Thursday, August 27, 2015

Entrance Song to a Lovemaking Session

I used to watch a lot of the MMA pay-per-views with friends a few years ago. We would compare entrance songs of different fighters and talk about what we would use in the unlikely (though slightly more likely after several drinks) event we become professional fighters. Of course, this was all done while acknowledging there was no topping old school Mike Tyson's entrance with Welcome to the Terrordome cranking in the background.

Anyhoo, I stumbled on the song below a few months back (thanks to our good friends on the Deep Tracks station at SiriusXM) and fell in love with it immediately. Earlier this week, as I navigated the subway to get to my train home, I tried to contextualize (in my own head, of course, where most of my conversations occur) why I loved this song. It took me a while, but I think I finally came up with the context in which this song was perfect.

What if men and women walked into bedrooms for lovemaking sessions like fighters walked into boxing rings for fights? What if there were 10,000 folks there to cheer you on? What if I was in a robe, walking slowly, while an entourage massaged my traps, carried gels, lubes, toys and sexual accoutrements, held my heavyweight champ lovemaking belt high in the air and whispered encouraging words into my ear to ensure the fires raged underneath my lustrous groin beard? What song would fit that scenario and get me fired up for a funkadelic romp under the sheets? Well, this song would.

So, um, yeah. That's what I have to say about this tune. Give it a whirl and try to forget the awfulness in the world for five minutes. 1970 side project by Jerry Garcia and keyboardist Howard Wales? Count me in.


  1. i knew this was a tr joint before i got to the bottom of the post. this is what gheorghe was founded for. i feel like we've finally discovered our special purpose. most excellent.


  3. Garcia dropped some heady nuggets in 1970.

  4. More like Howard Wales, heh?
    Now I just need to get the image out of my mind.

  5. tr, i think you're talking about making a pornographic film, and this track is perfect for it . . .

  6. I pretend I am in one every time I am intimate with a woman. You don't?

  7. I film every intimate experience I have with a woman. You don't?

  8. I always imagined my entrance would be the guitar riff from Camel Walk by Southern Culture on the Skids. And the howl, too.

  9. I love Camel Walk. Not sure yet if Mayhugh just ruined it for me or made it even more classic.

  10. I knew this was TR as soon as I read "lustrous groin beard".

  11. I read Wright Thompson's piece on New Orleans 10 years after Katrina last night. It's brilliant. You should read it too.

  12. I think someone else is supposed to nominate you.

    Here's the video of "Camel Walk" by SCOTS. Excellent call by Mayhugh.

    Little Debbie, Little Debbie!!

  13. just got word that dave's on the 15-day disabled list with a pair of shoulder strains caused by overzealous self-backpatting. don't look for any new content from him for a few weeks.

  14. R.I.P. Chocolate Thunder. Hope they have shatterproof hoops in heaven. (Or not.)

    Revel in what he brought the world.

  15. i'm exhausted after that one . . .

  16. Dave killed the rhombus. The logical progression was to Humpty Hump, then all bets were off.

  17. En route to a bachelor party for a second marriage. Steaks but no PUSC on the horizon.

  18. I just remembered college football starts in 6 days, and my day instantly got better.

  19. It actually starts tomorrow with North Dakota State-Montana. It's FCS but it's high level FCS. And Musberger is on the call. That's good enough for me at this point.

  20. Wow, thanks for the heads up. I'm game for that.

  21. Uh...Illinois just fired their head football coach a week before the season starts? I CANNOT wait to hear the real story behind this.

  22. It was because he kept pronouncing it "Illinoise." One time too many, apparently.

  23. Apparently Beckman was a real life Coach Bud Kilmer.

  24. A number of his former players have been accusing him of some terrible shit for some time now. The administration must've confirmed much of it, and probably worse, if they fired him at this point in time.

    They should bring Ron Zook back.

  25. If you're looking for a football fix tonight, two of Florida's (and the nation's if we're being honest) top HS programs play on ESPN tonight. Booker T. Washington (Miami, public) vs St. Thomas Aquinas (Ft. Lauderdale, private). Booker T win the "national championship" two years ago and has won 4 straight state titles in Florida's largest class 8A. St. Thomas was won multiple national titles and has put more players in the NFL than any high school in America.

  26. florida has 8 different classifications? that's crazy talk.

  27. Yacht rock station on Sirius?

  28. I could be persuadded to listen to some really smooth music.
