17. We are pro-dog!! Makes your lives happier. Keeps you healthier (statistically shown - retirement communities that allow them have done studies!!). Can't imagine hiring others to walk the dog, though...if you need that, maybe you don't have the time (not sure about that? We have flexible enough schedules that it's no problem). Wouldn't trade having him!

  18. that's been our issue to date, d. both of us work, and worried that's that's a long time to let the puppy go without, um, going. kids really want one, though. we'd always used the excuse that our elderly cat couldn't handle having a dog around, but she passed away over the holidays, so that excuse is gone.

  19. wife and kidlets all out for the evening. i'm gonna drink too much by myself and hunker down for the thunder/warriors game.

  20. i have fantasies about quitting my job and being a professional dog walker . . . not sure what they make an hour, but i imagine strolling around town, a couple of dogs in tow, stopping for coffee or a snack, picking up a few more dogs, dropping off a few dogs, talking to cute chicks who come up to me to pet the dogs, etc. picking up the poop isn't so fun, though-- that's the downside.

  21. At least 69% of the families in my neighborhood have kids and dogs and I estimate that the kids walk the dogs about 0.69% of the time. Just sayin.

  22. Dave nailed the amount of commitment a dog is. Walking my dog was awesome when he was young and I was in college as it led to many a positive interaction with the fairer sex. As a working adult it's much less exciting. And, as Z said, kids never walk dogs. Or do much of anything else for them.

    Making arrangements for dogs when you travel is a royal pain in the ass too.

    All that said, I love dogs and will always have at least one.

  23. We have an 11 year old pug. She is some effort. Especially the carry her up and down stairs bit. I fell down carrying her last Sunday morning, and look like Mike Tyosin worked over my left side.

  24. Dog walker, 15 bucks a day. It keeps Maple happy and allows us to work later when we need to.

  25. Pro dog but we don't have one. Did I mention a own a pet food store? We do have the 2 cats and once they complete their 9th life, we will have dog(s).

  26. wow, the gheorghies love them some canines. i knew i liked you guys. i have no illusions my kids will make even the most minimal of efforts. they're lazier than i am.

  27. I love my neighbor's dog--he will come over and hang out with me on the weekends and I greet him in the evenings, but I don't have to worry about walking him in the bad weather or picking up the poop.

    Make friends with your neighbors' dogs, Rob.
    It's a much easier life.

  28. My 14 year old dog is nearing the end. We actually thought it was the end in December and then he recovered and has been (relatively) fine since. I just took the younger dog for a walk and we got caught in a rainstorm. Suboptimal.

    Rewarding myself with a grapefruit sculpin.

  29. Cheers to Rob for catching up for half an hour during a very boring stretch between Fayetteville and Wilson, NC. I say cheers but he is drinking and I am not.

  30. green flash west coast double ipa for the kid. also indulging in my alone-time habit of making a loaded turkey burger, extra spicy. i'm a wild man.

  31. Alone time. Oh man. Give me some of that.

  32. By "loaded" you mean that you mix in some Metamucil, right?

  33. Checking In with a Dale's. KQ in Seattle til Tuesday, voices carry. Here's what I have for dinner for me and the teenagers: steak, sausage, lobster, shrimp. Bit of a mixed grill and nothing else. Thinking potato chips and call it a night.

    Rob do what I did and get a male dog to even out living with three females, you won't regret it and always have a drinking buddy.

  34. I will be sleeping in the "Infection Connection" area tonight. Every parent except me brought a foam pad for under their kids's sleeping bag except me.

  35. Hush hush.
    Watching "the secret tapes of the on case" on a & e.

  36. tr, be safe in the knowledge that the other parents are raising tissue-soft cretins. you? a nail-tough badass.

  37. how the fuck is joe jacoby still not in the hall of fame?

  38. I enjoy the Green Flash West Coast IPA. Local brewpub has it on tap. Alpine Brewing out of San Diego makes some fine brews as well.

    I had a little pancetta Mac & Cheese tonight. Cochon Butcher's recipe recreated by the wife. It's damn good.

    Fayettenam is a hell hole. Been there twice. Fine with never going back.

  39. Here's your North Korea response Rob...

  40. I haven't eaten since Woodbine, Georgia and I am JonesIng for a cold beer as I round out the last hour of my 14 Hour drive. Thanks for tormenting me you bastards.

  41. whitney's 14-hour trip is practice for when we rent an rv and drive to charleston for the 2017 caa tournament.

    oh, man. you know you want to.

  42. Way to grind it out Whit. Somethin tells me you're gonna make up for that 14 hour fast.

  43. This comment has been removed by the author.

  44. So Uber has a promo featuring Joe Montana and Trent....Dilfer. Dilfer. Trent Dilfer.

  45. So we have to listen to Mark Jackson for the next two hours, huh?

  46. Marco Rubio is getting the No Vaseline treatment tonight from Chirstie, Jeb! and the moderators.

  47. beyonce's new video is hot fire, and gives zero fucks

  48. My wife has watched it a half dozen times already. It's pretty dope. She's super hot. And the Super Bowl folks are a bit nervous about her halftime performance now.

  49. oh, hell yes. didn't even think about that angle.

  50. I'm watching a 3-D movie about a chipmunk storing acorns for winter. It's like hot fire. Kinda.

  51. i don't know if the thunder could beat the warriors in a series, but i'd sure like to see them play each other in one

  52. my neighbor is the regional vice president for red lobster. his week is gonna be interesting.

  53. Because he performed well with Beyoncé?

  54. Rob- why the fuck haven't we all been delivered a case of cheddar bay biscuits? What the fuck man?

    Warriors-Thunder ended being pretty damn good. I'd like to request that as the Western Conference Finals.

  55. Would be fun to see how Pop could use Kawhi to try to stop Curry.

  56. When my son turned 8
    We took his ass to Red Lobster.

    Seriously. We let him pick any restaurant, and he wanted to go there to eat his favorite food - crab legs. They are gross, but they gave ginormous margaritas.

  57. There's one Red Lobster within 30 minutes of my house. Just too many other good, fresh seafood options around here for them to be successful. At least that's what I'd guess. I will kill some cheddar bays though.

    Sub 50 degree temps with 20+ mph winds coming of the ocean today. Fuck this.

  58. So thats your excuse why your lady never takes you to RL?

  59. My lady owes me two trips today.

  60. Red Lobster sucks. We only went b/c he had been begging for weeks. My wife likes Cheesecake Factory. I don't like that joint either.

    I have stopped chugging coffee and opened a Belgian Trappist Ale. After only 4 hours sleep last night and no nap, it may get messy. That would be tough for my family b/c I'm the chef for Super Bowl Taco night.

  61. She always takes me to Red Lobster ...

  62. Agree that RL is shit. Cheesecake Factory is better but still fairly average, especially for what you pay. NBA players (and Vince Young) love it though.

    Wife is making chili and French onion dip for The Super Bowl.

  63. new post up for your gameday commenting pleasure
