Tuesday, March 17, 2015

You Want to Create Joy?

He's been variously described, with some accuracy, as a huckster, a cheater, an opportunist, and a genius. He's also managed to put together one of the great collections of collegiate talent in history. 

John Calipari has been called all those things, but there's little doubt about his motivational acumen. I couldn't help but love this quote from the Kentucky coach during the SEC tournament. When asked about how he kept such a large group of mega-talented kids playing together, he said:

God help me, but John Calipari sounds Gheorghey. And there's a part of me that actually kinda wants to see Kentucky pull off the 40-0 season. (There's another part that would be thrilled to see Wichita State pull the ultimate revenge move in the Elite Eight.)

We won't start paying attention to the NCAA Tournament until tomorrow, as the Tribe takes on Tulsa in the NIT this evening. But the opportunity to see greatness is before us, people of Gheorghe. Enjoy the next few weeks.


  1. I have to say I feel much better about Laettner as a dude. He was at the Y two wkds ago as his kid had a bball game. I was leaving w/my kids who I had locked in daycare for a bit. There was a great opportunity to approach and have my son meet him. No way. But I wouldn't hesitate now and won't if the opportunity presents itself. We'll probably become BFF's. That'll be cool.

  2. Oh. And Happy St. Patrick's Day. I will be meeting my entire family for lunch - corned beef and cabbage of course, and a beer, at lynch's irish pub.

  3. Definitely pulling for Kentucky to go undefeated, if only because Jerry once told me it was un-American not to cheer for excellence.

    Somebody (Mark?) give me team that is a sneaky 4-7 seed that I should be getting behind to get a little further than they should.

  4. I liked the Laettner doc too. Would've liked a bit more color on his NBA career. I didn't realize he had a 13-yr run. I had no idea he had a working class upbringing.

    I also didn't need the gay rumors section. It means my kid only gets to watch the first half.

  5. Sorry that him being called gay for two decades impacted you, TR. Heh heh.

    I know why Rob is more dormant than usual (post-NOLA), but why everyone else? Anyone out there doing up St. Pat's proper?

    Weekday St. Patrick's Days we used to hit the Dubliner in DC at 10am sharp, meander 20 feet to the Irish Times about 2pm, and then start fading to black in the memory bank. That was a long time ago.

  6. Your tax dollars at work.

  7. St. Patty's Day parade in midtown NY is a douche convention.

  8. I'm out drinking. Kids and wife in tow for now.

  9. mark, i'm happy to lose money in yet another pool. what are the details?

  10. Impacted! Ha!

    zdaughter contracted a cold whilst in Vegas and sneezed into my open mouth, shooting a little zbaby clam down my throat. Needless to say I now have the cold so I am laying low for St. Pat's.

  11. i will be celebrating st. patty's day coaching soccer in gale force winds.

  12. I'm having my first beer of the day whilst waiting on takeout food for the family. Going to be a quiet St. Patrick's Day. I'm off Thursday afternoon and Friday though.

    Re: The Laettner doc. If you enjoyed it, I highly recommend The Last Great Game. It's about Duke-Kentucky 92 but gives you tons of background on all the major players involved in that game.

  13. Rob- I'll send you a link to the pool.

  14. So I filled-out 2 brackets - the realistic one where UK wins it all, and the other impossible/unbelievable things happen, Maryland beats UK, and UVA wins it all. And Shaka's young un's at VCU make the elite 8. Here's to dreaming!! And just for fun...
    And right now we are watching Hampton (who has a losing regular season record and somehow won their conference) be ahead of Manhattan!
    My oldest son has Arizona beating UK!

  15. tribe doesn't look out of place in this one. need to make a few shots.

  16. down 7 at the break. should be closer. we can play with these guys.

  17. It could be closer. Thankfully the worldwide leader is kind enough to let me stream the tribe. Either that or my cable company is subsidizing it so they can show me all four of their ads on a loop.

  18. down 21, then had a chance to tie the game at the buzzer. can't be disappointed in that team. really sad to know we'll never see marcus wear green and gold again, though.

  19. damn, we had chances on chances on chances in that second half. marcus dragged us back into it, then missed his last nine shots.

  20. I guess everyone is hungover from St. Patrick's Day and the Tribe loss?

  21. was pretty lame last night. got home very early and sipped on jameson. groggy for sure.
    others in the area not so much - below my office window is a general parking area for many of the bars here at jax beach. witnessed more than a couple of drop-offs/walk-of-shame scenarios with girls still in their green garb giving awkward good-byes to their recent conquests. hussies. when will men cease to be objectified?!

  22. or cease being rather. whatever. you get my point. it needs to stop!

  23. My St. Pat's evening began like this. Technical difficulties at first, but we got through it for a show with songs about drinking.

  24. you played happy hour! right on.

  25. 10:30 PM start time for Hawks-Warriors is sub-optimal.
