Thursday, September 24, 2015

Sometimes You Can Judge a Book by its Cover

The "book" is Raiders owner Mark Davis, son of Al Davis. Here is one version of the cover:

Here is another:

And here is another:

Question for the G:TB readers - what would you call this book?


  1. I was more in the "Shit Sandwich" camp, but I get what you're doing there.

  2. I assume that's some bizarre combover thing on his head, sort of a terrible facsimile of Gruden's combover.

  3. wanna hear the most annoying sound in the world?

    good to know that lloyd christmas has grown up and found gainful employment.

  4. That is a sweet helmet of hair. As a bald man this shit frustrates me to no end. You have hair and that is what you chose to do with it? Weak.

  5. sometimes, the hair chooses the man, marls. davis is just a pawn is its plan for global tonsorial domination.

  6. It's almost a baller move by Mark Davis, as in "Yeah I have an orange bowl cut, wear white suits and am a tool, but it doesn't matter b/c I'm worth a couple hundred million dollars and can still knock boots w/ strippers in my private jet."

  7. "Bag of Douches: The Mark Davis Story"

  8. If your Dad was crazy and, at minimum, verbally abusive Al Davis, ending up looking like Mark Davis probably isn't the worst way things could've turned out.

    Speaking of weird/creepy, I watched Nightcrawler last night. Jake Gyllenhall nailed the weird/creepy dynamic.

  9. Mark Davis definitely isn't a page in Nas' rhyme book, even though his hair made us look.

  10. Oh my Lord, that goal line fumble is such a Washington professional football team kinda thing to happen.

    No idea how any of you can morally support this team. H/t to Rob for abandoning ship.
