Sunday, March 29, 2015

They're Playing Basketball

I introduced my daughter to this classic yesterday:

Her first reaction: "This is awful."

But at the end, "It's actually pretty awesome."

Yes it is, sweetheart.


  1. You should introduce her to 'The Breaks' now that she's aware of Kurtis Blow.

  2. zson announced that he doesn't want to wear underpants anymore. Commando from here on out. Unexpected.

  3. freedom from the tyranny of pants!

  4. My eldest goes commando whenever possible. You gotta pick your battles.

  5. My nephew is a commando kid. Whatever works.

  6. I agree with zson that underpants are stupid.

  7. The Atmosphere show I went to was stellar. Definitely in the top 2 of the 6 times I've seen them. Also, no hip hop group has more hot weird (tattoos, piercings, green, blue, etc dyed hair) female fans than them.

  8. Is college basketball the sport and level where coaching matters most?

  9. Nice reminder today to never bet against Sparty in March.

  10. stupid duke screwed up my beautiful bracket.

  11. mark's wife posted a cute picture of his kid on facebook today. my favorite part isn't his little girl, though. there's an awesome painting of a pit bull on the wall of her room. mark, where'd that come from?

  12. I love that painting too. My wife's best friend's husband is an artist. We have 4 paintings from him in our house. When my wife was pregnant we asked him if he'd paint a portrait of our older Pit (Tinsley) for my daughter's room. He came over and took a bunch of pictures of Tinsley and then painted that. It's hung above her crib and now her bed since we brought her home.

  13. that's excellent. even better that it's a portrait of your own puppy.
