Friday, February 12, 2016

Gheorghe Explains the Election with a Caption This!

Two recurring features colliding! Caption this while explaining the election!!


  1. "Trump's success in New Hampshire and other parts of New England has been attributed to his ability to connect with Irish-Americans which he does by showing that he's just like them."

  2. "Paint what you want, except for my goddamn nipples. Those are for Melania alone to see. And fondle."

  3. upon further review, z, it might be too vulgar

  4. Squeaky- I saw your comment re: rehab hospitals from last night. Feel free to email if you want. I work in the geriatric healthcare field and might be able to help you out or at least point in the right direction.

  5. "Trump is as meticulous with his hair as he is with his campaign--every hair on his body, from top to bottom, has been massaged, twisted, aligned or tweezed."

  6. Hung like a thimble.

    And I'm only half Irish by the way. In case you were imagining.

  7. danimal's also half-italian, so not sure that helps much in the argument he's trying to make

  8. "'I didn't know who I would vote for until I saw him fully, for exactly who and what he is, and at that moment I knew he was my candidate--no, my choice in all things--and still to this day when I close my eyes I can see that moment, the candidate I've been waiting for on full display in bright blue neon lights with a purple outline, and I've drawn that image here completely from memory. It's all I can think of, really,' said a man on the street exiting a voting booth who would only give us his intials, TR."

  9. Yikes! When I scroll down to get to the comments link, the Trump Tater Tot (TM) sits menacingly at eye level. Maybe not your best post, Z.

  10. don't let the haters get you down, z. like trump, your appeal is undeniable, if hard to understand.

  11. Note that rob said "Of course you realize we must post that, right?" when I texted this image to him despite my concerns that it's too vulgar.

  12. I'm amused, but it's so realistic that it unsettles me.
