Saturday, April 04, 2015

Florida Final Four Filler

Rob wants a new post for tonight's National Semifinal games. Probably because he'll be checking in via his phone as he's out enjoying Teejfest. Selfish fucker.

Of course, he's also right. We do need a fresh thread for the evening. While you await tonight's games, can I interest you in a trip down memory lane with the last Repeat champion in College Basketball?


  1. And thanks Mark. Had full intent on filling Rob's request by gametime but couldn't get around to it because superdad.

  2. I'm smoking wings tonight. Also a trial run on smoking lamb because Easter and whatnot. I'm worshipping at the church of basketball and BBQ tonight. Ill be skipping actual church tomorrow.

  3. There's a new Mad Max movie? And Mel Gibson's not in it? I mean, I know he's a dbag and holocaust denier, but he's Mad Max.

  4. i love worshipping mad max at dbag church!

  5. Mark, you selfish bastard, when is my care package of wings arriving?

  6. uh . . . does everyone else know there's a new mad max movie?

  7. I am sad to miss Teejfest (Happy birthday, dude), but I was excited to spontaneously initiate Zmanfest last night. The two of us drank somewhat irresponsibly and ended up being mesmerized by the breasts of the 50-something bartender. We could not decide if they were real or not, but we agreed they were spectacular.

    We got a nice late-night cameo from old Lammy Nick Huth.

  8. Travis Trice got 'em both shwacked, worst pain there is and it's trice as bad.

  9. Well played, Whit. That is painful indeed.

    High-level b-ball players should wear jocks. I'm guessing that''s not the case.

  10. Fuck jocks. The only time I ever wore them was way back in little league when state competition required it (they checked...weird). I've played basketball in boxers since high school.

    I'm coming to NYC in May. I expect to (finally) meet TR.

  11. the baby teejus was well feted. open question as to whether i'll make it to the kentucky/wisconsin tip.

  12. Was mildly dreading spending the night with the in-laws and grand-in-laws. Upon our arrival, mom-in-law informed me she had purchased a bottle of Jamo just for me. My dread and the green bottle's contents have rapidly waned. To put it differently, this night's fun factor, like Jesus Christ, has been resurrected.

    Bracing for lightning...

  13. Prepare to be as underwhelmed by me as you were by genitalian support, Mark.

  14. Is Denzel Valentine related to Billy Ray?

  15. Rob will make the UK-Wisconsin tip. He won't make halftime though.

    My boys don't need support, TR. Room to move. That's all I need. That's all I ask for.

  16. Those were some big old (literally) titties. She's a poor bartender--she routinely gets my drink wrong--but those "Guns of Navarrone" save her.

  17. Get a vasectomy and see how you feel about room to move. Gotta keep those jawns on lockdown until they heal up.

  18. I realize it's not popular to like Duke but I'm a big fan of Duke's top 3 players/freshman. Okafor is impossibly skilled for a 19 year old big man. Justise Winslow is a freight train and possibly my favorite player in CBB. And in the "heady freshman pg competition in CBB with questionable NBA prospects" over the past two years I'll take Tyus Jones over Tyler Ennis. That's a skilled and entertaining team.

    With that said, I'm impossibly geeked for Wisconsin-Kentucky.

  19. Don't smoke Buddha
    Can't stand Duke

  20. I'll pass on the vasectomy. I also realize I'm in the minority with my boxers/exercise opinion. Still, it's not like I'm going commando out here...

  21. I'm here, boys. And I'm going commando.

  22. Ever since John Starks twisted a nut so bad they had to cut it off, I keep my junk strapped tightly if I'm going to be running around.

  23. Serena Williams is 18-0 this year. She's also won her last twelve tourney finals matches in a row. Impressive.

  24. This game is highly entertaining. The Dekker-Cauley-Stein matchup is wildly intriguing.

  25. The intensity of this game is great.

  26. Squirrel has a high school baseball story that elicits cringes and groinal shielding every time.

  27. A grammar school buddy of mine went to a nearby high school and played lax there. He went cupless one practice and took a line drive to the jewels. Not sure exactly what happened, but the kid was out of school for two weeks.

  28. How much did Taco Bell have to pay James Harden to get him to straightfacedly assert that their breakfast sandwich has swagger?

  29. Decker was giving it to Cauley-Stein a bit off the dribble. Calipari switched Andrew Harrison on to him. Smaller, more agile on the perimeter and Dekker doesn't ahve the post game to take advantage of his height over Harrison..

    I'm generally not a big fan of either Harrison twin but both have been very good tonight. Andrew especially.

  30. "Yeah, that denim top. No, not that one. The one with the leather sleeves."

  31. Raftery clearly has no fucks to give about Grant Hill being in the 3-man booth. Grant has spoken about 5% of the time.

  32. As it should be. Rafters deserves most
    of the air time. He'll make it up to Grant by getting him wrecked tonight.

    I love Tyler Ullis.

  33. Both Kentucky and Wisconsin ate wearing jerseys designed for the NCAA tournament. They illustrate the difference in Nike and Adidas, respectively.

  34. Yeah, these adidas shorts with the big stripe at the top are goofy as hell. No idea why anyone cosigned that design.

  35. truth, mark. adidas hoops gear is an embarassment. and i'm generally team adidas.

  36. Lots of shots of the pep band, lots of close-ups of ugly players and fans, and tons of commercials. Not a lot of replays. Four times now I have expected a replay to clarify whether the refs got the call right, only to get an extended word from our sponsor or another look at doofy Jim.

  37. "This next song, I wrote after I killed a drifter to get an erection...FOREVER IN BLUE JEANS"

  38. Note to self: don't buy salmon or really any fish on markdown again.

  39. So they got Larry Moe and Curly to officiate this game?

  40. This game's way too good to be discussing the refereeing. But that's what's hapoening.

  41. Sam Dekker has made himself quite a bit of money in this tournament.

  42. That basket Wisconsin got after the clock expired was huge.

  43. No relation to Desmond Dekker, I am thinking.

  44. They should sell face paint removal kits at the exit of every major sporting event. That blue shit looks like it will take a long time to get off.

  45. Wisconsin got the benefit of a number of questionable calls tonight. They were the better team tonight though. Monday night should be fun.

  46. kentucky had absolutely zero offense in the last five minutes. terrific defense by the badgers, and a complete failure by the cats.

  47. No doubt. Kentucky got some baloney calls/no-calls too in their favor.

  48. I love that showing crying, spoiled kids from losing teams is now the norm.

    Refs were shaky each way over the course of the game. Wisconsin played better. And Mark is right on Decker. He's showed a big set of stones in the tourney.

    Sconnies are hard to hate. Unlike Dukies.

  49. can you recall a game where the unaffiliated audience will be as strongly in favor of one side as we'll see on monday? duke/unlv, maybe?

  50. Kentucky did nothing after swatting the Badger in the face and getting a no-call. Bo Ryan had those famous words for the refs and Jobu and decided they would do it themselves.

  51. Sir Charles as they were going through the game replays:

    "Well, if you can slap a guy in the face and they aren't gonna call it, take an extra shot after the shot clock runs out and they won't call it, either."

  52. Is that the last game Calipari ever coaches for Kentucky?

  53. Where do you think he would go?

  54. Aside from the fact that he has to live in Kentucky, calipari has a remarkably sweet gig IMHO. I'd prefer his job to, say, the Timberwolves. I don't know which NBA teams will have vacancies though.

  55. Z- I agree that Cal has a great gig at UK. I feel like his lack of success in the NBA nags at him and he wants to prove he can succeed at that level. That said, I wouldn't be shocked if he stays at UK.

  56. commercials were so simple back then. no irony in that guy.

    clarence, do you remember my nemesis in college?

  57. If you were in last year Masters pool and wish to partake again but did not receive an email this evening with pool info, let me know. And if you have not partaken but would like to, let me know.
