Monday, February 22, 2016


Odds, ends, ugly and beautiful abound in a compilation of things I've seen on the internet over the past few weeks and couldn't figure out how to turn into a coherent post.

First, an entry in the categories of both beautiful and absurd, this tattoo that Twitter brought to my attention. It's both a ridiculous pun (Nelson Mandala!), and sublime artwork. Well played, hipster.

VCU's Peppas are renowned as one of the nation's best pep bands. We've shouted out to them here in the past, but when they covered our anthem, M.O.P.'s 'Ante Up', we had no choice but to highlight their work again.

Two stories from my home county caught my attention, and sparked very different reactions. Let's talk first about the one that made me throw up in my mouth.

The Washington Redskins announced this week the forthcoming opening of Hail Hog, a Redskins-themed restaurant and sports bar in One Loudoun, a rapidly growing retail/residential center about 15 minutes from my house. What could suck about an establishment run by an organization that's demonstrated a core expertise in extracting dollars from fans while offering a mediocre product? This sounds awesome!

Thankfully, I saw something just a few minutes after that news that served as a palate-refresher. My county has seen an explosion in the past two years of high-quality, diverse breweries and pubs. Some saint has put together a series of itineraries for people who'd like to visit them. The LoCo Ale Trail offers seven different options all across the county. I'd be happy to host any GTBers up for a run. Just don't ask to go to Hail Hog

Speaking of throwing up, has anyone taken a look at the new Columbus Crew away kit? The Crew sought to embed elements of their home city's flag in their on-field look. Of note, that flag has been featured on bad flags, a blog devoted to exposing...bad flags. Not a great start. And judging by the kit itself, not a great finish, either. It looks like a bag of skittles barfed.

In much better soccer uniform news, several other MLS clubs have unveiled new kits for 2016. You can see them all here. The Seattle Sounders' alternate togs are gorgeous. There's a better than even chance that'll I'll be drunk online at some point this spring and purchase one of those tops. I like the New York City FC away kit, too, as well as the New England Revolution home jerseys. Check 'em out, and let's vote.


  1. Those getups look like something the Ukrainian national team would wear.

  2. It's "Madmen Monday" at my hotel which means two free drinks. Throw in some serious jet lag, maybe a snifter or two on top, and I will bring the drool.

  3. And full on American Disco music fitting right in with Mad Men.

  4. You're in Dubai, right? Draper's powers extend that far? Someone needs to slap the daylights out of Mary Crawley.

  5. screeching change of subject there, z. lady mary had a bit of a come to jesus moment last night, no?

  6. It's all Sunday night tv. There's no excuse for last night's events.

  7. Lady Mary has the body of an 11 y/o boy. I guess that was the thing a century ago, but I'll take Mrs. Hughes' big chassy instead.

  8. is any other state switching travel soccer teams to the calendar year? what a pain in my ass

  9. it's national. i don't understand why they didn't "grandfather" current teams. very annoying. top down mandates suck. i'm not voting for bernie sanders

  10. coincidentally, just got out of a town hall discussing the age group changes. i understand the why, but us soccer has done a shit job of explaining it and supporting youth clubs across the country. until they realize they need to be better stewards of the game, the grassroots will always get fucked.

  11. Who cares about your soccer when TR is taking about my Mom's big classy?

  12. The soccer change is a good deal for my boys. The old cut-off date was 7/31, so it works out well for my 6 y/o who was born on 7/30 and now gets to not be the youngest one. And the older one, who was born on 8/19, needs to play w/ older kids. This will help him.

    But it appears to be a clusterfuck on the club level. Each town/club doing their own thing now, although it appears most will go to the calendar year format for Fall 2016. It was calendar year when I was a kid. Who are the ad wizards who decided to change things?

  13. Yeah Mark, autocorrect does not recognize that word. I almost typed sassy classy chassy.

  14. Sitting outside of my hotel Rob in view of the Thomson Reuters building. So people over here must know you. Baller.

  15. Comma after hotel is not called Hotel Rob in case you were confused.

  16. Hotel Rob is like the 13 1/2 floor in Being John Malkovich.

  17. Kyrie Irving picked up bed bugs in his OKC hotel.
    Bed bugs FREAK ME OUT.
    Any kind of parasitic bug freaks me out.

    I can't even...

  18. Amtrak, how I missed thee.

    It's spelled chassis, similar to creme de cassis, which used to make a kir royals, which is nothing like a royale with cheese, but on a related note I did just cut the cheese and stink up a good 3 quarters of this train car.

  19. Marls, some Tribester music for you while aboard the locomotive.

  20. Lithium was an occasional nostalgia-based drive-by station for me on my Sirius dial-spinning, but after Dishwalla wormholed its way into my head, I may ban it forever. I wish to God I could get it out of my head. And if I was on my way to see her, I'd ask how.

    I hate you, Dishwalla.

  21. So one of the preferred NBA hotels in Oklahoma City has bed bugs and the other is haunted? Not a lot of great options there.

  22. It's one and the same (allegedly) - the Skirvin.

    There are more decent hotels in/near Bricktown than you might think. No idea why all the NBA teams stay at the Skirvin.

  23. The Skirvin sounds like a place where you'd get scurvy, scabies and other gross stuff including but not limited to bed bugs.

  24. Here's the backstory of the haunting:

    There have been stories of NBA players getting so spooked there that they sleep on the floor of other player's rooms to not be alone. Lesson learned from the ghost back-story: wear a jimmy-hat when sleeping wth maids!

    I stayed at a downtown Dallas hotel (The Adolphus) once that was allegedly haunted. I made sure I avoided the floor with the haunting, and I was pretty terrified the whole time.

  25. I could deal with the ghosts better than the bedbugs

  26. Widespread Panic at Chrysler Hall tonight -- the velvet seat joint where the symphony plays. Seems like a terrible idea.

    We have seats in the little balcony on the side. Story at 11.

  27. Shlara...if a small group (4 or fewer) wants to play some golf in C-ton, I know someone. Of course that's assuming I am present and accounted for which I am planning on.
    As far as organizing, what Mark said. Happy to assist tho.

  28. danimal is our golf concierge. roles are beginning to crystallize.

  29. Here's a preview of Whit in his little balcony seats.

  30. I will go to Charleston to eat in its myriad restaurants and drink deeply while everyone else golfs. I may or may not root for the Tribe depending on how deeply I've drank and against whom they play. With that preamble, please still consider inviting even me if I sound like too much of a buzzkill.

  31. Fucking Biden. Really?

  32. Mark mocked me for asking this before, but when is it in '17? The World Wide Web doesn't seem to have the exact dates.

  33. z, biden said later in the same speech that the senate should be willing to consider a candidate if they were moderate and qualified. not saying he was right in full, but the fact that the entire gop membership of the senate judiciary committee just said that they wouldn't even hold a hearing on a nominee is a step beyond biden's comments.

    but this is yet another reminder that our national political class is about power more than principle.

  34. What he really said doesn't matter. This is just more grist for the "delay delay delay" mill. And not Tom DeLay. Now delayers can point to this and say that Obama's own veep agrees with their position. I think Grassley already did.

  35. my birthday is 3/2 . . . could be reason enough.

  36. Ooooh, Nelson Mandala! Now I get it.

  37. Starting hour 16 of my work day. Yay me.

    #goatate4life (joke for a few)

  38. If it makes you feel any better TR, I'm on Amtrak heading home from my trip that began at 4:30 yesterday morning. Currently being held indefinitely in Baltimore due to washed out tracks by DC. Uber is charging 5X. I'm gotating in the bummingdome with you.

  39. Dubai gets 2 thumbs and 2 big toes pointing upward. Really cool place with what must be greater international representation than anywhere else. I'm in a cafe right now with about 30 people and my guess 20 countries represented. It is just like Winchester, but different.

  40. This trip's faux pas brought to you by Emirates Airlines.

    Elevator ride late night and on the tipping point of being over served. 3 younger guys, friends. I give them a nod and a how are you guys doing tonight? They were friendly. Asked where they were from. Syria. Oh man, am sorry for all that is going on there. Where are you from? U.S. Here for work or play? Work. Elevator ride ends. Take care. God bless. I said god bless. They didn't respond. What's up with those guys? Nothing. They are from Syria. They don't do God.
