Tuesday, November 17, 2015

The Test 23: Princess Cunningham

Stacey, Cunningham and I have recorded twenty-five episodes of The Test and I'm happy to report our enthusiasm for the project hasn't flagged. And we've got listeners (God knows who . . . but we've been listened to and downloaded over 13,000 times). We are to the point where we are occasionally making tests to annoy the shit out of each other-- that was Cunningham's plan with this one . . . she knows I hate all things Disney and wanted to put me on the spot. Don't fret, as I exact my revenge next week.

Give this one a shot, sing along at home, and see if you can channel your inner princess. Special features include Stacey blurting out an answer and not realizing it, a very difficult two word tongue twister, and some confusion on my part between a post-apocalyptic '90's movie and an abandoned waterpark.


  1. Gheorghies--want to share this gem of a sports piece from today's NYT, in case you missed it:


  2. that's terrific, shlara. thanks for sharing.

  3. in unrelated child/parent news, steph curry just passed his dad on the all-time three-pointers made list. steph is on pace for 425 made threes this season. the nba single-season record is 286. he's gone plaid.

  4. More on Curry b/c his stats are so ridiculous: Rob's math implies 369 more three-pointers this year. He currently has 1,248 made for his career (40th most all-time). He'd move up to 16th-19th place after this year at that pace (dependent on what Dirk, JR Smith and Mike Miller's corpse do). Clicks.

    He'd overtake Ray Allen's record of 2,973 made 3-pointers sometime in the 2019-2020 season at that rate. I could maybe make that many by then if I did nothing all day but shoot threes in a local gym.

  5. These stats were being thrown about yesterday on the 2 Mike's, or "Mike and Mike" as some call it.

    Listen - it's early, WAAAAYYYYY early, but it is evident even to me that he is SPASHAL. At the risk of getting hyperbolic, can it be said that should he continue to perform even at 90% of his current capacity for another 7-8 years or so, win a couple more championships, and pick-up an MVP or two that he could be in the discussion of greatest ever? No? I don't think so either. But Top 10 greatest ever? 5? Thanks for taking my call. I'll hang up and listen now.

  6. oh...did anyone watch 60 min the other night? can we get paul ryan in the race please? if not now then in 8 years when Hilary is done?

  7. Joey Bides OWNED Paul Ryan in the 2012 debates. Dude has the personality of a turd.

  8. ryan passes for moderate in today's gop, but he's pretty damn conservative, especially on entitlement spending. not sure that would fly with independents. but at least he's an adult. i'd take him over any of the current republican options.

  9. We don't have any viable Gen Xer candidates for either party.
    The Boomers and Millenials are screwing us again.

    (Oh wait...some of the Gheorghies are Millenails, aren't they...)

  10. just had to take my 14 year-old on an emergency feminine product run. not sure who was more embarrassed.

  11. Aren't I the youngest Gheorghie? I'm not a millennial if I understand that term correctly.

  12. Drinking a Peeper Ale from Maine Beer Company. While it's not Lunch or Dinner it's fooking delicious.

  13. tribe down 3 at the half - playing okay but giving up too many open 3s. usmnt playing like dog's ass.

  14. Big second half for the Tribe, and Liberty went cold with 7 mins or so to play. We can build on this!

  15. All Black legend Jonah Lomu has passed away at the age of 40. Brutal. Without question the most dominant winger the game has ever seen and from all accounts a total gentleman. RIP mate - I'd guess the rugby matches just got a bit tougher in heaven.

  16. saw that, ken. what happened?

  17. Tribe hoops is undefeated in the middle of November!

  18. Lunch is really good but you need to try Breakfast.

  19. Rob he had a life saving kidney transplant in 2004. Then apparent kidney troubles in 2011. But this was totally sudden and unexpected - he had just returned to Auckland from the RWC and was in good health. I think the assumption is it was tied to the kidney issue but not confirmed yet.

  20. tribe looked really solid down the stretch. experience, poise, depth. they might be better than i thought. #knockwood

  21. seacat got no run tonight. liberty a little tougher than nc state.

  22. Porzongis with 29 & 11 tonight in a win over Charlotte. Meanwhile, the guy Jordan took a few picks later barely played.

  23. The Terps-Hoya game is super fun

  24. There are good names, there are great names, and then there is Denzel Valentine.

  25. this terps team has a chance to be really, really good
