Friday, June 12, 2015

Last Day of Summer

This deserves a much fuller treatment, but I have neither the time nor the inclination to write a bunch of words for an audience that rises and sleeps in a world made better by Dan Povenmire and Jeff Marsh.

The greatest children's television show of my parenting era signs off tonight. It's the 104th day of summer in Danville, home of Phineas and Ferb. (Also, Baljeet, Buford, Isabella, Candace, Perry the Playtpus, Heinz Doofenshmirtz, Norm the Robot, and assorted others.)

My kids don't watch much P&F these days, their attention shifting to Instagram, Netflix, Dan and Phil (what an insane shitshow those two vloggers are), and other pastimes. But they, like their father, loved the show for a period of time.

From the perspective of the youth set, Phineas and Ferb (stepbrothers with a penchant for invention, subversion, and witty bon mots) are an object lesson in creativity, self-reliance, inclusion, problem-solving and teamwork. With some young love, a little whimsy, a lot of music, and a dash of libertarianism.

And for parents, the show offered a relentlessly positive message for kids wrapped in an entertaining, adult-winking, rock-soundtracked, cheer and pro-learning package. Boredom, even in the summer, was never an option for our heroes. Nothing to do? Invent a time machine. Travel through space. Build a robot. Start an army. And avoid getting busted by your teenage sister.

This post fails completely to do Phineas and Ferb justice. Just watch tonight. And again and again.

In the words of Buford, 'Yippee Kai-ay, you pharmacist freaks.'


  1. I wanna hear that Phineas and Ferb joint.

    Phineas and Ferb again?

    Ah yeah, again and again!

  2. *tips hat in Zman's direction*

  3. entering canada. anyone have anything to declare?

  4. Taylor ham >> Canadian bacon.

  5. Neal Peart is one great drummer.

  6. I hate Rush. The Barenaked Ladies can jam themselves too.

  7. Many people do not know that Men Without Hats are Canadian. Many more have never heard their music.

  8. our hotel has 'japanese' toilets. bumwashery shall commence in short order.

  9. This is bizarre.

  10. Stayed a couple nights at the Hard Co...err eh...Hard Rock. Of course I gambled a little and actually won a few shekels. On Wed I was seated next to a big horse trainer guy that lives in Ocala. Breaks young horses before they go to the Baffert's of the world....told me that American Pharoah will sell for $100M.

  11. I support Poutine in all forms.

    The Rachel Dolezal story is crazy. I have so many questions. Also, Twitter was hilarious in their discussion of it last night.

  12. i haven't seen phineas and ferb in a long time . . . we've moved on to parks and rec and bob's burgers.

  13. I did a 1-mile fun run w/ my boys this morning for the town's big summer shindig.

    Watching 300 5-9 year old kids start a race is hilarious. They sprint all out and totally bump into each other. It's like bumper cars. Collisions, screaming, crying, bloody knees, anguish. And it was a slight downhill to boot, which only added momentum to the chaos.

    Watching little kids fall and cry. It's hilarious!

  14. Currently watching LesboPeep do a Tough Mudder race. This shit is no joke. 95 degrees VA summer humidity ain't helping anybody.

  15. This is why they invented air conditioning. Tough Mudders are insane. Good luck to Lesbopeep

  16. I've done a Tough Mudder and am scheduled to do another here locally in November. I was inspired by Rob and was going to do a Spartan race but the one in Miami is happening in December when I'll be in Peru for my friend's wedding. I'm always picking South American vacations/blow over hardcore exercise.

    In less healthy news, I went to the local brew pub for lunch today and they had a fried bologna sandwich with a fried egg on special. I got it and it was delicious. My old man used to make me fried bologna sandwiches all the time growing up. Being (somewhat) poor wasn't all bad.

    Now I'm smoking chicken thighs (for pulled chicken) and chicken wings. I've poured myself an afternoon bourbon because, well, I've earned it.

  17. i haven't earned it yet, but i'm drinking beer. kids sleeping over for ian's birthday and we are dog-sitting so we have an extra dog in the house.. i need to insulate my consciousness, there's way too much movement for such a pleasant afternoon.

  18. not that i'm complaining. it would be worse if i had lyme's disease (i find it wildly improbable that i haven't ever gotten lyme's disease, considering the amount of time i've spent outside, the number of ticks on me and my dogs, and all the deer that our roaming our neighborhood . . . though i did read that deer are the least likely animal to carry ticks with the disease-- it's usually on mice and chipmunks).

  19. Lyme disease always reminds me of the girl on Real World: Seattle who lost her shit and blamed it on Lyme Disease.

    My pulled chicken is delicious, by the way. Getting a smoker was a great investment. I get to drink and nobody cares because I'm cooking for the family.

  20. saw a capybara, some puffins, a shitload of eurotrash, and two tight soccer matches today. montreal doesn't suck.

  21. Florida is beating the shit out of Miami in Omaha. 15-3 in the 8th. I've still got it in the second TV because...fuck Miami.

    The University. Not the city.

  22. This boxing match on HBO has no juice.

  23. I drank more bourbon than I meant to tonight. I guess I win. Capybara are my shit, with respect to giant rodents.

  24. Capybara are far superior to Nutria.

  25. Rob - ditch the ladies and go to St. Catherine St.

  26. (to see different kinds of ladies)

  27. Quite an entertaining match between Slovenia and England.

  28. It took me two minutes to start shouting at zfather after arriving at his house. zson has a life threatening peanut allergy, so zfather naturally has two giant bowls of peanuts on the table.

  29. Oysters, clams and cockles!

  30. Last episode!

    I also left on a shouting note when they served a cake laced with peanuts for dessert.

  31. We got drunk with Mr and Mrs Marls this weekend.

  32. I can't fucking stand Dellevedova.

  33. i played pong on a 10' x 10' screen today. pong! canada is old school.

  34. For some reason I picture Zfather as Millhouse's dad. I can't blame you for shouting - that is effed up. I have a kid with Celiac, and my folks have been really good about making sure he can eat safely at their house. And he's not even threatened with death, just severe intestinal discomfort and small intestine damage, NBD.

  35. Say what???

  36. zfather is probably just trying to "toughen up" zkid. remember, peanut allergies didn't exist in our parents' generation so they don't believe until they actually witness some kid going into anaphylactic shock (even then, they are likely to blame it on a bee sting).

  37. Ironically, zfather has a somewhat severe bee sting allergy.

  38. This just in, diverticulitis is painful. Wish it upon your enemies.

  39. i knew you jerks couldn't be trusted to handle the responsibility of gtb with me out of the country. i bet tr got into the liquor cabinet, and dave toilet papered the neighbor's house.

  40. I of all people has a post! But accidentally failed to save it recently. How the hell do I recover that? Anyone? And no, it is not in the recycle bin.

  41. or HAVE a post.

    Squeaky...I don't feel your pain but my dad does. He's had it forever. Not fun.

  42. Danimal, he hasn't surgery to 'correct' the issue?

  43. he has but didn't get entirely fixed. he had some other stuff going on though. it wasn't a singular issue.
    you'll be a.o.k.

  44. my 13 year-old thinks the 'mom, mom, mommy, lois' family guy bit is hysterical. so we hear it 30 times a day. i blame teejay.

  45. I do that Family Guy bit with my mom too Rob.
    She fails to find the humor in it too

  46. do i want to make a "podcast of dave"?

  47. I've been doing that to my mother for 35 years or so.

  48. You all re funny.
    Thanks for the post, Rob, because we didn't know, and while not having watched in a while, we did watch the finale. And it was great!
    And we are in OBX, Tortugas' Lie shall happen...yay!!
    Enjoy FIFA Canada...that is cool!

  49. nice work, dicks.

    also, hello shlara and donna!


    Les is on now
    U.S. States in the title

  51. Florida hosted a big time QB recruit on campus today whose twitter handle is @PassDMC. I love this guy already.

  52. uswnt is letting nigeria stay too close. i saw this movie yesterday in montreal, and canada didn't like the ending.

  53. Pretty cool of Fox to put the USWNT games on Fox, and not bury it on their sports channel.
