Wednesday, March 04, 2015

Evil Circus

I am slightly proud to announce that Slouching Beast has a live action music video. It's an instrumental piece called "Evil Circus" and it's the closest I'm ever going to get to "Eruption." It may very well be the most evil "evil circus" music ever composed.

Then there's the video. You should probably watch it first, so you can form your own opinion. It's SFW. If you get bored, fast forward to near the end-- three minutes in-- there's a cute moment with my kids. I recommend watching it with the lights turned off.

As you might have guessed, I coerced my children into shooting some footage, but we didn't shoot nearly enough (everyone got cold and bored) and so the subtitle of this song should be: How to Make a Three Minute Music Video With Thirty Seconds of Film.  Despite this shortcoming, there's no denying that my son's clown mask is very,very creepy.


  1. the last few days when logging on here to gtb, I get an audio only ad for dropbox. anyone else getting that? we get paid for that right?

  2. dear gtb,
    we have a person at the Y, we'll call him "Peter", who likes to shower with the curtain open. and when he's in there a good bit of his time is spent facing out, bent at the hips, letting the water rinse the old balloon knot. and when I say "a good bit of time", I mean it! several minutes - let's call it 3-4. it's an anal douche of sorts. and then when finished, he makes his way back to the lockers where we all get dressed, and goes to town in the same area with his towel. he just works it! and works it some more! this has been a practice of his for years. I am just now getting the gumption to discuss it here in this forum. it makes us a little uncomfortable. any recommendations?
    not down with brown

  3. Maybe ask him to close the curtain? And use toilet paper so he doesn't have these asscrack issues?

  4. one of the regulars closed it for him one day. he didn't get the message.

  5. To your first comment, Rob posted something last week that has an embedded video that automatically launches. Every time. It's incredibly annoying and means I no longer check GTB from work. I would say it's very bad blog etiquette except he's our best poster by far, so don't say anything.

  6. post more stuff so that moves off the front page.

  7. its messing up the audio in my video! wtf

  8. Saturday, April 4...BaconBaking had the idea of a Doughnuts, Drinking, Diabeetus tour in a party bus/limo for my birthday (alternatively titled Bakeries and Breweries). If I do this, anyone want to join? Just trying to get a sense before I book any such partytime vehicle

  9. that sounds most excellent. pending kidlet sports schedules, i'm in.

  10. "Doughnuts, Drinking, Diabeetus" in a tour bus might be the best idea I've heard in years.

  11. Greetings from NW Arkansas, where there are 2 inches of snow and ice and only 4 plows/salt trucks in the county. I may never get home...

  12. oofa. sorry to hear that. and was just about to complain about seeing girls in bikinis that shouldn't be. at 67 degrees, it's just not warm enough. how's it down your way mark?

  13. wish i could make it teej. we'll be heading up to vermont to snowboard. my wife is NOT happy that after this absurd winter, we are heading north for spring break.

  14. It's nearly 80 here, Danimal. Most excellent.
