Saturday, January 23, 2016

The Test . . . Snow Day Edition!

There's nothing better than sitting by the fire with a cup of hot chocolate on a snowy day and listening to an action-packed episode of The Test. And this one is hot off the press, with real time references to the on-going blizzard from The Voice of God.

I've already done one round of shoveling, then I took a break to edit the podcast, and now I've got to get back out there-- six inches came down in the last two hours. I can't imagine there's going to be school on Monday. My younger son is out sledding in the blizzard, and I think I'm going to suit up and go check on him. It's wild out there. Good luck with the snow, stay safe, and happy listening.


  1. just followed zman's advice (shovel the mouth of your driveway before anything else) and i'm pronouncing it terrible. just as i finished, a plow came by and undid all my hard work. i was so frustrated i went inside. i think i might crack open a beer to drown my sorrows.

  2. If you save the mouth of the driveway for the end you'll run out of gas. I had 500 pounds of snow there from the plow.

  3. Dave, why are your sons not shoveling for you?

  4. Ghostface in a Twitter beef war ... with Martin Shkreli?

  5. my sons are ten and eleven and fairly useless when it comes to manual labor. they can unload the dishwasher and rake leaves and make cheese nachos. that's about it. and my wife smashed her knee the other day so she's useless as well. and this snow is deep and heavy. i have given up, we have enough food and beer to make it until spring.

  6. i just shoveled for two hours and didn't finish the task. because of where my house sits and the western exposure i have, i've got drifts above my waist (feel free to make the height joke of your choice here) in my driveway and on my sidewalks. i estimate that i completed 69% of the job. now eating soup, crushing aleve, whining about what's left to do.

  7. oh, and marls, i'm much excite about the heady topper fest. you're a gentleman and an imbiber.

  8. It's getting worser in Arlandria
    Snow up to about 16" and coming down fast
    With crazy winds.
    No beuno

  9. 90 more minutes of shoveling. broke my trusty shovel. this will be a problem.

  10. shlara, gift:

    first song is glen hansard covering bowie's 'ashes to ashes' live. it's sublime.

  11. it's really coming down here. all my shoveling has been for naught!

  12. I don't think I've ever seen snow fall this fast this far south before. This storm is on some New England shit.

  13. it's a motherfucker, z. i'm going to my neighbor's to get drunk.

  14. i've never wanted to live in a condo in a city more than i do right now.

  15. it's a great cover, shlara. and that's probably my favorite bowie song.

  16. Ducks got their asses handed to them today. 34-18. Dman w a pick-2. That's an int on a 2 pt conversion run back the length of the field. Also a TD pass, another int that was close to a pick-6, and a great catch for a big gain. He also threw a pick 6. Womp woooomp. I pulled him out by the ear after that.

  17. Great to see Charlie Weis wobble the sidelines again.

  18. dman is playing for charlie weis?

  19. No....Weis is coaching the East West game.
    I too wish I was up in that mess, under the right circumstances of course.

  20. some tribesmen in that game, danimal. let us know how they look.

  21. someone stole my shovel! left it in front of the house and some douche must have grabbed it. i am indignant.

  22. Maybe it was the guy in the plow--his vendetta continues!

  23. Back from an 8+ hour day at the Magic Kingdom. It was cold and windy and I walked quite a few miles. But my kid had a great birthday and she's going to bed soon and then I'm going to consume quite a bit of bourbon.

  24. Not gonna lie. I kind of dig these neon green Sparty uniforms. Shorts more than jerseys.

  25. Yeah...they are different but in a good way.
    Just poured a Blantons, preceded by a couple of White Russians, the cocktail.

  26. I wish more snow pics would be posted on fb. I've only seen about a hundred.

  27. I'm ready to be done with this snowstorm and being trapped

  28. Also..
    Straight Outta Compton not on Netflix until Feb 17th
    JVG is in rare form tonight on the Cavs-Bulls broadcast
    And the photos of the people shoveling snow in mascot costumes (T-Rex, Panda)--do they have those just sitting in a closet at home???

  29. Corey Feldman appearance on Cheers season 2, episode 8. Fred Dryer in episode 7. Who knew?

  30. i live on a cul de sac. we haven't seen a plow, and when one finally gets here, i have no idea how it's going to deal with the beautiful, pristine sheet of crystalline snow atop the 36" spanning the entire street. hoping i can get out in time to go the caa tournament with marls in march.

  31. 28 inches was the final total here in Reston. DC may be shutdown for a week.

  32. I look forward to the multitude of fools driving around with two feet of snow on their roofs and rear windows. My favorite is the guy who fancies himself a tank pilot and scrapes only one scraper's width of windshield.

  33. there's no chance i'm getting out of my driveway today.

  34. 30 and sunny in VT today. Lift lines not bad. My first experience riding a trail w/ my 8 y/o, who's officially competent.

  35. 50 and sunny in Florida today. Going to smoke some wings and sit on my couch watching football and basketball for 7-8 hours.

  36. we got an email from our town this morning saying that the earliest neighborhoods will see plows will be tomorrow. there's a real chance i won't be able to get out of my driveway until wednesday.

  37. We live near Clarence so got less than two inches, and it's sunny now. But we own a house that's currently vacant in the Eastern Panhandle of WV, about 80 miles from DC. It has 40 inches of snow surrounding it. On a hill where the snow drifts. 40. Thinking no one is going to see it, let alone rent it anytime soon!!
