Friday, March 20, 2015

Breaking Peep

Today we bring back an oldie but goodie as our March Madness Open Thread...



  1. That's my favorite peep diorama yet.

    I'm not sure what Kendrick Lamar was going for on his new album but, um, I'm not really feeling it.

  2. settle down, Slate

    RT @Slate: How should white fans approach the “overwhelming blackness” of Kendrick Lamar’s new album?

  3. I'm not with Slate here. Just too much of a spoken word poetry feel to much of the album for me.

  4. That's a stupid question. I would approach it the same way I approach anything by Public Enemy or Boogie Down Productions, or any other black artist with a political viewpoint like Nina Simone or Richard Wright or Spike Lee or James Baldwin or Maya Angelou.

  5. if you're jay larranaga, do you take the mason job or do you stay on brad stevens' staff?

  6. I stay with Stevens. I don't think Mason is a very good job.

  7. Mr. Truck should be nervous: SQURL, the band has now arrived.

  8. Sneaky snacky squirrel?,

  9. UVA should win handily, but a loss would be yet another -- comparatively mild but still crappy -- divot in one of the worst school years in the university's history. Tough year to be a Wahoo. It's enough to make me actually root for those pompous felchdogs. Never thought I would, but those clowns could use a distraction from week after week of ignominious headlines.

  10. Say It Ain't So is one of my all time favorites. Thanks, Clarence.

  11. Filet o fish with old bay tartar sauce. That is all.

  12. Oh, and still not rooting for the felchdogs.

  13. Sneaky Snacky Squirrel Game is owned by the Danimal clan. It's great fun.

  14. File this in the "worlds colliding" files.

    I often text w/ a group of high school friends that have the same low level of maturity as you clowns. For some odd reason, I was gonna respond to a friend's text w/ the "she's into muchachos, Dino" line from the censored version of a Weird Science. I wasn't exactly sure how the line went so I googled the phrase to see if the interwebs had the correct line.

    What do I see on the World Wide Web as the #2 search result for that phrase? Our very own blog. Congrats, folks.

    What was #1, you might ask? A North American Subaru Impreza Owners Club. Naturally.

  15. Say It Ain't So is now playing in this Virginia Beach bar. Cheers, Mark.

  16. UC Irvine's coach used to live across the street from me. I had a hoop at my house and he didn't. I used to throw him alley-oops for hours as a 12 year old kid.

  17. That's one of my go to bar jukebox songs, Clarence. Enjoy.

  18. The Friday games though not bad have lacked compared to yesterday.

  19. It's early. We'll not really for me. And Marls. Bet he doesn't see midnight tonight. Unless he's with Clarence.

  20. Clark Kellogg does not age.

  21. For telling an official that he sucks?

  22. Indiana fans want Crean gone it seems. I think Indiana has a higher opinion of itself than most others do.

  23. Marls - it's cute to watch the Johnnies act like they have a chance to win. They don't.

  24. Nope. When your best front line player gets suspended for 2 weeks during the tourney, you are in trouble.

  25. Speaking of folks who don't age, doesn't it seem like Ron Baker has been at Wichita State for 7 or 8 years?

  26. 38 months to 8 years in prison for (at least) 9 rapes is not long enough. Fuck Sharper. And fuck this 5 inches of snow that fell y/day and won't melt today.

  27. If I understand it correctly the 3-8 years is only to resolve the Nevada charges. Not sure if you can extrapolate anything from that to guestimate the total length but I'm guessing he's looking at a min of 15-20 years. And even if that is the case he's still getting off light.

  28. Oops, no, I'm probably wrong. Just read they may be running concurrently, not consecutively, apparently. Which would make his term shorter...

  29. lammies, pour a little out for the uber-fratre george beck, who passed away yesterday. not four years, but a lifetime for that dude.

  30. I am all sorts of hungover today. I fault the entire restaurant industry for universally over serving me yesterday.
