Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Happy Tuesday - Music Interlude Edition (Something Old and Something New)

As we eagerly await Dia Ocho from the doofus overlord, allow me to share two very disparate tunes that have wormholed their way into my soggy brain in recent days.

First up is El Vy, a side project by The National frontman Matt Berninger. I know nothing about The National, other than they are called Dad Rock or something like that. Whatevs. This song has been getting a lot of play on Sirius XMU, a station I love these days.

Next up is a 36 year-old Pretenders song that I can't get out of my head these days. Chrissie Hynde is a hip, hip lady.


  1. The Federal Circuit just released an en banc opinion stating that Section 2(a) of the Lanham Act, which prohibits the PTO from registering disparaging or immoral trademarks, violates the First Amendment's guarantee of free speech.

    That sound you heard is Dan Snyder rejoicing.


  2. i'm not sure how the national is considered dad rock, but whatevs. el vy is most excellent, as is sirius xmu - my go-to in the car.

    z, do i have standing to take that case to the supreme court, if only to piss off dan snyder?

  3. donald trump used the term 'schlonged' to describe what happened to hillary clinton in the 2008 election. he'll probably rise in the polls. unintentional phallic sentence notwithstanding, what a fucking asshole. who continues to lead the race for a major party's nomination for the most important job in the world.

  4. In other words, the Patent and Trademark Office can't deny your trademark registration on the grounds that your mark is disparaging. So something racist like R**skins can now be registered.

    I think The National (and Wilco and the Pretenders) is dad rock because guys our age like it and it's socially acceptable for us to like it. So we can drive around blaring it from our station wagons without getting disparaging looks from our neighbors unlike, say, Odd Future.

  5. you're still doing the research on my standing, then?

  6. No research required--you don't have standing. Sorry.

  7. fuck. it's a height thing, isn't it?

  8. Yeah, I can't tell when you're standing.

  9. Starting NFL QBs this week include Kellen Moore, Blaine Gabbert, Case Keenum, Jimmy Clausen (or Ryan Mallet), Zach Mettenberger, Charlie Whitehurst (or Pat McAfee), AJ McCarron, and a concussed Brian Hoyer.

  10. I missed El VY when they came to Boston about a month ago. They sold out in 10 minutes. The whole album is worth a listen but I think I already told you all back when it came out. Yes, I'm on the cutting edge of dad rock.

    The second song is potentially not kid friendly, if repeating 'fuck me shirt' in the chorus is not appropriate for your kid(s).

  11. pat mcafee, the punter? i want to see that.

  12. Is there any dad yacht rock?

  13. Yes, Pat McAfee the punter. The Colts have no one else to play QB other than Whitehurst and if he can't go McAfee might get the nod.

  14. I saw the latest Star Wars.
    And I really liked it.
    JJ Abrams knows how to give the people what they want, if the people are Gen Xers looking for nostalgia and girl power.
    He takes it to 11.

    Now I'm reading nerd analysis online--which is AWESOME
    Nearly as entertaining as the movie itself.

  15. I blare Odd Future out of my car with the windows down. One of many reasons my neighbors don't like me. Which suits me just fine.

  16. oakland giving michigan state way more than sparty wants
