Sunday, January 03, 2016

Bye Week

We're gonna write the entire first week of this new year off to alcohol and gastrointestinal discomfort, combined with dreadful football. We'll do better soon.


  1. i guess everyone's too busy occupying federal buildings in oregon to weigh in this morning, eh?

  2. Or busy crawling back to NJ from DC while nursing a hangover from the DLCFest.

  3. Dear Jon Gruden: you haven't been with this team long enough to realize, perhaps, but the more of your team's starters that you start today, the more that will end up on injured reserve, thereby guaranteeing a loss in the first round of the playoffs. It's how the curse of your boss works. It's also a little bit of common sense. Names like Jackson, Moses, Williams, Reed, and Cousins should not be uttered by the PA man. Don't do it.

  4. Ten minutes in. First serious injury. Seriously.

  5. w&m's own jonathan grimes with a pair of touchdowns for the division champion texans already today.

  6. Antonio Brown has 150 yards at the half

  7. What's the status of things on Downton Abbey? I can't remember.

  8. Dowager Countess and Moseley have been ferociously knocking boots.

  9. my wife commandeered the living room television for a downton marathon this afternoon. made me reconsider my lack of man cave situation.

  10. My brother in law started a fantasy football dynasty league with his friends. They needed a tenth participant so he asked me. The trophy for the league is a professional wrestling style championship belt. I picked up said belt today. I will be bringing this belt to every family get together for the next year.

    And yes, I know nobody cares about my fantasy team but the belt is pretty rad.

  11. I just came here to comment on the belt. That is righteous. Hopefully it comes with some green paper too.

  12. Answer: 46 and 42
    Question: What are Blaine Gabbert's and Blake Bortle's qbr since Gabbert taking over for SF?

  13. Guys, go see the movie Spotlight
    It's incredible

  14. just saw someone online call gary payton's son 'the mitten'. i approve of this.

  15. I assume you saw the mitten's dunk then?

  16. yeah, i don't think his dad could do that

  17. So y'all seem an audience to hear the drama of today (connected with last weekend) our 12 y.o. managed to work his fantasy team into first place before "super bowl" final 2 weeks...his opponent --his dad.
    His star player has been OBJ. Suspended last week. Dagger. But in a last second move son picks up Cousins, who gets 40 points last weekend. So he wins last week but only by about 20.
    Enter today....OBJ has crap day, as well as others not doing as they've done. After 1:00 games, he only has Peterson in night game left. Husband has 4 guys including Cam Newton in 4:00s. OY!!
    Basically, Peterson needs HUGE game for son to win. Drama!! Thought I'd share.

  18. Happy 2016...sounds like all had good New Year!! Best for you all in this new year before us!
