Saturday, August 08, 2015

Saturday Travel Filler

Depending upon when you read this, The Teej and his bride are either on their way to, or already in Iceland. We know nothing about Iceland, other than the fact that it's incredibly thermodynamic (ironic, that) and that it gave us Aron Johannsson.

Oh, and Bjork:

We're eagerly awaiting the Teej/baconbaking travelogue. Until then, we'll just watch this video on repeat.


  1. I am about to take off for five days in Disney. My elitism is kicking in already, and we haven't gotten wheels up yet. I've been told it's not the most handsome or sophisticated gathering of folks.

    In the unlikely event I effort up a post, I'm sure it will be like Dave's from a few years ago.

  2. as a two-time disney veteran, i guarantee your expectations will be exceeded. the mouse and his minions are world class at hospitality.

  3. I think you'll be ok also's more about the quantity of humans than quality.
    Be sure to get the Disney app and fast pass. Can save you much time waiting in lines.
    I think it's called Fast Pass....would have to ask the wife.

  4. A big day for the Dukes of JMU with its first HOF inductee this evening, though I'm not sure why it took so long. I lived in Hburg prior to Imcester and had the pleasure of watching Haley in action along with Gary Clark. If I'm being honest, I can't say I remember much of Charles. I do remember vividly Clark however. He was truly electric and had the ability to score every time he touched the ball. Anyhow,
    Look for Haley to give love to then coach Challice McMillen who helped build the program. His son also was in my grade, Sid, a.k.a. "Sid Vicious" who will be in attendance. Let's give it up for the Dukes family, k guys?

  5. And 2 more Golden Domers too. Let's not forget them.

  6. last night, i drank scotch with a pair of lesbians who just graduated from jmu. so i see you, danimal.

  7. I went to Iceland in 2000. Volcanoes. Hot springs. Gull beer. And the most beautifully sculpted people the Lord ever created.

  8. Don't forget Sigur Ros and skyr. The Danes and Swedes are well sculpted too. Apparently the Vikings pillaged other places and brought back the most beautiful women they found, so Northern Europeans are now uniformly good looking.

  9. But how were the women, Whit?

    Disney is being done with another family that are ninjas. We are fully set for the week. And the hotel (Wilderness Lodge) sells scotch in the lobby store.

  10. big fan of the wilderness lodge. take the boat to magic kingdom. but get a beer for the ride.

  11. Take note: the gentlemen's clubs in Reykjavik have no Icelandic women working. Russians, Scots, Hungarians. Blech. No offense.

  12. and the 'princesses' at the disney gentlemen's clubs are anything but.

  13. TR likes "anything but(t)"...

  14. The good thing is it's not too hot right now in Florida, and probably a lot cooler in the middle of the state where there is no ocean breeze and more humidity.

  15. I see what you did Danimal.

    TR has always had a thing for Goofy so he'll be fine as long as the gentlemen's clubs have ambiguous dog/man talent.

  16. do not go in the carousel of progress! and remember, they don't serve beer in the magic kingdom. and the food is mediocre. and it's hot. and the answer to "ellen's universe of energy" is total bullshit! if you keep those things in mind, and set the bar very very low, you might not want to commit suicide. also, fantasyland is a ghetto of annoying children.

  17. Go to Slate to see good article explaining all the shit going on in True Detective. But don't do it if you are behind an episode or two like I am.
    I knew the creepy doctor guy looked familiar. For the life of me I couldn't place him. It's Rick Springfield everybody! Rick. Fucking. Springfield.

  18. We've been over that, Danimal. You were probably in China though.

    The tourists are the worst part of Disney. Not you, TR. Everybody else. You should try and squeeze in a day (or part of a day) at Epcot. So. Much. Beer. Blizzard Beach or Typhoon Lagoon might be a nice break from dragging your kids around in the god awful Orlando heat of August as well.

    Downtown Disney has a couple decent bars too. Fast pass is always the move. Rob is also correct about the hospitality aspect of Disney. They knock that out of the park. That's why a Disney cruise is the best cruise you can take. They do everything for you.

  19. I figured I was the last one in on that bit of info. At least I was I China getting diarrhea.

  20. Two more (non-Disney) things:

    I love Charles Haley. One of my all time favorite defensive players. Highly underrated. Steve White's piece on him earlier this week highlights that.

    My stepdaughter came back from her Dad's house with lice. Today hasn't been great.

  21. I read the Slate piece too, Dan. It was quite helpful. It also furthers speaks to what a cluster fuck this season has been that something like that was necessary in order to fully grasp what's happening.

  22. Kill multiple birds with one stone and leave Disney and go eat and drink at the Tillted Kilt. There is a Monkey Joe's in the same strip mall. $5 per kid for unlimited time in the bouncy houses.

  23. Just read the Slate piece. Now I think the big guy on the riding mower killed Caspere.

  24. went for a mountain bike ride a little while ago. saw the biggest snake i've ever seen in the wild. i don't really love snakes.

  25. Anyone know the # of Heisman winners who are also in the HOF?

  26. zwoman thinks it's a remarkable coincidence that all the HOF guys wore the same color coat.

  27. I can think of Barry Sanders, Tim Brown, Paul Hornung, tony Dorset.

  28. Xavier from Hackensack shouldn't do TV ads shirtlessly.

  29. the teej is gonna be mad at you, z

  30. That's half of em z...not counting tim brown. Marcus Allen is another. Tj's buddy another. Doak Walker is one you or any of us would likely not get. There is one other that will feel pretty obvious one. Running back.

  31. i cheated, so i know the other one. think tearaway jerseys.

  32. well, yes, mark. can't you wait until i post the hints?

  33. Does OJ count? Did they revoke his Heisman?

  34. We survived first day. Lines are a bit absurd. We used our three fast passes and waited in 20-45 minute lines for other rides.

    Takes a long time to get a anywhere. We are set for the week w/ Epcot, Animal Kingdom, Hollywood Studios and one more Disney day. The girl playing Snow White was a bit ugly. Bummer.

    Best oddball person there was a chubby Latino who had a sleeveless shirt on that showed off a black spider tattoo on his right bicep. When he turned around, I saw the same design on his sleeveless shirt. Turns out it was the symbol for Venom, Spider-Man's nemesis. Way to represent, Venom fan.

  35. So tim brown's speech is longer than your longest line.

  36. Has anyone else seen these commercials?

  37. I've seen them while traveling in the south, Danimal.
    Very weird. Almost as weird as a Zaxby's commercial.

  38. Junior Seau has gotten us back on schedule.

  39. i'm enjoying jerome bettis

  40. Roethlisberger is rocking Garanimals.

  41. Zaxby's is the lowest level of fast food in terms of concept. It's god damn delicious though.
