Tuesday, August 04, 2015

Son of a Bitch! Give Me a Drink.

Had I not been introduced to Nathaniel Rateliff & The Night Sweats properly, I might have been jaded against him. He and his band check the boxes on many hipster tropes that pop rock music is giving us these days - an old timey image, hipster beards, hipster hats and an Americana tilt to the tunes.

But it's the voice that gets you. It's the closest I've heard to vintage Johnny Cash, but with more than a dash of soul influence. And he's singing below about something most of us can relate to - drinking. I hope the gist of the song - capitulating on the DTs - is something that none of you deal with, but I hope at least one of you cranks this with a load on sometime soon.

I suck at writing about music. Just play this loudly. I sure will when I'm sweating on my train home tonight with a 24 oz. bottle of Lagunitas IPA in my hand.


  1. Anyone else not had a drink in 30 days? Just Clarence?

  2. Not too shabby. I think his voice has a little Son House to it as well.

  3. Is that true about Clarence?

  4. Good find TR. Might just have to crank it on repeat for 30 minutes at my next barbecue.

  5. This song was on our radio show's best of 2015 so far. Of course, nobody listened to it.

  6. i can't stop laughing long enough to answer danimal

  7. Lindsey Graham didn't make the cut for Thursday's debate but Trump Huckabee and Cruz did. Probably because I could actually envision Graham being president.

  8. I'm hoping we can write in candidates, like "Bart Simpson" and "This School Sucks".

  9. great group band !! are they there doing a band tour !!

    Demo Slot Pragmatic
