Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Second Date with Cunningham: Things Get Heavy (But Not Hot)

No fooling around in this sequel to our most popular episode-- though Stacey and I try our best. During part one, "Dating Cunningham," we learn about the topics you'll need to be versed in to make a good first impression on Cunningham. But things aren't so easy on the second date (pun intended). Stacey and I do our best, but you certainly can't study for this one, and the path to Cunningham's heart is a thorny one. Good luck with this one-- it's epic-- but I promise if you make it all the way through you will win a valuable prize: you will understand the sensibilities of a complex young woman. Plus, Stacey reads my mind and I make lots of jokes.


  1. good news: my male cat is a champion mouser. bad news: turns out we need him to be.

  2. The subject matter of Charles Pierce's latest Grantland article cast a pall over my neighborhood block party on Saturday night. The football game at issue took place between two nearby schools. When we talked about the game, every father of a boy at some point looked down at the floor in silence, shaking his head horizontally.

  3. man, i was just coming here to talk about pierce's writing. it's hard to read, mostly because it makes us acknowledge all of our complicity in football as gladiatorial spectacle.

  4. Your favorite stock prognosticator will be on CNBC at 230 PM today. Git some...

  5. Blue Horseshoe loves Anacortes Steel.

  6. I got bumped for the stupid billionaire CEO of Twitter and his maturing social media format.

  7. Blue Horseshoe loves Plains All American and its big fat 9.2% yield.

    But it does make for some more complex tax returns b/c it's an MLP. Caveat emptor.

  8. Gheorghies--check out the cover story for this weeks issue of ESPN the Magazine, the "owners issue"

  9. charles pierce is right, of course, but what about skateboarding and snowboarding and bike riding? do they take more or less of our children? i let my children participate in some dangerous shit (and they do plenty of insane shit on their own, like sledding and letting the dog pull them down the giant hill by my house while they ride a skateboard without a helmet . . . i didn't condone this but they were doing it). i am going to do some research and see if american football is any more dangerous than other dangerous things. we all know what happened at the end of ethan frome . . .

  10. it seems it is way more dangerous to let your kid ride a bike than to play american football.

  11. 30 skateboard fatalities in 2012. all of them male.

  12. 41,230 kids died of boredom in SAT prep classes last year.

  13. More kids probably die in car accidents than football games. But riding in a car has more utility than playing football. I think similar life lessons can be learned competing in other sports. That said, I understand why people let their kids play.

  14. i agree, and i think football is on the way out. i think the end will happen quicker than people imagine. what will we do with all the helmets?

  15. Give them to kids who ride skateboards and dog-powered sleds?

  16. Here's how you know football is slowly dying - lacrosse is exploding in the greater Dallas area. Lots of white parents don't want their sons playing football. If it's happening where football is king (TX high school football), it's happening everywhere.

    My wife is adamant our sons won't play football. It's moot until my oldest gets to 5th grade. I'd rather let him go until he gets one knock to the head.

  17. I'm off tomorrow and heading to Gainesville with 5 friends from college for the weekend. It'd be tough for me to care about work less today.

  18. breaking news: norfolk mayor paul fraim will not seek reelection, clearing the field for someone we know to make his long-rumored run.

  19. Vote Whitney
    Vote early
    Vote often

  20. There's a "party of Lincoln" joke in there somewhere but I can't find it.

  21. i played soccer and football in high school, but suffered my worst head injury at the state golf tournament. seriously. happened when i jumped out of the bus. bad concussion. and i hit a kid in the head with a golf ball (I'm long off the tee) and HE got a concussion. so another use for the helmets . . .

  22. there have been 142 school shootings since sandy hook. that's unfathomably depressing.

  23. Luke Walton is the interim head coach of the Warriors. I am soooooo old.

  24. The timing on Rob's comment..weird. This incidentin Oregon had not yet occurred had it Rob?

  25. I give a few bucks to the Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence every year, but it doesn't seem to be helping much (other than to make me feel like I'm doing something helpful).

  26. Mike Tomlin called a QB keeper to the outside with a 35 year old QB on 4th and 2 in OT? Are we sure he went to W&M?

  27. Epps is Tomlin. Tomlin is Epps.
