Saturday, April 25, 2015

This Is What I Do*

Thursday was Bring Your Child to Work Day, so for the first time in years, my little one came to the office with me. Several of my colleagues very graciously spent time with her, talking about their jobs and what we do as an organization. The last conversation she had was with a guy who's an internationally recognized expert on virtual criminal networks, the underground economy, and counter-terror investigations. He talked to her about how we use computers to help stop bad people from doing things that hurt us.

As I packed up my things in preparation to leave, she grabbed a dry-erase marker and began drawing something on my whiteboard.

I think that'll stay there for a while.

Coincidentally, I've been recording a podcast at work for the past few months with several colleagues, including the one that inspired my daughter. It's nominally about technology's impact on our lives, touching on issues ranging from privacy to sports to movies. As you'll learn if you listen to it, there's a high degree of dipshittery involved, as well.

The podcast is entitled 'Wait, What?', and it's available here. According to the marketing team that supports it (wrap your nugget around the fact that there's a marketing team that supports it for just a minute), it's the most-downloaded podcast on my employer's network by a large margin.

We're going to be interviewing guests starting in May, so if any of you...know anyone interesting, please let me know.

* - Apropos of nothing, I stole that headline from a song off of Rhett Miller's solo record, The Instigator. His new record, The Traveler, will be released on May 12. And his website was just hacked by ISIS. I assume the two things aren't related.


  1. I use a computer. I own many pieces of computer like technology. You should have me on as a guest. Or not.

    I'm working an Indian MD event this morning. It promises to be quite boring. I downloaded 'Whiplash' to my iPad though. That should get me through the long, dull periods when these guys are listening to CE presentations.

  2. Flantzeroo showed up on my FB feed this morning. That was...unexpected.

  3. my older daughter made the all-state middle school choir, about which i'm incredibly proud. but which also means i'll spend the next 7 hours at a sheraton while she rehearses. this part, less fun.

  4. Continuing a thought from the last set of comments, the most surprising aspect of Jenner's interview was that the deepest, most fully formed and well adjusted advice to Jenner came from ... Kanye West?!

  5. I was overserved last night. I may have almost confused our hamper w/ our toilet. Wife is LOVING me right now. That hasn't happened in many years.

    My pennance is kid activities all day. Pork roll, egg and cheese sandwich is the only thing that's kept me going. I feel turrible.

  6. I've never been to Indian, MD. But I know about computers, too.

    And Jerry... are we going to talk about it?

  7. TR went full Najeh, Davenport last night?!!?


  8. There was no comma in between Indian and MD in my comment, Clarence, so eat it. Dick.

  9. But there was a comma between Najeh and Davenport. Weird.

  10. That's what Kanye needs too....some positive reinforcement to boost his self esteem. Jeezus.

  11. There was a comma. I blame the fact that I was walking and typing.

  12. reminds me of when one of my college roommates who will remain nameless mistook his architecture project (a 3-D model of a building) for a urinal. he was wearing tighty-whiteys and i had to grab him around the middle and lift him up so he stopped spraying his school work.

  13. Goblet of Fire - worst Potter flick of the bunch, right?

  14. Gheorghies--do I buy a regular TV or a smart TV?
    I don't understand the difference, so I'm not sure I can handle a smart TV

  15. I've not seen a single minute of the Harry Potter films so ill take your word for it, TR.

  16. I'm sitting in a biergarten, eating ghoulash and listening to The Band. Nice Saturday evening.

  17. Is Monica Lewinsky at the WHCD? And was she just talking to Barry?

  18. If you have Apple tv or something similar you don't need a smart TV. If you want to stream Netflix, Hulu, etc then you need a smart TV or a stupid TV with an Apple TV. I have Apple TV and it works well. I think it costs $99 so my advice is get a stupid TV and an Apple TV and put the money you save towards a bigger stupid TV. Or just pocket it.

  19. A former high school gf is on 48 hours tonight. She's an attorney. A much better appearance than the old high school friend of mine who was featured on Dateline for murdering a stripper we went to high school with and dumping her body in the river.

  20. tr, obvs, man

    i just emceed the shit out of a fundraising gala. did you proud, gheorghies. to whom, hello.

  21. I think Order of the Phoenix was the worst. Way too much screen time for the second tier sidekicks and who wants to see Harry trying to impress someone other than Jenny Weasley?

    For those interested and with HBO, Wladimir Klitchsko fought his first semi-entertaining fight in 13 years tonight and they'll probably replay it tomorrow. "Dr. Steelhammer" has bearhugged his way through a slew of European opponents since realizing he had a glass jaw and a tendency to tire late in fights (I prefer to think of him as Dr. No Action or maybe Professor Grab Ass). But the ref was relatively effective in deterring his typical clinching and Wladimir had to fight an alert and defensive fight. It's the best I've seen from him since the early 00's.

    And Hi Gheorghies?
