Friday, March 27, 2015

This scene aptly depicts the UK/WVU game from last night

*K-Billy's Super Sounds of the Seventies softly plays in background*


  1. missing the gasoline, but pretty good.
    I'm expecting not to hear any trash talking from the nd squad today.

  2. given the hillbilly connections of both schools, we could've also gone with a 'deliverance' theme. 'neers got beattyed last night.

  3. Poor Ned. Great career as a supporting guy, but his last name is now a universally recognized term for all-male anal rape.

    He was great in The Toy.

  4. NOVA folks, this is probably a bad idea but our company is looking for a new accountant. Any of you jokers know of anyone looking? The job is in Bethesda.

  5. once upon a time, greasetruck made a song about ned . . . if only burt reynolds showed up five minutes earlier.

  6. FIFO or LIFO Squeaky? Cash or Accrual?

  7. squeak is a rabid anti-marylandite

  8. The new Action Bronson album is fiyah. Hot fiyah, actually. Someone should review it and weave in deep insights from the "Blurred Lines" decision.

  9. if only we knew of a legal scholar with deep rap knowledge

  10. Don't forget Ned as Lex Luthor's inept henchmen Otis or as Dean Martin.

  11. Danimal, they don't pay me enough to know all that stuff. They just have to understand GAP accounting and the basic accounting tools from what I understand. CPA would be nice but not required.

  12. In my experience most accountants are tools.

  13. Dave, drop me a line. I'll be in your neck of the woods the week of April 6th.

  14. Was just toolin around there squeaky, trying to be funny, unsuccessfully. Hopefully someone out there is doubled over in laughter with my accounting humor.

  15. And for those that want to place bets for the march madness I'll be in Vegas all next week. And can make it happen if you like.

    Sidebar, from the travel updates, the new jon spencer blues explosion is pretty damn good if you like gritty, grungy blues rock with a little attitude. It's been a while since I last listened to their stuff.

  16. one guffaw in the credit column

  17. GAP accounting? Is that figuring out your blue jeans inventory!? It's GAAP accounting!

    (High-fiving Danimal)

  18. I thought about calling Squeaky out on the GAP snafu but everyone here already knows how cool I am.

  19. The CEO of Popeye's was on Fox Business channel today. Can you imagine how much free chicken she must get? I'd survive no more than 6-9 months in that job, all the grease would kill me.

  20. A friend of mine in high school got a job at KFC and they told him he could eat all the biscuits he wanted. He took them up on this and ate an entire tray on his second day on the job. They didn't bring him back for a third day.

  21. He ate the current assets did he?

  22. sabonis is like a more-skilled rodman. relentless. that whole gonzaga team is really impressive on offense, and big.

    and i see you, danimal. you're a real credit to our team.

  23. Sabonis is a nice luxury to have as your second or third big man. Karnousky is a fucking load too.
