Thursday, January 14, 2016

The Test 31: Colors (It's Not Easy Being Green)

I keep it very literal on this week on The Test.  Special guest Gabby Green joins us, and so all of my questions revolve around colors. This is because her last name is a well-known hue, created by mixing yellow and blue. Stacey and Cunningham are not particularly impressed by this rather superficial connection, but the quiz proves to be tougher than they imagined. Nevertheless, the theorize and hypothesize valiantly, and Stacey even creates a test within the test.

Near the end of the episode, we give a shout out to our youngest fan. This nearly goes horribly awry, but God saves the day with a well-placed BEEP. Give it a shot, see how you do, and let us know what you think.


  1. Alan Ruckman. Dead. 69 years old.

  2. One of the winning Powerball tickets was purchased in Melbourne Beach. Mark, hope it was you.

  3. will rickman be remembered more as hans gruber or as severus snape?

  4. when mark wins, i'm excited about the endowment for the annual g:tb summit

  5. I hope Mark uses some of his Powerball money to buy a stake in an NBA team.

  6. I had to google "severus snape" so Hans Gruber wins my vote.

  7. And rob's excitement over Mark's endowment made me giggle a little bit.

  8. I also had to google severus snape. Hans Gruber. Now he's sitting on a beach earning twenty percent.

  9. i say gruber, as well, but your answer to that question will be largely determined by your age. the vast majority of people under the age of 35 or so will say snape.

  10. fox news headline: 'alan rickman, star of stage and harry potter, dead at 69'. case in point.

  11. our tribe in charleston this evening to take on the college of. tribe beat the cougars easily in williamsburg and sit atop the caa, but really need a win to begin to separate from the huge pack just one game back. charleston is good - beat lsu earlier this year. tribe favored by 2.5. still hard for me to accept w&m as road favorites.

  12. Mark is still quiet. Hopefully he is with his tax attorney.

  13. BTW, the 8 bucks I "won" in powerball will be put towards the next OBFT Tortuga's tab. The ROI sucks anyway so why not take it down to zero.

  14. The ROI on OBFT Tortuga's sucks for you, Marls? I will try to be funnier next year.

  15. C'mon, Rickman's opus was as Metatron in Dogma. Everybody knows that.

  16. "The British actor brought an erudite dignity to film roles like the nefarious mastermind of 'Die Hard' and the dour master of potions in the 'Harry Potter' series. He was 69 [siiiiiick]."

  17. first bowie, then rickman . . . these things come in threes . . . which famously artistic will die next?

  18. Famously artistic 69-year-old Brit.

  19. Soooo, Pamela Brown on CNN. She seems quite, um, nice. How long has she been smokeshowing on the telly?

  20. Sadly, I bought my powerball ticket in Indialantic not Melbourne Beach. There's a high probability my wife or myself will know this winner since this area is so damn small. And they'll probably already be wealthy because a large chunk of Melbourne Beach is.

    It's a shame it wasn't me because I definitely would've funded and annual G:TB summit. And just last weekend Vitas and I were discussing our plans to by a 5-10% stake in the Magic if we won.

    Sorry to disappoint everyone. Again.

  21. Just met and hung out with Ryan Zimmerman for 20 or so at the local car shop my buddy owns in Great Falls. He pretty much exudes coolness. We'll definitely be BFFs and pinting up at The Old Brogue on the regular.

  22. The ROI on my 40 bucks worth of powerball tickets, not Tortuga's. Whit, you are plenty funny looking enough.

  23. I just listened to respected UVA political scientist and homegrown Norfolker Larry Sabato wax 2016 elections. Takeaways:

    - Trump has defied all logic and cannot last BUT... even any self-professed expert is now questioning his or her own surety
    - Bernie Sanders has defied all logic but cannot win
    - Coronate Hillary as the D choice now; the only question that has come up in people's minds lately is: "Bill will be back in the White House with nothing to do; what will that lead to?"
    - Iowa and New Hampshire getting the nod year in and year out is total hogwash
    - Tim Kaine is the best choice for Hillary's VP on the ticket
    - My mayoral campaign is best saved for the next cycle. "Whitney, Hindsight, and Babs Walters in 2020"

  24. Blue Horseshoe loves Anacott Steel.

  25. tribe is in the process of blowing a 20-point second-half lead. again.

  26. tribe wins! barely. silver lining, i guess, is they showed stones to score the game's final 5 points after blowing that huge lead. would have preferred not to need to learn that.

  27. Speaking of celebrity sports sightings, Jets QB Ryan Fitzpatrick and his wife (and five kids!) live in the town wher Zman and I (and Juan Carlos and Sammy the Bull) live. Most parents have a good story to tell about seeing him around b/c three of his kids are in kindergarten or above.

    My wife and kids were at the local indoor soccer facility today and saw him. My wife recognized him and told our 8 y/o, who became equally excited and shy at the same time. He went over to Fitz (wearing a Dolphins scarf, no less) to say hi and Fitz graciously agreed to pose for a photo, after giving my son the business for a moment about the Dolphins scarf (my son likes the Dolphins, as well as most rivals of my favorite teams; I tell him that I love him less for that, but he still hasn't come around). It was a very cool moment all around. My son was beaming all night, and I think my wife found him a bit fetching. Nick Mangold also lives in our town and is seen frequently in church.

    And, as I may have mentioned here before, Geno Smith is also seen around. He was remembered as the guy who got his hair cut at Supercuts and didn't tip. Some professional athletes are great dudes. And some are a-holes.

  28. One more thing - Narcos is bad-ass. We have three episodes left before our Making a Muderer binge-watch begins.

  29. RIP, Rene Angelil. Sacre bleu!

  30. Narcos is, indeed, bad ass. Narcos, Mr. Robot and season 2 of Fargo were my three favorite TV series of 2015. I highly recommend all of them.

  31. mets fans, how does cespedes only get a one-year offer from your club?

  32. Rob, I would ask that you direct that question to our shitbag owner.

  33. I took your query to the Twitterverse.

  34. Blame it on Madoff, Robbie. Wilpon, who "doesn't know shit from shinola", is still digging out.

    And I guarantee Cespedes will be a partial liability for any team that signs him. Low baseball IQ + no motivation until his contract year = trouble.

  35. Apparently he will only play left field moving forward and the Mets have some other plan for left field in the future.

  36. If the Mets can get Cespedes for 2 years at a less than ridiculous rate, I'm-a for it. (That was my North Brunswick voice.)

    In a seemingly bizarro Mets year of work, they are playing the waiting game and being smart. The closer we get to spring training, the more Cespedes will have to settle. And while TR is dead-on in his assessment (see Royals AB #1 in the World Series and how it set the tone), that bat can do some major damage. I just don't want years 3-7 or an albatrossy dollar figure.

  37. Heather Graham and Billy Zane were on Twin Peaks?!

  38. I guess so, since the new one doesn't come out until next year. Doy.

  39. I need reading glasses to replace the missing screw on my reading glasses.

    Old people problems

  40. Narcos is great despite some horrendous, odd-looking actors. Pablo's mom is awful, and the role appears to be played by Dustin Hoofman, who dusted off his Tootsie role. The President of Colombia is a spitting image of Paul Reubens. And Murphy's wife is a terrible actress. Worst of all is the older woman playing the US ambassador to Colombia. Terrible.

    But the guy playing Pablo is fantastic, even if he looks goofy trying to slouch and pretend to be fat. Pena is great too, and I'm a big fan of Valeria.

  41. Dustin Hoofman was saddled with that role because he was hoarse in his audition.

  42. speaking of green, your tribe are 5.5 dogs at uncw this afternoon. that line seems...aggressive.

  43. Speaking of lines, I'm taking both the favorites in today's playoff games. Pats -4.5 and Cards -7.
