Friday, December 04, 2015

The Test 25: Phone Smarts

This episode of The Test is an easy one for English teachers, but probably a bit tougher for the rest of humanity. Stacey creates seven hypothetical cell phone descriptions-- apps and call logs and such-- and you have to identify the literary character that owns the phone. Cunningham and I do quite well, see if you can match our inductive aptitude.


  1. You beat me to it, Danimal. Scott was one of the last great rock stars, although I guess that means having a lot of the baggage that goes with that.

  2. the usa just beat new zealand in rugby. sevens, for sure, but it's still the first time we've ever topped the all blacks.

  3. On my way to Lima in a couple hours to spend a long weekend with Greg and a bunch of friends from college. Their is a wedding tomorrow that will have a reception happening at the same time as the SEC Championship game. We'll be able to watch the game but I'm pretty sure I won't need to watch past the 1st quarter.

  4. You ever watch the show "Locked Up Abroad" not to be confused with "Locked Up A Broad"? It's on the History Channel I think, or A&E. Word to the wise, don't be smuggling any hash or cocaine back to the US. The consequences for getting caught: No Bueno.
    Have fun - sounds like a blast.

  5. I have watched that show. I'll make sure I do all the drugs I have before I leave.

  6. i learned that when i watched "midnight express." then i learned it again when i watched "brokedown palace." but judging by the amount of drugs that come across the us/mexico border, those stories are anecdotal . . .

  7. there is one episode involving Peru...some schmuck got suckered into going there with his new "girlfriend" who was using him as a mule, unbeknownst to him. he got caught and spent the next 7 or more years in literal hell. whoopsy daisy. made our worst prisons look like residence inn's.
