Wednesday, December 30, 2015

The Twelve Days of Gheorghemas: Day Nine

On the ninth day of Gheorghemas, Big Gheorghe gave to me:

Nine internet moments of levity

Eight Tribey moments
Seven books for reading
6.9 Non Sequiturs
Six All-Star Nods
Five podcasts for listening
Four posts zman meant to write but never did
Three French Hens
Two in-state rivalries
And a dork with a split personality

Anybody else spend Christmas day in the emergency room after thinking that they were having a heart attack? No? Just me? Crap.  Maybe we need to update the G:TB death pool odds.   Clarence may no longer be the odds on favorite.  In the end, the hospital and cardiologist advised that I need to get more sleep, drink more water and avoid some work stress.  Apparently getting up at 4 AM to head to NYC two days before Christmas for meetings and an 8 hour deposition is not good for the overall well being.  Who knew? 

Anyway, Big Gheorghe, being the giving sort that he is, decided to offer nine items of internet levity that he thought might bring a smile to an ailing heart. As always, Gheorghe's choices were just what the doctor ordered.

1.     Raccoon Meets NWA:   This one kills me every time.

Nothing more needs to be said.

2.    Roderick On The Line:  Earlier this Gheorghemas, Dave shamelessly plugged his own podcast as one of five indispensable listens.   While I actually enjoy The Test quite a bit, as well as the other podcasts that everyone's favorite master of self-promotion listed,  I thought Dave left out some really solid podcasts. Not the least of these omissions is Roderick on The Line, which can be found here or on iTunes.  Mr. Roderick, who heads up the band The Long Winters, uses the podcast to showcase his skills as a raconteur and I laugh every time.  Here is a good introductory taste.

Also noteworthy is that Roderick recently toured with Aimee Mann & Liz Phair, which means he actually lived Clarence's and Rob's wet dream.

3.  ORF Rock:  You have seen it in the comments every Monday night and tried to ignore it.    However, if you let it, ORF Rock is like a grows on you.  Maybe it's the technical snafus, maybe it's Penny Baker's momentary flashes of cleavage, maybe it's Les Coole's rapier wit, maybe it's the idea of two well post collegiate professionals broadcasting a weekly college "radio" show on a station that is not actually on the radio (internet only)...whatever "it" is, ORF Rock is a weekly break that is worth watching and live texting if only to make fun of Whitney.  

4.     Yacht Rock Episode #5:   As the series that launched a million OBFT quotes, Yacht Rock has a special place in heart of many G:TB'ers.  This particular episode makes the list because of the inclusion of Vincent Price (the Act-tor), Skunk Baxter's love of the spirit world, and the fact that it is often the subject of late night texts from FoG:TB Greg/Joe Kickass.  Gheorghe, like most eastern Europeans, loved Michael Jackson so this one is a personal fave of the big man.  

Robert Loggia selling orange juice:  This year we lost Robert Loggia.  You may remember him as Frank Lopez from Scarface, the boss from Big, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs in Independence Day, or the coach that gave Kathy Ireland a chance to play in Necessary Roughness.  

All great roles, but Big Gheorghe and I will always remember him for this classic.

If the Academy Awards forgets to include Big Bobby L in the "In Memoriam" segment there will be hell to pay.  

6.     Scott Van Pelt and Tim Kurkjian: SVP's penchant for sending Timmy K into fits of laughter has been well documented in this space.  That does not make it any less funny.  Thanks Big G for the reminder...

7.     Schlitz Malt Liquor Ads:  I don't know why these ads make me happy, but they just do.  Maybe it is the fact that malt liquor was once marketed as somehow having "more taste" than beer or maybe it is just the guy from the Average White Band singing into the can.  

8.     Buzz Bissinger vs. Will Leitch:  I don't know how I missed this back in 2008, but I was only recent alerted to this back and forth between Deadspin founder Will Leitch and Friday Night Lights author Buzz Bissinger.  Buzz's seething hatred for the faceless "blogosphere" is fantastic, totally unbridled, and really takes off about the 3:50 mark. This one is awesome if only for the awkward tension and the repeated use of "balls deep".  

Will Leitch On Costas Now by Machochip

Buzz continues to tilt at windmills, as evidenced by his recent fight with Michael Moore, but this may be the high point of "get off my lawn" journalistic holier than thou-ism.

9.     Mike Tyson on a hoverboard:  Because this is what the internet was invented for.

Thanks Gheorghe, I knew I could count on you.


  1. Nice effort Marls. Now get some rest.

  2. speaking of a certain sort of dreams, i'd like to thank jj abrams for casting daisy ridley in the force awakens. right in this guy's wheelhouse.

  3. Daisy Ridely = Keira Knightly + 15 Big Macs.

  4. Marls--glad you're OK and I hope you're taking the doc seriously with the water & sleep.

    That raccoon clip is funny.
    And I never tire of the Kurkjian laughing videos

  5. jesus christ Marls, take care of yourself, pls

  6. I saw Star Wars last night and also was more than a wee bit smitten w/ Ms. Ridley. I would compare her to Michelle Williams, if Michelle Williams wasn't anorexic and could act.

  7. mike tyson falls off a hoverboard! awesome work, marls. so glad santa brought a wii U instead of one of those. now get some rest, drink some water, and take a nap.

  8. Loggia's opus was Over The Top. And wasn't he Mayo's hooker-loving dad in Officer and A Gentleman?

    Way to go Paula!

  9. Wait - there was a band called The Verve AND a band called Verve Pipe? The 90's were nuts.

  10. I just try to take my hat and I turn it around, and it's like a switch that goes on.

  11. What the hell is wrong with Cleanthony Early? You are in the NBA. Why are you going to a strip club in Maspeth, Queens, especially after being out in SoHo earlier in the evening?

    He should have checked Yelp.

  12. My kid had a bad dream last night and we let her get in our bed. My back is feeling the effects today. She was fucking everywhere last night but mostly on my side of the bed with her feet/knees in my lower back.

  13. R as in Robert Loggia. O as in "Oh my god, it's Robert Loggia." B as in "By God! It's Robert Loggia." E as in "Everybody loves Robert Loggia." R as in Robert Loggia. T as in "Tim, look over there! It's Robert Loggia." Space. L as in "Look! It's Robert Loggia."

  14. Just read about Early. Wow! Shot in the kneecap during a robbery of his gold grill while entering a noodie bar with his girlfriend. I can't relate to so much of that story.

  15. Should have gone to the PUSC.

  16. Everyone should go to the PUSC. Best value in North America.

  17. Marls, buddy, please take it easy. I need you to speak at my funeral.

  18. The new Star Wars did a ton of stuff right, including Daisy. My favorite thing about her was that she ran correctly. One of my biggest pet peeves in movies is when actors running don't run like they are actually trying to get away from something. I think Tom Cruise in The Firm still has the top spot for realistic movie running, but Daisy might be second.

    Marls, get well. My doctor gave me the good news that I passed a 12MM kidney stone (might be an unofficial national record) but I have a 25MM one right behind it. My new years resolution is to not consume anything that contributes to kidney stones ever again - so I'm going vegetarian. Anybody with any good vegetarian recipes, hit me up.

  19. Mayhuge - I lost a few recently and have chugged Boca Burgers. One kind has 70 calories and 13 g of protein. For dinner, eat two with a giant bowl of frozen organic veggies. Use hot sauce on all of it.

  20. Marls....take care of yourself fella. And Mayhugh, I hope I never have to go through that. Best to your urethra.

  21. Veggie stir fry is a biweekly if not weekly dish in our house.

  22. Early was setup by the looks of the details in the report.

    Taking to wife to a nice dinner tonight for her birthday (which is tomorrow...fuck you CFP committee and Rose Bowl committee to be more specific). Bone Marrow and duck fat truffle fries are definitely being consumed.

  23. Thanks for all the well wishes. Getting as much rest as possible and telling myself that red wine is good for the heart.

  24. Hola Gheorghies. Phish at MSG!

  25. saw new star wars last night.
    enjoyed it greatly.
    will likely go see it again this weekend.

  26. Penn Station after a Phish MSG concert...the mix of patchouli and homeless smells must have been wonderful.

  27. Good show - we streamed it and will do so again this eve. Minus the smells.

    Happy New Year to the folks in Kathmandu.

  28. Glad you're still with us Marls. Had a similar experience a few years back. Let's celebrate by drinking some red wine / Ballast Point soon mate.

  29. Oh, Phish...that explains the heightened level of weirdness in the neighborhood.

  30. Tribe soiling themselves in the second half against Towson. Cmon, Tony.

  31. best realistic movie running is in the graduate, mayhugh. elaine! elaine! elaine!!!!

  32. tribe reminding us early this season that nothing matters except for three days in march. bygones.

  33. i approve of this:

  34. Dave - I will have to go back and check out the Graduate, I don't remember the running.

    This Oklahoma-Clemson tilt is good viewing. I'm rooting for Oklahoma for two reasons: (a) Baker Mayfield's headband and (b) Dabo Swinney's crappy halftime interview where he called his punter out. Must not have been too mad at him - he let the guy throw on a fake today.

  35. i have to go to boston at some point this winter to pick up a desk that used to belong to my late grandfather. i can either fly up and rent a van or drive my suv both ways. one-way rentals from boston to virginia seem to be ridiculously expensive. anyone ever done anything like this and have advice?

  36. That expensive? Try Expedia? Points from work travel that you can use? Driving to Boston can't be that bad right? 6-7 hours? I'd suck it up and drive. Go w a pal, maybe someone from gtb. Make a night of it. Use your head man.

  37. I'm out of questions.

    Signing off 'til 2016. Happy New Year people.

  38. One last thing...Clemson going to win this by a few TD's at this rate. They look good. Will out me 0-2 on the day.

  39. Clemson is bigger, faster and stronger than Clemson. Dabo said he was building an 'SEC program' when he took over at Clemson and that's what this is starting to look like...when OU played SEC programs in BCS title games.

    Big missed FG there though. Oklahoma needs to mount a drive and take back some momentum.

  40. I took the over in the Peach Bowl, Oklahoma -3, and Sparty +10 today. I think Bama could blow out MSU, possibly, but I don't like Bama's offense outside of Derrick Henry enough to lay 10.

  41. the flight is cheap, danimal. the van rental doesn't seem to be.

  42. One way rentals are expensive. Find an auction house or other company that ships furniture regularly and see if they can help you out.

    Dustin Hoffmans character was a distance runner in The Graduate so the running had to look good.

  43. By the train of thought, Tim Robbins character in Bull Durham needed to look like a pitcher and...well...

  44. Clemson has been thoroughly impressive. Hopefully the Cotton Bowl will be more closely contested. I've got Bizzarros to avoid in my near future.

  45. you're trying to tell me that ebby calvin laloosh had an unorthodox delivery?

  46. Something like that.

    I know that Michigan State has a great defensive line but I think Lane Kiffin needs to make them prove they can stop El Tractorcito (Derrick Henry) and stop out thinking himself.

  47. I've been very critical of Jacob Coker but he's improved quite a bit in the second half of the season and throws a good deep ball.

  48. Turrrrrrrrrrrrrible choice by Cook.

  49. This is, unfortunately for my entertainment purposes, a bloodbath.

  50. Phish shows have no patchouli. The crowds have aged with the band and are now mostly guys in their 30's/40's/50's that just seem happy to escape from wives and kids and party down for a bit. Crowd seemed like a Jazzfest crowd - veteran party animals. I saw zero dreadlocks and only one guy who was fall-down wasted.

    As I prepare to fall asleep, I want to quote the mighty Fabolous. On the 2007 NY Eve show, when my wife and I were in the midst of infant-related sleep deprivation, we found ourselves watching the ball drop. During the event, Fabolous was asked what his New Year's resolution was. He said he wanted to have a sucker-free 2008.

    I wish all of you a sucker-free 2016.

  51. Nice defense of Phish shows by TR. I'll believe what I want about aging jam band shows. And I'll believe TR was super high on LSD. I endorse both of these.

    Happy New a Year, Gheorghies!
