Saturday, August 22, 2015

Gheorghe Explains the Election

(This is the second in an occasional series of posts that will continue until we forget to do the next one, or get bored, or see a shiny object that dis...oooh, squirrel!)

It's a measure of how low our societal expectations have sunk that the Deez Nuts phenomenon has enough oxygen to become more than just an ember, drifting at the far fringes of our national electoral bonfire. But as first Donald Trump and now Deez Nuts' rise show in stark terms, people just want to watch the motherfucker burn.

As most of you know by know, Deez Nuts is the brainchild of 15 year-old Iowa native Brady Olson, who registered Nuts as an Independent candidate for President of the United States of America. Pretty good prank for a high school sophomore to begin with, but as of this writing Deez Nuts is polling in the high single digits in Presidential polls in North Carolina, Minnesota, and Iowa.

Tom Jensen, the director of Public Policy Polling initially began including Deez Nuts in his surveys as a lark, but changed his mind when he saw the results, Says Jensen, "I would say Mr. Nuts is the most ludicrous and unqualified third-party candidate you could have, but he’s still polling at 7, 8, 9 percent. Right now the voters don’t like either of the people leading in the two main parties, and that creates an appetite for a third-party candidate."

Deez Nuts has a campaign website, and a platform best described as "decently aware high school libertarian". But where Mr. Nuts truly has struck a chord is in his motivation. As he tells Rolling Stone in answer to the questions, "Is [this] some kind of statement on our two party political system? and Why did you decide to run for President?", "Half trying to break the two-party system, half frustration with the front-runners", and "Because I really didn't want to see Clinton, Bush, or Trump in the White House, so I guess I'm just trying to put up a fight."

Burn motherfucker, burn.


  1. Jump motherfucker jump motherfucker jump.

  2. watched the first three episodes of wet hot american summer last night. it's so stupidly brilliant.

  3. Following up on the Hard Knocks comments from the last post...I too love Vince Wilfork. Hes got a little game on the court too. Brian Cushing is exactly the roided up meathead I expected him to be. This pleases me. Not as much as Bill O'Brien's love of Rick Ross does though.

    Ben Jones (the fat center wearing the breathe right type strips at the end of episode 2) is a part of an epic story that will be revealed here on G:TB at some point. I've told Rob and TJ about it.

  4. weenie will be on live national television at 7:25 on nbcsn, jumping into bristol motor speedway with the american flag in advance of the nascar sprint cup race.

  5. Ben Jones could not be more southern. He also looks like he is an overgrown 14 year old. The assistant strength coach's Macho Man was a solid B/B+

    O'Brien might be the most hardknocks-ready coach since Brian Billick. Comes off as prepared, thoughtful, emotionally intelligent, hip, hardass, and well-liked and respected by his players.

  6. What's the point of unscented fabric softener sheets?

  7. i'm still trying to finish the "wet hot american summer" movie. do i have to finish it to watch the show?

  8. you should binge watch the movie, dave. won't take you more than a few hours.

  9. That's prolific ADHD, binge watching a movie, Dave. In all honesty, the movie fell short of my hopes for it. I like the show better thus far.

  10. the show format is better for the completely idiotic genius. but the movie had some moments of brilliance, too. lots of stuff in the show sets up stuff in the movie, so might even be better to watch the series first.

  11. I want more of the Macho Man impersonation. I'm pretty much in for any Macho Man impersonations, regardless of the venue.

    Ben Jones' southerness plays perfectly into the Ben Jones related story I have to tell. I promise it's worth the wait.
