Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Goodbye Winter, Hello Spring (Slouching Beast Style)

It has been a long, brutal winter in the Northeast: tough on the roads (i.e. potholes deeper than Rob is tall) and tough on our souls (and our soles . . . all the stomping around with my dog in the snow in Sorel boots-- which have very little arch support-- aggravated my plantar fasciitis).  I normally love the cold, but this winter was more than I could handle in good spirits. My only solace is that I didn't go Jack Torrance on my family . . . though I certainly came close. There was a night or two where I had this look in my eyes:

But it's over . . . or nearly over (snow in the forecast tonight) and what doesn't kill you makes you stronger, or at least makes you stuck inside with plenty of time to play the guitar. The result is two seasonally themed Slouching Beast songs.

The first song-- Long Winter-- was inspired by a Christina Gutierrez line from Serial . . . I recorded the vocals back in February, when it was zero degrees and extremely dry, and my voice sounds even raspier than usual. I was going to try again last week, but decided against it . . . as the final effect is more than fitting. It really has been a long winter, and my voice on the track is a testament to that. 

I'm very proud of my bass riff on this song (played on a short scale Danelectro Longhorn).

The second song-- Shining Incident (Averted)-- is a tribute to spring that rivals Vivaldi's masterpiece (there's some lovely vocals and a full fledged jazz interlude-- it's quite upbeat by my standards . . . aside from the ax and the undercurrent of violence . . . Seasonal Affective Disorder is a serious ailment,  and there needs to be more songs about it, as a lot of people north of the border lost their shit this winter). 

I have reason to believe
my wife is stepping out on me.

There's a guy who works the floor.
I think she's giving him something more
than she's giving me.

My kids are pale,
they creep and fail. No tooth and nail.
They do their hair.

There's nothing in there.

I have reason to believe
it will be a long winter.
Sun low on the horizon,
it's barely a splinter
in my eyes.

I have reason to believe
my new boss despises me.
She averts her eyes
every time I pass her by.
I don't know why.

I have reason to believe
it will be a long winter.
Sun low on the horizon,
it's barely a splinter
in my eyes.

When the fog rolls in,
and the rain begins,
you will call my name,
you will call my name.

And you will come to me,
in your weakest hour.
You will succumb to me--
feel my super power.

Remember December,
the glow won't go forever.
Remember . . . remember,
this won't last forever.

Put away the axe.
Let your mind relax.
Pour yourself a beer,
spring is near.

This time was close,
you were seeing ghosts,
but the sun melts the snow,
and the feelings go.

Encapsulate your rage,
your house becomes a cage.
Every sound you hear
devastates your ears.

But you made it, you made it,
the gray days finally faded,
and they made it, they made it,
your family's out of danger.

But remember December,
the glow won't go forever.


  1. It sounds like you've left your Animal Collective phase for a Dire Straits phase.

  2. gtb nit semifinal watch party in tysons this evening if you're in the area.

  3. very true zman, i like my new guitar . . .

  4. It's 80 in Denver. I'm sitting outside at an impressively staffed Tilted Kilt, getting sun on my face and listening to the restaurant crank "Hold on Loosely". Life is good.

  5. Wow. A patron nearby named DeSean is apparently celebrating his birthday. A waitress just yelled out "Attention diners! DeSean has to do a muffdive into this whipped cream bowl to find a cherry! And he can't use his fingers or teeth!"

    DeSean was a good sport, and just said out loud "I'm not used to doing this", which is funny on multiple levels.

    Happy Birthday, DeSean.

  6. I'd like to swap days with TR now, pls

  7. You want to spend the afternoon preparing a 20-minute speech you have to deliver to 500 people tomorrow?

    That threat is keeping me on Diet Coke and off of frat juice and the other recreational options available (sigh).

  8. Danimal, your handle should be Danelectro Longhorn.

  9. OK, so now it doesn't sound as great

  10. I can't argue with you Clare Bear. Maybe it's time for a new moniker.

  11. If only I played the gee tar.

  12. Would totes join you chaps in Tysons but in Duck for spring break. Bout to whip up some fish, steak, and shrimp tacos. Unlike DeSean, I do love me some tacos.

  13. it's a bass danimal, anybody can play the bass!

    i would swap the weather and give the speech, everyone will be so hungover they won't be paying attention.

  14. Yeah it's snowing here. I'd gladly bask in the sun today and give a speech tomorrow to avoid the cold and slush.

  15. I'll gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today.

  16. GQ has an interesting interview with Ad-Rock


  17. Run the Jewels put out a clean version of RTJ2 so you can bang it in the car with the kids and not feel bad.


  18. Chasson Randle looks like the guy in PCU.

  19. Very helpful, Zman! My boys will love the beats, but don't really need to know about smoking the kush and eating the p*** until they're 12.

  20. omar orderin' a sandwich at the cheese shop

  21. is tr's speech going to be viewable here today?

  22. Wonder if he went all Phil Davison?

  23. jimmye just walked into the delly. anyone got any questions for him?

  24. Hi Gheorghies. Finally getting back to my room in Vegas.

    How is the morning commute for you all?

  25. I envy Squeaky. I woke up to find out I lost my driver's license. I nearly got fingerblasted by TSA as an "Alt ID" traveller, but they let me in. Good times.

  26. The two hour break of drinking while playing blackjack last night seems to have saved from one ridiculously enormous hangover.

    I've reached my limit on Vegas for a while. Thankfully out of here in a few hours.

  27. hola spring breaking gheorghies!
